The comedy act that they call a tax cut.


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Look at this comedy response. what a joke , business say they will pass the savings on to the worker , no they won't, if they can help it. They haven't done anything of the sort since 1981. So that is a laugh. He says corporate taxes are the highest in the world, no that's just stupid. I'll give him a tip, tax rates mean nothing anywhere in the world , the effective tax rate is all that counts. ours is in no way the highest. How blind to you have to be to believe that bullshit.
The solution for company's dumping this country and going somewhere else is so simple you just have to laugh, just as the problem with illegals is a easy fix. Don't need no wall.
Ya business needs our help, that is a joke, that should have the whole country laughing. Facts , during the Obama administration, we saw the highest profits in this countries history , not by a little but by a amount that will never be repeated, the highest rate of increase of profits in history and the highest percentage of gross that was profit in history.
MY friend you have no clue what your talking about , in fact it is so ridiculous that I just have to laugh. The effective fed personal tax rate in this country is 9.5%. Tell me what you think is fair to live in the richest country in the world.
Trickle down does not work for the people. It is a gift to the plutocrats though. Corporate profits are at all time highs and they are not raising salaries or hiring workers. That is caused by demand. Giving money to those who already have a lot, will not impact the people. Giving money to the poor and middle class will create demand and jobs. It would put pressure on those who need more workers to pay more.

Think about it. If you have a company and are meeting all your clients expectations, why would you hire people that you do not need. That would be bad business. Tax cut, you have more money, but not more work.
Agg that into the fact that thy have been able to hold onto all their massive profits and given none to their employee. Highest percentage of gross that was profit in history. The facts will always get in the way of the rights non stop lies about every one of their issues. Now they have as gross a leader as can be found who is a chronic liar, He lies when the truth supports his position. When you think about what the right has turned into, President small hands is their perfect leader. All these people would sell out this country for hatred and the promise of a tax cut. Proof positive bing where we are now. A total sell out for hate electing, a leader who is a total sellout of his country.
Trickle down does not work for the people. It is a gift to the plutocrats though. Corporate profits are at all time highs and they are not raising salaries or hiring workers. That is caused by demand. Giving money to those who already have a lot, will not impact the people. Giving money to the poor and middle class will create demand and jobs. It would put pressure on those who need more workers to pay more.

Think about it. If you have a company and are meeting all your clients expectations, why would you hire people that you do not need. That would be bad business. Tax cut, you have more money, but not more work.

Tell me Mr. Greenspan how many jobs have you gotten from poor people? I scoff at your knowledge of economics.
ANWR is open to oil and gas exploration.
Individual mandate in Obamacare has been repealed.:cheer:

I know you've never had a particularly good connection with reality but environmental reviews and lawsuits are expected to hold drilling off literally for decades
Trickle down does not work for the people. It is a gift to the plutocrats though. Corporate profits are at all time highs and they are not raising salaries or hiring workers. That is caused by demand. Giving money to those who already have a lot, will not impact the people. Giving money to the poor and middle class will create demand and jobs. It would put pressure on those who need more workers to pay more.

Think about it. If you have a company and are meeting all your clients expectations, why would you hire people that you do not need. That would be bad business. Tax cut, you have more money, but not more work.

You claim they are "not hiring workers" but there has been a net gain of about 12 million jobs since the recession. According to the BLS wages increased by 2.5% in 2017 and 2.3% in 2016. The alternative to trickle down is to have those tax dollars going to the government which has not made good choices about spending our money; so, the alternative to trickle down does not give the poor and middle class more money.
All my jobs were obtained because people were buying the products or services we provided. So yes, the poorer people created the jobs. The poor buy things. That is demand. Do you think the wealthy open businesses to not sell things? How many people would they hire if people did not buy their products? If they buy a lot and the company is unable to keep up, then they hire more workers or expand. The wealth creators are the people. The job creators are the customers. Your scoffing is showing your lack of knowledge and logic.
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No, trickle down was a wet dream of Laffler who was reported to write it on a napkin at a bar. He was asked to find a way to justify giving more money to the rich. It is just a stupid idea. Wages have been stagnant for 50 years. The trickle down seems to need a plunger, it is plugged up.

No the alternative is to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations. Give tax breaks to the poor and middle class. Then they will create demand and the economy will prosper. The owners will also make out because they will sell more . But that takes time. They want it handed to them in tax breaks. Here you go, here's a couple million dollars for you. Not much work involved or any risk. Must be nice.

When unions were strong and the people had money we were all making out. There was pressure on companies to pay more and give benefits because there were jobs to be had. You selected a job, you did not just take one . Companies paid more because they had competition for employees.
Of course giving tax breaks to the poor would help the economy. They spend everything they get on survival. They create demand. The alternative is not give it to the government. It is to give it to the masses. That would supercharge the economy.

As far as jobs, here are the facts. Our employment was at a far higher level before the Bush crash in 2008. As the chart shows we are still far below that level.
Yes factoring in inflation. If you have paid attention at all to the min wage argument, that to keep it even with the 1960s, it would have to be over 22 bucks an hour. So the fact is , the people on min wage are taking constant wage cuts. Please uneducated don't argue incident and think it proves the whole case. And don't ask stupid questions like that.

lol....oh by the way, Forbes links don't work if you have ad block, got any other sources?.....