The Black Problem

It's also a perfect example of how government programs never die, they spread like a virus. From a simple POTS line to super smart phone access and now an attempt to ensure everybody gets interwebs access.

Yeah, companies like AT&T don't benefit at all from government, do they?
Vastly, most of the budget spent in Obama years could not be cut without overriding legislation congress is never willing to pass.

wait.....wasn't most of Obama's spending during the period of time his party controlled both the House and Senate?......why weren't they willing to pass changes?......because they passed the budget Obama wanted.........
wait.....wasn't most of Obama's spending during the period of time his party controlled both the House and Senate?......why weren't they willing to pass changes?......because they passed the budget Obama wanted.........

Was it?


Stay on topic, or this thread will be moved to the war zone, where you will find all threads that devolve to back and forth insults.
wait.....wasn't most of Obama's spending during the period of time his party controlled both the House and Senate?......why weren't they willing to pass changes?......because they passed the budget Obama wanted.........

Congress never wants to pass spend cutting legislation regardless of the majority.
They like getting re-elected.
As I noted before, vastly, most of the spending in the last seven years was appropriated to be spent by earlier administrations.

The Pastor keeps searching for ways to phrase his lie.

Stay on topic, or this thread will be moved to the war zone, where you will find all threads that devolve to back and forth insults.
How many didn't join? It's not like there are numerous black Republicans in Congress.

Yet there have been lots of black Republican candidates, haven't there?

Stay on topic, or this thread will be moved to the war zone, where you will find all threads that devolve to back and forth insults.
It is when you (the party) is willing to compromise fundamental beliefs in order to get votes. Too many believe it should be tell me what you want and I'll do it that way instead of here's what we believe, join us if you agree.

what fundamental beliefs? Are you suddenly pro illegal immigration? Illegal immigration is one of the issues that hurts blacks the most (50%) youth unemployment. Aside from illegal immigrants taking jobs from americans (inlcuding blacks) they also prevent them from developing the work habits essential to being successful in the future.

We just make no effort in reaching out to them because we have given up. And in this election cycle where repubs are anti tpp and dems are pro tpp it even makes more sense to reach out to them. The blacks kinda know as well that they are being screwed by dems they just need a valid alternative.
I posted no article. :dunno:


Your post had racist overtones that incorrectly assigned the Reagan phone program to the current president.
My post had the article that pointed out your error and it's racist implications, and documented both with factual evidence.
Your post had racist overtones that incorrectly assigned the Reagan phone program to the current president.
My post had the article that pointed out your error and it's racist implications, and documented both with factual evidence.

Care to explain how it had racists overtones?
Then why are so many of the recipients referring to it as the Obama Phones??
Care to explain how it had racists overtones?
Then why are so many of the recipients referring to it as the Obama Phones??

By now you should know better and you purposely choose the slur over accuracy. Some recipients may be young and may not know better. You do.
By now you should know better and you purposely choose the slur over accuracy. Some recipients may be young and may not know better. You do.

I see you're lack of an ability to produce anything that would support your erroneous conclusion, really means that you've failed and failed miserably.

I accept your defeat.

I see you're lack of an ability to produce anything that would support your erroneous conclusion, really means that you've failed and failed miserably.

I accept your defeat.


With that post, your cleverness is sorely lacking.
While your douchebaggery hits an epic high.
You do better when you are drinking.
With that post, your cleverness is sorely lacking.
While your douchebaggery hits an epic high.
You do better when you are drinking.

AH - YES, yet another pathetic attempt to recover from your massive failure.
Please stop and save what little dignity you may have left. :p