The Bush tax cuts are working?

Umm I figure most of the parts are made somewhere in the Asia region. Tiawan most likely. A key chip might be made here, would be my guess.
BAHAHAHH, You figure (read guess)
Nice avoidance of the issue though.
Again do you aspire for you grandkids to assemble stuff ie make.
NOt me, we're above that now
BAHAHAHH, You figure (read guess)
Nice avoidance of the issue though.
Again do you aspire for you grandkids to assemble stuff ie make.
NOt me, we're above that now

We need jobs for the less educated as well.
A top heavy economy will not long survive.
BAHAHAHH, You figure (read guess)
Nice avoidance of the issue though.
Again do you aspire for you grandkids to assemble stuff ie make.
NOt me, we're above that now

Not everyone can go to college, not everyone will ever be able to go to college. If we made college free ( and we will never do that here), then still, not everyone could go to college.

A great part of the middle class was built on good, union, manufacturing jobs. They raised families and helped to support this country on those jobs.

Don't demean them Top.
No but my garbage man has the same formal education that you have.
I don't want my kids assembling stuff if you do that's fine.
We have passed that as a country and had you studied economics you'd understand. A lot of trailor trash call advanced degreed people elitist.
If elitist is understanding and adapting I'm elitist.
how'd the bowling go last night?
Hey! What's wrong with bowling?

It is an elitist thing Damo. You would not understand since you are not elitist.
Of course no one but the elitists even pretend to understand.
What is the purpose of being an elitist if you have no one to feel better than ?

If not bowling it would be shopping at wally world.
No but my garbage man has the same formal education that you have.
I don't want my kids assembling stuff if you do that's fine.
We have passed that as a country and had you studied economics you'd understand. A lot of trailor trash call advanced degreed people elitist.
If elitist is understanding and adapting I'm elitist.
how'd the bowling go last night?

Your garbage man has over 5,000 classroom hours in computer tech related subjects ? Why would he still be a garbage man ? for the health insurance ?
Nothing. If you're 50 years old, have a beer gut, wear a t-shirt that's too small, and have a wife named "Laverne"


I've bowled. It's not my favorite past time, for sure, but I've done it. You know, you have a couple of drinks, go with friends, it can be fun. Of course, if you have a couple of drinks, and are with friends, pretty much anything can be fun.

I've bowled. It's not my favorite past time, for sure, but I've done it. You know, you have a couple of drinks, go with friends, it can be fun. Of course, if you have a couple of drinks, and are with friends, pretty much anything can be fun.

I'm totally kidding. I've bowled too. Shoot, I come from a long line of union coal miners - I mean, those guys weren't exactly playing polo or yachting down at the yacht club ... maybe bowling is in my blood!