The Bush tax cuts are working?


Villified User
Waiting For A Promised Boost From Tax Cuts
Commentary: Years After Several Tax Breaks Took Effect, The Economy Has Nearly Stalled

June 25, 2007
President Bush, taxesPresident Bush pushed major tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, saying families and entrepreneurs would have "more to spend, more to save, more to invest," which would "help boost the entire economy and create jobs." But some economists say that still hasn't happened. (AP)


"Sadly, this appears to be another case of ugly facts discrediting a beautiful theory."
Economist Paul Kasriel, on the administration's
argument that supply-side tax cuts
boost private savings

(Christian Science Monitor) Economist Paul Kasriel is still twiddling his thumbs, waiting for the predicted good results in the economy from the major tax cuts of 2001 and 2003.

In an analysis a month ago for his bank, Northern Trust Co. in Chicago, he referred to the famous Samuel Beckett play, "Waiting for Godot," in which Godot never shows up.

Last week, Mr. Kasriel said he still can't detect the promised big boost in national output, investment, and savings from what economists call "supply side" tax cuts made by a GOP-led Congress and approved by President Bush.

"The data don't seem to support the hypothesis," he said in an interview.

Of course remember that Christian Science Monitor is a liberal outlet :rolleyes:
Yes, comments Mr. Bernstein, these tax cuts did redistribute income to the "investor class – those at the top of the income scale."

Lets all just quit working producing anything and play the market ?
you knew I jump in on this turbo lib shit.
The investor class is still being rapped.
I paid $18,000 in taxes already excluding any capital gains tax.:readit:
So what I have probably paid more than that so far this year.
But I am not whining about it.
Too selfish to give your contribution to our country ? Oh yeah you did say something about Americans being more Generous than the Chinese didn't you ;)
You are not an American ?

Turbo lib sh$$$ from the Christian Science Monitor ???
Bullshit grampy, anybody paying 50,000 yr is paying too much.
We have a spending problem not a taxing problem
35,000 earmarks already by the Congress that was going to kill them. LOL
Bullshit grampy, anybody paying 50,000 yr is paying too much.
We have a spending problem not a taxing problem
35,000 earmarks already by the Congress that was going to kill them. LOL
Fond memories of "pay as you go" lasted as long as their very first piece of legislation.
Yep they were a bit faster than Bush on his not being into nation building, etc..
Yep. And they didn't even have the excuse of "9/11 changed everything" to attempt to explain their lack of sticking to their promise. They just never intended to and made it very clear from the beginning.
Umm everything would include earmarks changing as well.
Everything is a pretty big umbrella.
But they don't have the excuse. You do remember that they were running after those attacks, don't you?

Bush used that inanity to explain away his broken promise not to nation build. There is no way for these people to use that excuse they made the promise long after 9/11 and broke it with their first legislation.
Years After Several Tax Breaks Took Effect, The Economy Has Nearly Stalled

Shall we file this under another one of those "No one could have predicted ____________! (Fill in with: planes crashing into buildings; Levees failing; tax cuts not working; iraqi insurgency; missing WMD etc.) statements
Years After Several Tax Breaks Took Effect, The Economy Has Nearly Stalled

Shall we file this under another one of those "No one could have predicted ____________! (Fill in with: planes crashing into buildings; Levees failing; tax cuts not working; iraqi insurgency; missing WMD etc.) statements


You are on fire today Cypress!
Lets see what happens in Q2 adn Q3, one qtr at 1% is nothing to worry about. 2 & 3 come in under 1 you can worry. Most economist are putting q2 above 2% easily
Lets see what happens in Q2 adn Q3, one qtr at 1% is nothing to worry about. 2 & 3 come in under 1 you can worry. Most economist are putting q2 above 2% easily

Have you seen the projections for Q6: This time it's personal?

It's looking good. But don't say where you heard it, the Q6 tip is on the QT.
Lets see what happens in Q2 adn Q3, one qtr at 1% is nothing to worry about. 2 & 3 come in under 1 you can worry. Most economist are putting q2 above 2% easily

By almost every economic metric, this is the weakest post-recession recovery on record. Or, at least since world war two.

thanks bush!