The Cackler wants us to be inspired to be inspired!

What am I supposed to be looking for? She's smarter, more informed and MUCH more coherent than Trump.

Is this just a "she's a woman, they're dumb" thing?
Wow, smarter, more informed and much more coherent than Trump? LMFAO! This goes to prove how many (if not all libs)
are just plain stupid. Pour yourself another drink there bartender and sink yourself further into oblivion.
She's further to the right than even you? LMFAO.....Kamala is the most extreme, far to the left radical person ever to make it
as a senator and now as veep. And you are saying she's further to the right than you. Wow, you are one socialist/communist
anti American ever to be seen on any of these political forums. Cackler is anything but politically right.
Do you not know who Bernie Sanders is? How is it possible for you to be this ignorant?
I guess you are just so mired in your misogyny that you can't see the real world.
I can honestly say, that I have never witnessed Donald Trump ever laughing.

I like laughter, cackling, chortling, chuckling, clucking, HaHa-ing, hoop-hollering, snickering, giggling, whatever you want to call it and every form of it!

It is medicine for the soul!
complete with eye of newt.

no thanks.