The Capitol Hill riot

Ignore him/she/it. It's like a leech that sucks fast. It's not good.

So lynching enforcement's condescending arrogant Freudian slip of this Christian Nation national religion suicidal Christiananality pedophilia dhimmitude servitude super egos where avoidance of homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming under color of law still has those crooks on Capital Hill as a one nation under God with equal justice under law patriot act riot as those burning Bush's Arab "death to the infidels" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate "man is God" Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations one of Eisenhower's WW II Pentagon retired staff sergeants in that "serve the Pope or die" Islamidiotocracy of problems in American politics; which is in that thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - absentee voting ballots arsonists tradition.
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SaltyDancin' makes more sense than GASPER.

It's not rocket science, so if over 60 years of West Nazi Germany Virginia's thieving US Constitution - old glory - absentee voting ballots arsonists in addition to some 50 years of SCOTUS Rehnquist's Bicentennial more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia & the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate ot hate Islam "death to the infidels" second coming thru 9/11wasn't incitement; must be that megalomaniacal Catholic Church interpretation of what one nation under God constitutes a Christian Nation insurrection.
It's not rocket science, so if over 60 years of West Nazi Germany Virginia's thieving US Constitution - old glory - absentee voting ballots arsonists in addition to some 50 years of SCOTUS Rehnquist's Bicentennial more perfect union of "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality pedophilia & the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate ot hate Islam "death to the infidels" second coming thru 9/11wasn't incitement; must be that megalomaniacal Catholic Church interpretation of what one nation under God constitutes a Christian Nation insurrection.

Don't tell me, tell GASPER.
Don't tell me, tell GASPER.

Might as well talk to the hand as in the last century since it only stimulates suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super ego homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming super egos just as with Covid - 19 vaccine availability propaganda in reducing the USA gene pool.
Have you been hanging out with Serenity?

As those crooks on Capital Hill national klues klucks duh klans religion who, what, where, when & why serenity seems more a substitute for thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - Israel flag - absentee voting ballots arsonists malfeasance under color of law.
The same thing bothers me here that bothered me about the tobacco companies and the opioid makers....the government either knew or was supposed to know everything, they were in charge, they where the fuck does the government get off taking essentially zero responsibility....blaming everything on the companies and charging them?
This really burns my biscuits!

So these Christian Nation crooks on Capital Hill national religion that taxes those who have had multiple US Constitutions - old glories - old testaments - Declaration of Independence - Israel flags & absentee voting ballots stolen which were in all probability burned after paying taxes for those which were purchased as Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming Nazi economics to again tax for losses of US Constitutions - old glories - old testaments - Declaration of Independence - absentee voting ballots "man is God" patriot act beyond the pleasure principle & a higher than one nation under God Islamidiotocracy.
So these Christian Nation crooks on Capital Hill national religion that taxes those who have had multiple US Constitutions - old glories - old testaments - Declaration of Independence - Israel flags & absentee voting ballots stolen which were in all probability burned after paying taxes for those which were purchased as Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming Nazi economics to again tax for losses of US Constitutions - old glories - old testaments - Declaration of Independence - absentee voting ballots "man is God" patriot act beyond the pleasure principle & a higher than one nation under God Islamidiotocracy.

You are so lost, this conversation relates to the failure of the California government as it relates to their very expensive crap utilities.
You are so lost, this conversation relates to the failure of the California government as it relates to their very expensive crap utilities.

As the topic thread is the Capitol Hill riot, wasn't looking for more lynching enforcement from SCOTUS Rehnquist's fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception taxation for purchasing US Constitutions - old glories - old testaments - declaration of Independence - Israel flags & having absentee voting ballots stolen as Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom West Nazi Germany Virginia & the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate 9/11 Islam "death to the infidels" health care plan of those burning Bush's patriot act taxation granting standing to the thieving arsonists; which coincidently is very expensive one nation under God with equal justice under law government malfeasance crap as California utilities.