The Bush tax cuts are working?

I'm totally kidding. I've bowled too. Shoot, I come from a long line of union coal miners - I mean, those guys weren't exactly playing polo or yachting down at the yacht club ... maybe bowling is in my blood!

Yachting I could probably learn to like, but polo? They can keep it.

I knew you were kidding.
I'm totally kidding. I've bowled too. Shoot, I come from a long line of union coal miners - I mean, those guys weren't exactly playing polo or yachting down at the yacht club ... maybe bowling is in my blood!
really ? Coal miners from where ?
Yep , in Eastern KY where I grew up Coal is pretty much the only game around. All the other bussinesses are pretty much dependent on coal.
Ever read "Bowling Alone?"

It is a book that uses one interesting statistic as its inspiration for the title.

Bowling is at an all-time high in the US, conversely and oddly Bowling teams and leagues are at an all-time low.

The book suggests that Americans have become disconnected from other people and uses many studies and interesting statistics to make its case.
Ever read "Bowling Alone?"

It is a book that uses one interesting statistic as its inspiration for the title.

Bowling is at an all-time high in the US, conversely and oddly Bowling teams and leagues are at an all-time low.

The book suggests that Americans have become disconnected from other people and uses many studies and interesting statistics to make its case.

Wow, no. That is so weird. I would never go bowling alone, it's only fun because you're with friends. I would go to a movie alone though, sometimes I like the peace. But bowling alone, that's just weird.
Wow, no. That is so weird. I would never go bowling alone, it's only fun because you're with friends. I would go to a movie alone though, sometimes I like the peace. But bowling alone, that's just weird.

Well one can bowl alone, unlike wrasslin, kinda hard to do that alone ?
Need another good hard male body to sneak in some fondling on ;)
typical white trash Kentuckian,
Wrassling is an Olypic sport pursued by college athletes and college grads, again way out of your league and 100x more physically chanllanging than anything you'd ever done gramps.
My sons wrestle and play football for the bills, how bout slamming football next. I was poor growing up and I boxed, the rich kids wrestle.
I'd much rather you put me down than my start athlete sons you turd.
Oh no it is from a kids show on PBS.
I just dropped it out there to see if anyone else had seen that show.
It is better than American Idle.
You learn these things when you have grand children.
typical white trash Kentuckian,
Wrassling is an Olypic sport pursued by college athletes and college grads, again way out of your league and 100x more physically chanllanging than anything you'd ever done gramps.
My sons wrestle and play football for the bills, how bout slamming football next. I was poor growing up and I boxed, the rich kids wrestle.
I'd much rather you put me down than my start athlete sons you turd.

Who the heck is talking about your sons?
typical white trash Kentuckian,
Wrassling is an Olypic sport pursued by college athletes and college grads, again way out of your league and 100x more physically chanllanging than anything you'd ever done gramps.
My sons wrestle and play football for the bills, how bout slamming football next. I was poor growing up and I boxed, the rich kids wrestle.
I'd much rather you put me down than my start athlete sons you turd.

Not picking on your sons, I have always thought wrasslin was pretty dumb. and I feel pretty much the same about football.
So rich kids wrestle, that explains an elitists love of the sport :)