The Coming George Zimmerman Verdict And The Radically Changed American Justice System

Lol, Vanilla must have recognized himself in your post!

I've no doubt! Did he groan me or throw a hissy fit? I have him on ignore, I can't take that much idiocy. I think it is his insistence on using non-ellipsis ellipsis and then claiming they aren't ellipsis he is just "resting his hands". I mean, how often does a person have to rest their hands in each sentence?? And you know, ever since our friend, I have like ellipsis PTSD. I just can't handle any ellipsis bullshit!
You've got to laugh your ass off when SF has the gall to say you shit the board up. He's never had an intelligent thing to say on here, ever. Even what he mimics FOX.

what are you rambling on about now Howey? In need of another ass kicking on a topic of your choice?
I've no doubt! Did he groan me or throw a hissy fit? I have him on ignore, I can't take that much idiocy. I think it is his insistence on using non-ellipsis ellipsis and then claiming they aren't ellipsis he is just "resting his hands". I mean, how often does a person have to rest their hands in each sentence?? And you know, ever since our friend, I have like ellipsis PTSD. I just can't handle any ellipsis bullshit!

why.... not.. does.... it.. bother... you... when... they are .. used... inappropriately?
Just curious, but do you feel the black pastors are also cowards?

I don't know, and I don't care. I don't think you're a coward. I don't think you would have profiled the kid, I don't think you would have gotten out of your car, and I think you can handle a 17 yo without shooting him dead. I think you just take the position you take because you reflexively go against liberals.

I do think that many of the pro-zimmerman assholes here are absolutely cowards. You're just an asshole...does that make you feel better?
I don't know, and I don't care. I don't think you're a coward. I don't think you would have profiled the kid, I don't think you would have gotten out of your car, and I think you can handle a 17 yo without shooting him dead. I think you just take the position you take because you reflexively go against liberals.

I do think that many of the pro-zimmerman assholes here are absolutely cowards. You're just an asshole...does that make you feel better?

I would prefer if you referred to me as supreme asshole, but your apology is accepted.
Really...!...Is this all ya got ?.....This is the sum total of your intelligent debate about this case ?, ranting like your in the playground pushing smaller kids around ?

You must be identifying yourself in all her posts today, taking it very personally! Dough boy, lol
I've no doubt! Did he groan me or throw a hissy fit? I have him on ignore, I can't take that much idiocy. I think it is his insistence on using non-ellipsis ellipsis and then claiming they aren't ellipsis he is just "resting his hands". I mean, how often does a person have to rest their hands in each sentence?? And you know, ever since our friend, I have like ellipsis PTSD. I just can't handle any ellipsis bullshit!

Yes, groaning and making his usual idiotic comments.
I didn't apologize - it's morally bankrupt to defend Zimmerman, no matter what your reason.

Nope, you cannot retract your apology once it has been accepted.

It is not morally bankrupt. Justice will be served via our court systems. Anything else would be morally bankrupt.
Z's job and duty was to watch for abnormal and unusual activity in the neighborhood.....a stranger walking around at night in the rain is, just that, and to
call the non-emergency 911 line to report it was exactly what he is expected to do....the police were on their way and to know where the stranger is and to
report that to the cops is what he would be expected to do....he wasn't hiding from Martin and Martin need never confront Zimmermann unless intended to...
He was close to his destination and if he would have gone there, none of this would have occurred....

"if you see something, say something"....isn't that what Obama told us to do ?....

To claim libs don't profile the Tea Party as racists and ALL conservatives as misogynists is just an outright lie....thats exactly what the libs do.....

Walking in the rain is neither abnormal nor unusual except in GZ's paranoid mind, but if he was fearful he should have left it for the cops to sort out. He should not have gotten out of his vehicle, end of story.

And your comment about what libs do is just hilarious, especially given the signature you flaunt.