The coffee from my coffee machine tastes like poison. Is this a bad sign?

סּ_סּ;528934 said:
i would say it's a bad sign if you know what poison tastes like.

LOL. I'd have to agree with that!

WM, you just need to give your coffeemaker a good cleaning. I got some stuff through online that does a great job; what you get at the supermarket is all but useless.

You have to clean the coffeemaker basket and carafe, including the lid, thoroughly every time you use it. Stale coffee residue is probably responsible for the vile taste. Also heed what Damo said. I keep my beans in the freezer and take out only enough for about three days at room temp. in an airtight container. Then I grind each pot fresh. I drink my coffee without additives so would notice immediately if something were wrong, like a bad bean (once in about 15 years was enough!).
I have a problem with coffee at my cabin, and its not the machine but the coffee itself. It gets bitter as hell unless I bought it very recently. I suspect storage at uneven, especially cold, temperature.
That's why I bought a coffee grinder and use whole roasted beans. The quality of my coffee has gone up tremendously.

I suggest a French Press to ADC coffee maker. It makes a much better cup o joe.
The cabin is located on the eastern continental divide, and that area of the Appalachians is basically a temperate rain forest, so humidity is a big problem. Storing it in the freezer or refrigerator isn't going to help that. Should I put a Damp Rid thing in the cabinet? Do you think that would help?

How about only using whole bean up there?
That would be my suggestion. An electric coffee grinder is only $20 and it takes about 20 seconds to grind a batch and the quality is way better.
That's why I bought a coffee grinder and use whole roasted beans. The quality of my coffee has gone up tremendously.

I suggest a French Press to ADC coffee maker. It makes a much better cup o joe.
Yeah but you can have your lovely wife grind the beans for you, press you a fresh cup then present you a latte wearing her cute French Maid outfit. Meanwhile I'm hungover, slogging away in the mess kitchen cooking waffles and bacon and rousting my kids out of bed. :(