The Cackler wants us to be inspired to be inspired!

Yet it has pulled her to the brink of a toss up election, appears it works just fine for many

And please, spare us the inanity of ping ponging dumb statements made by both candidates, if you did, you would lose, Trump drops on everyday
Yet it has pulled her to the brink of a toss up election, appears it works just fine for many

And please, spare us the inanity of ping ponging dumb statements made by both candidates, if you did, you would lose, Trump drops on everyday

Poor anchovies,
And aren't you ashamed to say you support a candidate that has yet offered a concrete position on anything not to mention she has reversed herself on a dozen or more and when pressed, her campaign staff refused to comment 'at this time".
I sure hope conservatives keep using "cackle" to describe the laugh of literally any woman who gets close to the Presidency.

Half the population will really love that kind of lazy misogyny.
I can honestly say, that I have never witnessed Donald Trump ever laughing.

I like laughter, cackling, chortling, chuckling, clucking, HaHa-ing, hoop-hollering, snickering, giggling, whatever you want to call it and every form of it!

It is medicine for the soul!
I can honestly say, that I have never witnessed Donald Trump ever laughing.

I like laughter, cackling, chortling, chuckling, clucking, HaHa-ing, hoop-hollering, snickering, giggling, whatever you want to call it and every form of it!

It is medicine for the soul!
Plus it impresses a few dozen foreign heads of state when you have to think before you answer and repeat yourself twice in the same sentence.
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I'm not voting for Kamala Harris because of the sound of her laugh.

I'm voting for her because my party nominated her.

I'm voting for her because either she or a Republican is going to win,
and she's MUCH less far to the right of me than any Republican is.

I'm voting for her because a human, or a dog for that matter,
suits me more than a pigfucking orangutan.
Trump is the most classless vulgarian that I've ever seen in public office,
a category that's included many certifiably demented old Southern Republicans.

I was ready to half-heartedly vote for Joe Biden again, a good man but a tired man,
but now I'm actually excited to be voting for Kamala Harris.
This broad has the chops to do a good job.
I can see it.
I suppose you think you are the perfect person huh?
I am not the president of the free world where decisions are made by all the rest of the leaders as to what/who we have put in office. See N Korea firing missiles over Japan, China surrounding Taiwan, Russia invading Ukraine, Hamas attacking Israel, Iran, now rich with oil profits, nuclear capability, and no sanctions, funding other flare-ups in the Mid East.
Cackle away Heels UP. The woman is an absolute moron and anyone who does not demand she be put to the test with hard questions is even dumber.