The Choice

We want to set up an infrastructure bank to leverage federal dollars and focus on the smartest investments.

We’re going to continue our strategy to build a national high-speed rail network that reduces congestion and travel times and reduces harmful emissions.

We want to cut waste and bureaucracy and consolidate and collapse more than 100 different programs that too often duplicate each other.

So, we want to change the way Washington spends your tax dollars.

We want to reform a haphazard, patchwork way of doing business.

We want to focus on less wasteful approaches than we’ve got right now.

We want competition and innovation that gives us the best bang for the buck.

You lie!
But, the bottom line is this will not only create jobs immediately, it’s also going to make our economy hum over the long haul.

It’s a plan that history tells us can and should attract bipartisan support.

It’s a plan that says even in the aftermath of the worst recession in our lifetimes, America can still shape our own destiny.

We can still move this country forward.

We can still leave our children something better.

We can still leave them something that lasts.
So these are the things we’ve been working for, and we’re not finished.

We’ve got a lot more progress to make, and I’m confident we will, but there are some folks in Washington who see things differently.

You know what I’m talking about.

When it comes to just about everything we’ve done to strengthen our middle class, to rebuild our economy, almost every Republican in Congress says no.

Even on things we usually agree on, they say no.

If I said the sky was blue, they say no.

If I said fish live in the sea, they’d say no.

They just think it’s better to score political points before an election than to solve problems, so they said no to help for small businesses, even when the small businesses said we desperately need this.

This used to be their key constituency, they said.

They said no.

No to middle-class tax cuts.

They say they’re for tax cuts.

I say, okay, let’s give tax cuts to the middle class.


No to clean energy jobs.

No to making college more affordable.

No to reforming Wall Street.

They’re saying right now, no to cutting more taxes for small business owners and helping them get financing.
So these are the things we’ve been working for, and we’re not finished.

We’ve got a lot more progress to make, and I’m confident we will, but there are some folks in Washington who see things differently.

You know what I’m talking about.

When it comes to just about everything we’ve done to strengthen our middle class, to rebuild our economy, almost every Republican in Congress says no.

Even on things we usually agree on, they say no.

If I said the sky was blue, they say no.

If I said fish live in the sea, they’d say no.

They just think it’s better to score political points before an election than to solve problems, so they said no to help for small businesses, even when the small businesses said we desperately need this.

This used to be their key constituency, they said.

They said no.

No to middle-class tax cuts.

They say they’re for tax cuts.

I say, okay, let’s give tax cuts to the middle class.


No to clean energy jobs.

No to making college more affordable.

No to reforming Wall Street.

They’re saying right now, no to cutting more taxes for small business owners and helping them get financing.

You lie!
When we passed a bill earlier this summer to help states save jobs, the jobs of hundreds of thousands of teachers and nurses and police officers and firefighters that were about to be laid off, they said no.

And the Republican who thinks he’s going to take over as Speaker, I’m just saying that’s his opinion, he’s entitled to his opinion.

But, when he was asked about this, he dismissed those jobs as “government jobs” that weren’t worth saving.

That’s what he said, I’m quoting, “government jobs.”

Now, think about this.

These are the people who teach our children.

These are the people who keep our streets safe.

These are the people who put their lives on the line, who rush into a burning building.

Government jobs?

I don’t know about you, but I think those jobs are worth saving.

I think those jobs are worth saving.
By the way, this bill that we passed to save all those jobs, we made sure that bill wouldn’t add to the deficit.

You know how we paid for it?

By closing one of these ridiculous tax loopholes that actually rewarded corporations for shipping jobs and profits overseas.
Bush didn't even win the popular vote. Again Reagan won 49 states in a landslide. Big difference. Were there no liberals around in the '80's or were they all fooled too?

You are forgetting Carter's inheritance of Stagflation from Nixon/Ford and the oil embargo during his presidency. Carter was too intellectual for America at that time. I think Obama has the same problem, he actually thinks people think. Had Carter managed to release the American hostages he may have won, but that stalemate went on too long. Reagan told people what they wanted to hear and while I don't fault him for that, he ultimately failed the nation through his tax policies and destruction of the middle class. Having lived through his presidency, one large memory was how corporations started to fire employees, Reagan showed the way, and finally how he raised taxes like crazy. I consider Reagan the worst president in modern times. Carter may have been ineffective but Reagan was destructive. "....there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country." "It’s conservative lore that Reagan the icon cut taxes, while George H.W. Bush the renegade raised them. As Stockman recalls, "No one was authorized to talk about tax increases on Ronald Reagan’s watch, no matter what kind of tax, no matter how justified it was." Yet raising taxes is exactly what Reagan did. He did not always instigate those hikes or agree to them willingly–but he signed off on them. One year after his massive tax cut, Reagan agreed to a tax increase to reduce the deficit that restored fully one-third of the previous year’s reduction. (In a bizarre bit of self-deception, Reagan, who never came to terms with this episode of ideological apostasy, persuaded himself that the three-year, $100 billion tax hike–the largest since World War II–was actually "tax reform" that closed loopholes in his earlier cut and therefore didn’t count as raising taxes.)" If you look closely at the tax receipts under Reagan and compare them to other periods you will notice a clear pattern: there is no meaningful difference between the yearly change in tax receipts under Reagan and any period before or after. This tells us a very important fact: tax receipts -- and the growth thereof -- is as much a function of overall economy growth as the actual tax rate.

