The Coming George Zimmerman Verdict And The Radically Changed American Justice System

philly rabbit

Verified User
I honestly don't think for a minute that Zimmerman will walk, if I'm wrong then so be it but I think that some sort of punishment and prison instead of just probation awaits him and this is due to fear of course from retaliation in the form of violent riots led by black activists over charges of racism and the system that promotes it. everyone is pretty much in agreement that if Zimmerman doesn't receive ample punishment, the result will be a violent backlash against the citizenry.

How did this fear on the part of law abiding citizens over something like this come about? When did it start? Why do most Americans feel that the police can no longer protect them in the first place? It started with two incidents that are connected to each other and both incidents dramatically changing the whole police culture and at the same time the entire criminal justice system in America.

Rodney King and OJ Simpson.

When George Bush 41 overstepped his constitutional boundaries as president in the name of political correctness and kowtowing to progressive special interests within the NAACP and put those cops on trial out in LA over the King incident, everything connected to the country's criminal justice system did a complete turn about. The police once known in this country as peace officers and are now called law enforcement officers used to have as a priority the putting down of riots and restoring law and order as efficiently as possible and at one time they did exactly that no longer performed this sworn duty once Bush 41 stepped in and America's cities burned down as the police stood by and did nothing.

The cops have circled the wagons and now protect themselves because of these special interest groups and their charges of racism. The cops whether unwillingly or not are now government agents with the attitude that every citizen is a potential criminal while the citizenry braces for the next violent riot following yet another media sensationalized and dripping with racism show trial.
gee you don't see anything wrong with killing your neighbors child right in front of their own home?

You see you cant just shoot people and just say "well they were scary".
gee you don't see anything wrong with killing your neighbors child right in front of their own home?

You see you cant just shoot people and just say "well they were scary".

YOu can if they are sitting on top of you and pummeling you MMA style. Even if you are holding Skittles
gee you don't see anything wrong with killing your neighbors child right in front of their own home?

You see you cant just shoot people and just say "well they were scary".
why do you seem to think it's ok to beat people to death and say 'well they were scary'?
did you hear what the drs said about the zimmerman injuries?

BTW most of the witnesses only saw zimmy on top.
what kind of world do you think you would create by allowing people to load a gun and go start a fight so they can take a hit and then shoot the person?
How do you know that is NOT what Zimmy did?
up to this point, there is no evidence to indicate that's what he did.

he really was pissed about "these guys" always getting away
is there a websters definition entry that states 'these guys' mean something in particular? When I rant about 'these punks', am I talking about all kids in general? or am I referring to a specific group such as bicycle riding punks?
did you hear what the drs said about the zimmerman injuries?

BTW most of the witnesses only saw zimmy on top.

The Dr's testimony about Zimmerman's injuries are irrelevant to the charge before the jury. It is not necessary for someone to be injured "enough" in order to defend themselves. There have been people who have successfully argued self defense and never received a scratch. What is necessary and what the prosecution has to prove and failed to do in my opinion is that reasonable doubt does not exist in Zimmermans story that he acted in self defense. In fact, it doesn't even matter if Zimmerman was following Martin. It doesn't matter if Zimmerman threw the first punch (it would for manslaughter but not 2nd Degree).

You are incorrect that "most of the witnesses claim Zimmerman was on top". The witness closest to the scene saw Trayvon on top. But, again, lets assume that Zimmerman was on top. It still doesn't matter because that still doesn't prove he acted with a "depraved mind".

Have a great day
what kind of world do you think you would create by allowing people to load a gun and go start a fight so they can take a hit and then shoot the person?

Where is the evidence to support your claim? If you have it, you need to present it to the prosecution because they presented no such evidence.
they have to the sane.

Your just not sane

I am going to assume that you haven't been watching the same trial that everyone else has been watching, so I will indulge your little contrived comments. You have not proven, nor is there evidence for a single one of your claims.

Fortunately for George Zimmerman, the prosecution has to present EVIDENCE of a crime and not the made up stories on one Desh