The Colorado Shooter Just Sealed the Fate of New AR Sales

An AK47 is better. the 7.62X39mm is a superior all around hunting round than the .223.

Both .22 and .30 caliber centerfire rounds are readily accessible, as you damned well know, in non-paramilitary sporting arms.
Offer your nonsense, Oom, to somebody who doesn't know better.
Glad to fucking hear it, Casper.

Well I am neither a trumpling or a treasonous POS that would attack our Nations Capital or attempt to overthrow out government, so I guess I would have no reason to do anything so stupid. Plus I swore an Oath to fight against such things and that oath is life long as far as I am concerned, sad to see it was not for some of my fellow vets.
Hence why many counties have passed their own rules on enforcing unconstitutional laws. I doubt anyone here will need to worry about it.

Unconstitutional laws aren't legal.

Are you saying Billary's 1994 Gun Control Bill was unconstitutional? Are you agreeing that Obama's attempted 2013 Gun Control Bill was unconstitutional?
Well I am neither a trumpling or a treasonous POS that would attack our Nations Capital or attempt to overthrow out government, so I guess I would have no reason to do anything so stupid. Plus I swore an Oath to fight against such things and that oath is life long as far as I am concerned, sad to see it was not for some of my fellow vets.

what if they saw domestic enemies?
Oh one final comment, it probably not a good idea to list all the firearms you own on the internet, just saying...

I believe that the 2nd Amendment will hold.

I have never committed a firearms crime--or even aimed a weapon at a living creature-- in North America,
although what I was coerced by our government to do abroad should definitely be regarded as criminal
An AK47 is better. the 7.62X39mm is a superior all around hunting round than the .223.

Depends what you are hunting, I will take a 5.56mm over a 7.62X39mm for coyote hunting any day, specially if the distances start getting out there, now for deer the AK would be better. A good 30/30 will do the job just as well and you can get one, well used to be when you could find them, for $450 and the cheapest AK costs a bunch more starring at around $750 plus the cost of mags, next thing you you know you have spent $1000, I know I did it twice, once with RAS47 and the other with a Mini30, costs add up quick.
They better make sure they get their facts straight First, it can cost you your life or freedom if you get it wrong, listening to a know liar is not doing your homework.

then again, history is always written by the victor. i'm glad they didn't succeed, but i won't discount their beliefs even though we knew what he was
In her hands. What about your hands??

I have not fired a 12 gauge in over a decade and have no need for them to protect my home.

For those who need weapons to protect their home, there are many options which do not involve military style assault rifles.

U.S. small arms military doctrine is to maim as many enemy soldiers as possible. Maiming enemy combatants drains enemy resources and capabilities faster than lethal hits. The ARs .223 and 5.56 cartridges associated with military style Rambo wannabe rifles are not guaranteed to put an intruder down. On the other hand, a hit at close range from a 12 gauge is a fight-stopper and guaranteed to knock the target on his ass and put him down.
Bullshit. The best weapon for self defense is the one you're most comfortable and proficient with. Shotguns are lethal, but messy.

Correct, and in a home defense situation the pattern from a shotgun is no larger than fist sized. A long-barreled shotgun works but an AR with the proper ammunition may be a far better choice.

Depends what you are hunting, I will take a 5.56mm over a 7.62X39mm for coyote hunting any day, specially if the distances start getting out there, now for deer the AK would be better. A good 30/30 will do the job just as well and you can get one, well used to be when you could find them, for $450 and the cheapest AK costs a bunch more starring at around $750 plus the cost of mags, next thing you you know you have spent $1000, I know I did it twice, once with RAS47 and the other with a Mini30, costs add up quick.

I'll not get into an argument of what gun is the "best" for this game or that. I am a gun enthusiast. I like to shoot. On another thread I said that I shoot to relax and some alphanumeric character didn't understand that...and I didn't respond. When I was in college I would load a couple thousand rounds of whatever I planned to shoot (357 mag mainly) and after finals I'd head to the woods to camp and spend a couple of days hiking and target shooting. Relaxing.

I still go to the range (or the woods) to shoot and unwind. I am an avid deer hunter though that is not my favorite game to hunt. I've probably killed 50-75 deer in the last 30+ years, not to mention those I've helped my son kill while teaching him to hunt. Over 90% of the deer I killed were killed with a muzzleloader or a bow. I am not a big rifle hunter, though I have the rifles (30-30, 44 mag, 303 British, Savage 308, etc...) to hunt with. I don't like going to the woods to hunt when there are so many other people out there so I avoid rifle season.

I don't have a practical use for an AR type rifle so I have never had a desire to own one but I will always stand on the side of the people's right to own them. The 2nd ammendment isn't about hunting, is it? ;) I like these types of threads where people discuss their "favorites" though. I said on the other thread that guns "were a way of life" for me (and others). The alphanumeric character resorted to feigned incredulity in response to that statement. My point is that for many families around here, one of the things that kids are taught as they grow up along with hygiene, shoe tying and such ... they are taught how to shoot and gun safety by dad or mom ... or mom and dad. I don't want that "way of life" to change for our kids here any time soon.
I've probably killed 50-75 deer in the last 30+ years, not to mention those I've helped my son kill while teaching him to hunt.

I, on the other hand, am an owner of nine firearms who's never shat a living creature of any kind,

except for a few human beings who were shooting back,

and I was coerced into doing that by our war-profiteering supporter government many decades ago.

I love animals and wish that I were a vegetarian but I'm not.
I do draw the line, however, at doing my own wet work.

50-75 deer? I've got to say, that's pretty disgusting from my perspective.
I hope that you at least eat what you shoot.
You couldn't whoop me right now on the best day of your life!

Sure Barney! Would you like that bullet for your gun now?

50-75 deer? I've got to say, that's pretty disgusting from my perspective.
I hope that you at least eat what you shoot.

It shouldn't be disgusting but I understand the difference of lifestyles. I love animals too. I have dogs and cats and spend more money on them than I should. I and my family have eaten every deer that I have killed over the years. We butcher one calf a year and that combined with the wild game we take allows us to buy practically no meat from the market except for a bit of chicken and pork through the year. The goal of my household is to take two deer a year. That will last from October to October...season to season. Anything beyond that that we kill is processed and given to needy families in the area. I have full processing capability at my house ... extra refrigerators and freezers, industrial band saw and grinder, vacuum sealers. I like the "Hunters against hunger" programs that exist in most states but I also like processing and distributing to people I know (usually some of the students at the public school where i teach) are in need. As I indicated, for my family, firearms, hunting, fishing ... and yes, religion, they all make up our way of life. We'd like to keep living it.