See. [ame=""] Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (9780393059304): Kim Phillips-Fein: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame] "Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism."
Now, anybody who thinks that we can move this economy forward with just a few folks at the top doing well, hoping that it’s going to trickle down to working people who are running faster and faster just to keep up, you’ll never see it.

If that’s what you’re waiting for, you should stop waiting, because it’s never happened in our history.

We didn’t come this far by letting the special interests run wild.

We didn’t do it just by gambling and chasing paper profits on Wall Street.

We did it by investing in the people who built this country from the ground up, the workers, middle-class families, small business owners, and over the last two years, that’s meant taking on some powerful interests, some powerful interests who had been dominating the agenda in Washington for a very long time, and they’re not always happy with me.

They talk about me like a dog.
So why do you believe that it will work with solely 'Green' companies you select to bless with Grants being "at the top" in exactly the same scenario.

Had you actually cared about jobs rather than the "New Green Economy" we'd be working and you'd have the support and gravitas to pass your "New Green Economy" legislation. Instead your party will lose the Congress and maybe even the Senate, and you'll become the "party of no" as the minority is inevitably labeled.

You attempt to have it both ways. Trickle down works if it is your hand-selected "new" economy winners of the Government lottery, but doesn't work if it is just mom and pop owning a small business with the breaks coming towards every employer rather than a hand-selected few. It takes people even stupider than normal R and Independent Americans to be able to pass off that pile of poo.
So why do you believe that it will work with solely 'Green' companies you select to bless with Grants being "at the top" in exactly the same scenario.

Had you actually cared about jobs rather than the "New Green Economy" we'd be working and you'd have the support and gravitas to pass your "New Green Economy" legislation. Instead your party will lose the Congress and maybe even the Senate, and you'll become the "party of no" as the minority is inevitably labeled.

You attempt to have it both ways. Trickle down works if it is your hand-selected "new" economy winners of the Government lottery, but doesn't work if it is just mom and pop owning a small business with the breaks coming towards every employer rather than a hand-selected few. It takes people even stupider than normal R and Independent Americans to be able to pass off that pile of poo.

Great. look who finally found a nut to argue with the fascists. Good on you, damo. Good on you.
YouTube- The Choice

In November the choice is clear. The Democratic Party will work to put America back to work, keep our Nation health, to keep Americans in their homes and safe. What will the Republicans do? The Republicans will just give more of our money to the rich and put us deeper into debt. They will give us an America that won't be fit to live in. This is why we must vote for the one and only Democratic Party.
I really wish there were another choice, neither is making me very happy these days!
They were elected to fix health care, they passed a HCR bill which increases cost, while lessening availability and quality of health care. There will now be 'rationing' in order to meet the demand. How has the Democrat Party worked FOR the health of the whole nation?

You want to actually have a JOB, then vote Republican!

If you don't want to pay for DeMartMan's home, vote Republican!

If you don't want your kids brainwashed by socialist teacher's union goons, and continue to fail as they have for the past 70 years under an archaic Democrat-designed ed system, vote Republican!

If you don't want terrorists brought to US soil to stand trial, vote Republican!

If you want to do this twice as fast and twice as largely, vote Democrat!
Funny, the other day in the ADN a small business owner wrote in to thank the Dems and Obama for the healthcare changes that were lowering her small business healthcare costs! I guess she is a smarter and better small business owner than some of the others whose costs are going up? I wonder what the difference is?

Haven't the Republicans had a chance to reform the schools? They have had Presidents and Congressional control and yet, the school system was not changed under them, either, in fact, they encouraged teaching to the test by their "no child left behind!"

There are 512 radical groups in the USA, home grown terrorists and the fact that you are more likely to suffer an attack under them than a foreign terrorist should concern you, they are usually tied to a fundamentalist Christian group. Check it out, just google home grown terrorism and see what you find. Groups are both left and right, but coincidentally more from the right.

What measures have Republicans suggested to bring jobs to America? More tax cuts to the rich so they can hire illegal aliens to watch their children and manicure their lawns? They can hire private tutors and have their children sent to private schools? I have not heard many ideas from Republicans on how to create jobs other than to give tax cuts to the rich and let them spend money to help the poor? It doesn't seem to be working that well, so far. It seems other great nations in other times of history have followed a similar method where the wealth was in limited hands and I don't think it worked out too well in the long run for that society! We just seems to think that we can make the model work because we are Americans, but we have kind of lost some of the qualities that once made us great, like giving 70%-90% of our income to help make America great! We don't seem to look outside ourselves to the bigger picture, anymore, it is "all about the "I". I think when organisms begin to think like that is when they stagnate and eventually die. I haven't studied anthropology, but just from my limited experience and reading, it is better when you make the weaker links stronger because you are only as good as your weakest link.

Those who have must invest in those who have not, Jesus said it. It makes sense to me in a quick review of human's humanity.
The argument between Democrat and Republican will never be resolved for even if you were to prove that two plus two equals four to either side they would deny it.
The answer, then, in my humble opinion - oh, so humble, is for both sides to simply stop blaming other people and concentrate on doing what they can do to get your economy better.
Even Obama, for whom I have deep regard and sympathy, chooses to point his finger at anyone but the culprit. The oil spill was 100% Britain's fault, the failing economy is China's fault, etc etc ad nauseam.
Get real America. It doesnt matter whose fault it is. YOU have to put it right. YOU republicans, YOU democrats (obviously it would be futile to expect the tea party to solve any problem more complex that a choice of nail polish).
While you fartarse about finger pointing and feeling sorry for yourselves, the rest of the world is continuing to live, laugh and be happy.
You poor suckers!
What is the damn obsession you libertarians have with the Pauls? I swear, I've never seen anything like it... it's almost homoerotic or something! Ron and Rand are father and son, not the same person. They have different ideas, they aren't just alike. I have read and listened to a LOT of Ron Paul, and I actually supported him politically for a while, but he has also said some pretty nutty shit along the way, proving he isn't my "ideal" candidate. I can see why people like him, I think he says a lot of good things, and there's no doubt he would be a better president than what we currently have. That said, he's not the ONLY person suitable to being president... and his son isn't either.

Hell, the liberals have already painted Rand as some kind of racist intolerant who wants to do away with Civil Rights! That's how they roll! But the fact remains, neither of these people (or anyone else) has a chance of winning as a third-party candidate in a national election. At best... 2% of the vote! So what are you ever going to change with 2% of the vote? The TEA party is getting more than 2% of the vote to routinely show up for their rallies!

You remarkably sound a lot like KARL ROVE. Be honest Dixie, you support Castle, and hate O'Donnell. Right? You're a sell out. Right?

It's not the Pauls. It's what they're saying.

The people you support say "less gov't". But do the opposite.

The people I support, outline what we need to do, and have a track record.
You remarkably sound a lot like KARL ROVE. Be honest Dixie, you support Castle, and hate O'Donnell. Right? You're a sell out. Right?

It's not the Pauls. It's what they're saying.

The people you support say "less gov't". But do the opposite.

The people I support, outline what we need to do, and have a track record.

The Pauls are saying different things because they are two different people with differing opinions. They are similar, and they are related, but there is nothing mystical or magical about what they are saying. The TEA Party is saying essentially what they are saying, but you don't like the TEA Party, because they have been branded as 'un-cool' while the Pauls are 'cool' and 'hip'!!

Those who I support, do not "do the opposite" because they haven't had a chance to serve yet. Sarah Palin was governor of Alaska, and she cut the budget across the board and pissed off both parties. But again, it doesn't seem to matter to you, because Sarah Palin has the 'uncool' brand now, she believes in sanctity of life and those kooky christian values. But now, you'd follow anyone with the last name "Paul" off a fucking cliff... they have the 'cool' brand, people think you're 'neat' because you like Ron Paul.. and RAND Paul... who can't think you are magnificent and intellectual when you support someone named "Rand?"

Now, it occurs to me, while the people I support have NOT served in Congress, the person you 'worship', Ron Paul, has served in Congress since 1997. 13...almost 14 years. What has his "track record" been? What has he gotten done? Are you SURE it is ME who supports people who just "CLAIM" to want smaller government? Are you positive it is ME who has "sold out?" Could it be, after 14 years of virtual nothingness from Ron Paul, it's time to at least LISTEN to what someone else has to say?
And let me clarify something for you... Karl Rove is an establishment (BUSH) Republican. He doesn't like the TEA Party, he doesn't want to see them overthrow establishment beltway republicans. This is why he is so adamantly predicting defeat of O'Donnell in Delaware, he doesn't want to see her win, and the best way to hurt her chances are to talk her potential down from the start. Establishment Republicans, and Liberal Democrats are going to say every negative thing they can, about TEA Party candidates. They don't want to cede power in Washington, but that is what is about to happen.

Interestingly enough, 2010 will not be as 'sweeping' as some may expect. The (R) Party, might not even gain control of the House, and probably won't gain the Senate. And you will certainly hear the Democrats spin that into the Demise of the TEA Party, when it comes to fruition. But this is a 'rebuilding' year... we are weeding out the problem children, like Castle. Eventually, we will get to Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins... they are ALL going to be sent packing, and if it means we lose the seat to a democrat, that's the price we'll have to pay for now. This is vital to restoring core conservatism to the GOP, and forging a viable message for 2012. What these campaigns in the coming weeks will do, is put the message out there... let people know what this TEA Party thing is all about, what they want to do... where do they want to go with this... what the 'plan' is? Up until now, no one except those attending the rallies, are even aware of the message. They have been portrayed in all sorts of distorted lights, by the lovely mainstream media, and establishment elites, who fear them and want them to go away! It's really amazing to live in this time, and watch history being made, and the American political system work as it was so brilliantly designed to work. We The People will have our voices heard, that is inevitable.