The Cackler wants us to be inspired to be inspired!

I'm not interested in partisan takes.

It wouldn't matter who the Dem candidate is w/ MAGA. They'd be dumb, bumbling, have terrible ideas, et al.
You mean your only interested in your partisan takes. Why do you people think everyone is stupid as a leftist? Oh wait you're a stupid leftist, how the fuck would you know? My bad.
No. He wants to sound like a phony grifter with a 6th grade vocabulary and he manages to achieve that quite well. Did you buy one of the Trump watches that went on sale today? A $100,000 Trump watch?
Hadn't heard about that. So, is it a watch like a Micky Mouse one where Trump's arms tell the time but it is always wrong because it was made in like Mexico or China?
And Trump has offered a concrete position?

Saying you are going to do something, abolish this tax and that tax, is not a “concrete position,” details, not concepts make it a concrete position, and your Messiah has never offered details
Where have you been? Trump already cut taxes big time and stopped many if not all useless regulations on small businesses during his first term as potus. What details does he need to make? His actions in cutting taxes is enough for me, but obviously not enough for you.
He already has. I suggest you go read Trump's campaign platform.
If he's unable to read Trump's plan, then I suggest he listens to one or many of his rally speeches that outlines his plan in every one. But of course he's never going to tune into any of his rallies because they're on FOX NEWS and NEWSMAX, which are stations that present the facts 100% of the time.
If he's unable to read Trump's plan, then I suggest he listens to one or many of his rally speeches that outlines his plan in every one. But of course he's never going to tune into any of his rallies because they're on FOX NEWS and NEWSMAX, which are stations that present the facts 100% of the time.
I'd say it's more like 80% of the time, but that's like double what CNN manages and 12.5 times more than MSNBC...
Where have you been? Trump already cut taxes big time and stopped many if not all useless regulations on small businesses during his first term as potus. What details does he need to make? His actions in cutting taxes is enough for me, but obviously not enough for you.
Trump already described how he was going to accomplish his claims. They just want to deny he did. This IS the Church of Hate you are talking to, you know.
What does bernie sanders have to do with the the cackler's extreme radical left views? She's even more to the left than the communist sanders, and that's saying quite a bit.
What specific positions does Harris have that would make her left of Sanders?

Your misogyny is doing wonders for you. It shows you don't have a brain.
Ah, anything but a tu quoque fallacy, truth, ping ponging who said what with Trump is a losing game for the cult, Trump doubles down on his daily

You don’t even understand the Google list of fallacies you abort
Google is not God, Anchovies. A fallacy is an error in logic, which you deny.
You cannot get out of your fallacy by denying it!

So the guy is selling watches, bibles, shoes, hats, and god knows what else.
I'll pass on all of it. Overpriced, knock offs, and whatever hold zero interest for me. In fact, less than zero interest for me. I carry a pocket watch. Have to be 'dead front' when doing electrical work don't you know?


Mine is a half-hunter.
What specific positions does Harris have that would make her left of Sanders?

Your misogyny is doing wonders for you. It shows you don't have a brain.
Specific positions of kamala? She has none, but having zero specific positions on anything important doesn't take away from the fact that she's a Marxist, as well as her father being a Marxist. Need I describe a Marxist to you?
Specific positions of kamala? She has none, but having zero specific positions on anything important doesn't take away from the fact that she's a Marxist, as well as her father being a Marxist. Need I describe a Marxist to you?
If she has no positions then how can she be left of Sanders? It seems you just proved you are stupid.
For any one of those reasons alone , no one should vote for Kam...
I'm voting for Vice President Harris because if she doesn't win,
we'll need a foreign invasion to liberate us from fascism.

Trump supporters are either not sufficiently politically knowledgeable
or genuinely perverse. There's no third choice.

They're racists, xenophobes, misogynists, anti-intellectuals, and often afflicted with perverse religious superstitions.
They have already inflicted grievous harm on our republic. It MIGHT be irreparable harm already.

If they win this coming election, they will have completely destroyed the republic.
If anybody isn't already convinced that the American experiment has failed,
that will remove any doubt.