The Bush tax cuts are working?

Yes and USC is still wrong, if you keep studying the issue you will see why.
I don't need an article pulled up by a political hack for a talking point to know what's going on in tech.

Watch the Apple Iphone launch this weekend and tell me we are not tops in tech.
Google is tech, and they are king along with Microsoft, Intel, Apple and Cisco.
Yes we stopped manufacturing buggy whips long ago, that doesn't mean we aren't better off.:clink:
IT's funny how the anti bush's want to curse everything he's for when it's Iraq and corruption that lost it for them.
Certainly enough for Hillary to sink her teeth into and win big in 08
Hillary has ZERO chance of "winning big". She is polarizing and already has over 40% of the population against her. Which leaves her margin of error very small in comparison to other candidates. Bloomberg enters and wins the Presidency as an Independent candidate.
I'd gladly bet you right now heads up vs any republican of your choice and I'll thro in the archiologist dream McCain as a teaser.:clink:
I'd gladly bet you right now heads up vs any republican of your choice and I'll thro in the archiologist dream McCain as a teaser.:clink:

But, "winning big" top?

I think SF is right on that one (and I hate typing that phrase). I don't see her winning big. I'm not sure anyone can win big in our polarized times, but for sure not Hillary.
It won't be Reaganesque but I'd call a couple % points big since almost no neocon thinks she can win.
a couple of % points is "big"??? LMAO. Whatever man. Sure, she has a shot to win by a couple of points. But if a couple of points is a "big win", then Bush's 3 point win over Kerry was a landslide.
Yes, comments Mr. Bernstein, these tax cuts did redistribute income to the "investor class – those at the top of the income scale."

Lets all just quit working producing anything and play the market ?

You're an idiot. Investors have their place in a market and are just as important as employees and enteurpeurners.
USuneducated, watch the news friday night and you'll see something we produce when people stampeed each other in line to get one.

Anybody who says we produce nothing is showing their utter ignorance.:clink:
I'm guessing they use slave labor in china.
The profits are made in the USA and the design which is important.
Tell you grandkids to go to college and they won't have to be overly concerned with assembly (manufacturing ) jobs available.
Persnoally I want something more rewarding for my kids.
One will be head wrestling coach at the high school where be made the HS hall of fame.:clink: