Being honest, you always seem to post a novel. It would be nice if you could condense your thoughts a bit.
I'm just responding to your comments, you should feel honored that I am actually having dialogue with you, instead of ignoring or ridiculing you.
The legislation is always cut down by the Dems, and "The Marxist REPULICANS" you want me to support.
Again, the TEA Party candidates I am asking you to consider, have NOT SERVED IN CONGRESS! They weren't there! How the hell did they "cut down" Ron Paul's legislation? Isn't Ron Paul a REPUBLICAN? Doesn't he have an (R) beside his name? How is Ron Paul's view of smaller limited government different from Sara Palin's view of smaller limited government? Are you planning to ever answer my questions, or are you just going to keep defending a particular republican's 40-year congressional record, which has produced NONE of what you seem to advocate?
I never said, or emplied that I didn't support the TEA party. And I don't think that Palin is embraced by true TEA partiers.
Yes, that's what this entire debate has been about, you implied you can't support Palin because she endorsed McCain and Perry. If you don't think Palin is embraced by true TEA partiers, you are a fucking moron who isn't paying attention.
When did I say Palin was in congress, or any of the names you bring up?
You continue to say that I want you to support "marxist republicans" who have stopped Ron Paul's legislation! I've "sold out" because I am supporting REPUBLICANS, who haven't been any better than the Democrats! You keep wanting to revert to that line of argument, and I keep calling your attention to it, and now you are claiming you never went there!
Other republicans have been on a tax and spend orgy for decades. Are you saying they haven't been?
Not really. The taxing and spending, for the most part, has come from the Democrat side of the aisle. Most Republicans have campaigned on tax cuts, not increases. People like GW Bush and John McCain, have veered from conservative principles to go along with idiot Dems on spending, but I have been very outspoken on that. They both thought that appeasement of Democrats on some of this stuff, would win them favor with moderates and independents. Trouble is, it pushed away even more true conservatives.
When did I tell you I smoked dope?
You didn't, I assumed it. You're one of those "libertarian" types who favors legalizing dope, aren't you? Didn't you tout RP's desire to end the war on drugs? Most people from that camp, are dope smokers. Not that I have a problem with that, or ending the war on drugs... but I think we have bigger problems facing America, to be honest. (btw... Palin also favors ending the war on drugs.)
When did I say negative things about the TEA party because of some of their pro bible views?
Again, I am assuming... you won't answer my questions, so I have to assume things. I am trying to figure out how you can be so 'up the butt' of Ron Paul, and not be willing to give Sara Palin the time of day? Her message, and the TEA party message in general, is pretty much what Ron Paul has always stood for. About the only real difference I can see, is Paul's more libertarian view on social issues, as opposed to the more religiously-based social conservative views, held by Palin and many in the TEA Party.
If I hated TEA party candidates, I wouldn't be sending them money.
LOL... then why are you attacking me? What are you doing here?