The Colorado Shooter Just Sealed the Fate of New AR Sales

This decision was written by a CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court justice, you stupid fucking punk.

“In District of Columbia v. Heller, Justice Scalia rightly recognized that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is not absolute. It has never been unlimited, not at the time of the Framing and thus not today. The Second Amendment, Justice Scalia explained, enshrined a pre-existing right that was subject to "important limitation"; it plainly was not a right to have and carry any weapon in any manner for any purpose.That is, in colonial times, one had a right to keep and bear only certain weapons in certain manners for certain purposes. And Justice Scalia emphasized that the same weapon- manner-and-purpose limitations that applied in the Framing era still apply today.”

Checkmate, bitch.

You think it's funny because an SC justice fucked with the 2nd amendment?

Your .220 Swift is Remington..OK

Your Weatherby is some oddball caliber. .224 yeeash!

Good luck with that!

Doesn't matter, Miss Kitty.
I don't shoot them anymore.

I also have a Colt Gold Cup .45 ACP,
a Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 mag single action,
a Browning Medalist .22 rimfire target pistol,
a Beretta 3" 20 gauge over/under,
plus matching .22 rimfire and .44 mag Ruger autoloading carbines.
That's nine with the three rifles that I mentioned earlier.
I always say I have eight. I actually have nine now that I think of it.
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Doesn't matter, Miss Kitty.
I don't shoot them anymore.
I also have a Colt Gold Cup .45 ACP, a Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 mag single action, plus matching .22 rimfire and .44 mag Ruger autoloading carbines.
That's seven. The other one is a secret.

Good for you. Biden is coming for your guns.
This shooter was law abiding until he wasn’t, wasn’t he? So were many others.

Can you only imagine the kind of crimes people would commit in this world full of hateful vindictive people, IF ANY IDIOT COULD WALK INTO ANY HARDWARE STORE AND BUY DYNAMITE?

That is the way I feel about semi-automatic weapons and assault firearms.
Can you only imagine the kind of crimes people would commit in this world full of hateful vindictive people, IF ANY IDIOT COULD WALK INTO ANY HARDWARE STORE AND BUY DYNAMITE?

That is the way I feel about semi-automatic weapons and assault firearms.

Well, years ago you could mail order a rifle from Sears and buy an M1 Garand at the local hardware store.
Why weren't there "mass shootings" back in those days like there are these days? Wachasay?
Can you only imagine the kind of crimes people would commit in this world full of hateful vindictive people, IF ANY IDIOT COULD WALK INTO ANY HARDWARE STORE AND BUY DYNAMITE?

That is the way I feel about semi-automatic weapons and assault firearms.

Can you imagine how great this world would be if we could just smash leftist morons (like you) in the face?
How about if they just take them from you, jackboot style?

Then I'd be rightfully pissed.

But the 2nd Amendment won't be repealed in our lifetimes.
We're too polarized for further amendments. They're too hard to implement without broad consensus. .

I'll spot you guns and argue about more important things on which you have a Neanderthal view.
Then I'd be rightfully pissed.

But the 2nd Amendment won't be repealed in our lifetimes.
We're too polarized for further amendments. They're too hard to implement without broad consensus. .

I'll spot you guns and argue about more important things on which you have a Neanderthal view.

Neanderthal, or Constitutionalist, boy?

Biden's coming for Americans' guns. Cannot let it happen.
We'll see what Congress does, and if they fail? Woe be unto them.
Well, years ago you could mail order a rifle from Sears and buy an M1 Garand at the local hardware store.
Why weren't there "mass shootings" back in those days like there are these days? Wachasay?

When I was still in high school, there was a brand new spinoff of Kresge retail stores called "K Mart" which were in strip malls instead of downtown.
I walked in and bought an Italian surplus 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano, just like Lee Harvey Oswald's.
I think it was $9.95 plus sales tax, and a box of cartridges was included.
It was a piece of shit.

Then RFK and MLK were shot as well and things started to change.
Take Wayne LaPierre's dick out of your mouth before you try to speak, fascist fuckwad.

Eat Mussolini's dick cheese, motherfucker!

You fascist prick. Don't even try me. I'll bitchslap you into next week, motherfucking pussy!
When I was still in high school, there was a brand new spinoff of Kresge retail stores called "K Mart" which were in strip malls instead of downtown.
I walked in and bought an Italian surplus 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano, just like Lee Harvey Oswald's.
I think it was $9.95 plus sales tax, and a box of cartridges was included.
It was a piece of shit.

Then RFK and MLK were shot as well and things started to change.

We took our hunting rifles to school (leaving them in our cars) back when I was in HS and not one problem. Hell, we left our cars unlocked and not one gun was ever stolen.
We had the hunter safety course in 6th. grade, which was more about firearm safety than hunting. The anti-hunters and anti-gun nuts made them stop teaching it.

I agree with that assessment. There were few restrictive firearm laws between the banning of fully automatic machine guns (mainly because of the Thompson) and
the assassination of JFK and MLK. After that, you're correct. Things changed.
AR15s and AK47s are ugly as shit.
The first is quite accurate but frequently jams and makes pretty small holes when it doesn't.
The second never jams and makes bigger holes if you're close enough to hit anything with its scattershot "accuracy."

No self respecting person would accept one as a respectable fashion accessory among people who matter.

Weatherby MkVs are drop dead gorgeous, lethal as a motherfucker, and under no threat of being banned anywhere in America.
That's why I've got one of those instead.

Weatherby's are for queens.

HK91 all DAY.
Eat Mussolini's dick cheese, motherfucker!

You fascist prick. Don't even try me. I'll bitchslap you into next week, motherfucking pussy!
