The coffee from my coffee machine tastes like poison. Is this a bad sign?

I have a problem with coffee at my cabin, and its not the machine but the coffee itself. It gets bitter as hell unless I bought it very recently. I suspect storage at uneven, especially cold, temperature.
yes, you must store it properly! it will get funky, otherwise, bad beans, yuck!
Should I put some silica desiccant packets in along with the beans?

That's simply not practical. I buy 3# at a time at Costco. I haven't had a problem at home, only at the mountains.

If you want to have a decent cup of coffee keep it dry, air tight, and as fresh as possible without going through too much trouble!
Cabin's + Mountain's= keep it are a man after all!
If you want to have a decent cup of coffee keep it dry, air tight, and as fresh as possible without going through too much trouble!
Cabin's + Mountain's= keep it are a man after all!
I use a little vac container that my mother in law gave us, circa 1960's. It add some desiccant packs and leave it in the cabinet (not the freezer).
Yeah but you can have your lovely wife grind the beans for you, press you a fresh cup then present you a latte wearing her cute French Maid outfit. Meanwhile I'm hungover, slogging away in the mess kitchen cooking waffles and bacon and rousting my kids out of bed. :(
I wish. She dont' drink coffee and sure as hell won't make me for the French Maid outfit. We tried that but I looked really silly in a skirt.