The Bush tax cuts are working?

I am picking on you Spin, your kids can't help being your offspring. They are innocent in the matter.
It just tickles me that you think wrasslin is such a grand thing, and now I understand why you feel that way.
I was a two leftfotted athlete who wasn't the best on his side of the block.
So my son being in the high school hall of fame and his schools only college all american was a great joy to watch.
Step son playing for the bills is pretty cool too.
I was not allowed to play baseball or anything in school as I did not have the required transportation to practice. And I was very good at baseball.
Just po white trash to you spinner.

I do understand you joy at seeing your kids do well though.
But I have to wonder a bit if they were pushed towards wrasslin for status reasons....
No way citizen and I was very poor as a kid too.
The played way more baseball and bball coming up. They/we chose a catholic school for academics and later found out about the great wrestling program.
It was 100% due to great coaching and earlier sports playing that did it.
Hey, nobody can stop us from going fishing that's for sure.
No way citizen and I was very poor as a kid too.
The played way more baseball and bball coming up. They/we chose a catholic school for academics and later found out about the great wrestling program.
It was 100% due to great coaching and earlier sports playing that did it.
Hey, nobody can stop us from going fishing that's for sure.

yeah down there, where I was it was quite a ways to a fishin hole.
Reminds me need to get the boat out and clean it up next week.

Might get my house sitting friend to get my boat ourt and check it out for me. Fishin next week fer sure :)