The Coming George Zimmerman Verdict And The Radically Changed American Justice System

Yep, he was running away from Zimmerman.

Imagine that. A teenager walking in the dark, minding his own business, and an adult in a truck starts following him and then gets out of the truck to follow him on foot. If it were me I'd run... you'd run... anyone with an ounce of common sense would run. It's what parents teach kids to do about strangers. GZ had no authority to do what he did no matter how he tries to spin it now.
Imagine that. A teenager walking in the dark, minding his own business, and an adult in a truck starts following him and then gets out of the truck to follow him on foot. If it were me I'd run... you'd run... anyone with an ounce of common sense would run. It's what parents teach kids to do about strangers. GZ had no authority to do what he did no matter how he tries to spin it now.

I have also stated that I would not run right home because I wouldn't want him to know where I lived with my 12 year old brother there.
What specifically was he doing, according to Zimmerman? And let's take into consideration GZ has a vested interest in saving his butt so anything he said I take with a grain of salt.

I am referring to what he said on the 911 call... prior to Martin being killed. So your consideration is unwarranted. We are talking about Zimmermans actual words to the cops prior to the confrontation.
Imagine that. A teenager walking in the dark, minding his own business, and an adult in a truck starts following him and then gets out of the truck to follow him on foot. If it were me I'd run... you'd run... anyone with an ounce of common sense would run. It's what parents teach kids to do about strangers. GZ had no authority to do what he did no matter how he tries to spin it now.

So neighborhood watches are not authorized in your world? Neighbors should not look out for one another?

You say he was 'minding his own business'... based on what? You don't have a clue what he was doing. or do you have proof Martin wasn't wandering around looking at houses?
I've no doubt! Did he groan me or throw a hissy fit? I have him on ignore, I can't take that much idiocy. I think it is his insistence on using non-ellipsis ellipsis and then claiming they aren't ellipsis he is just "resting his hands". I mean, how often does a person have to rest their hands in each sentence?? And you know, ever since our friend, I have like ellipsis PTSD. I just can't handle any ellipsis bullshit!

.......gets under her skin......?....what a moron.

Seems the uneducated don't even know what ellipsis are used for, ie, a series of marks ( . . . or * * * ) to indicate an omission of letters or words.
Its obvious I haven't omitted any letters or words, therefore I never use ellipsis
The real reason she has me on ignore and banned from her threads is because I schooled her so often in the past, she can't take it anymore...we all know it and so does she.
I have not seen much of the testimony in this case, but I have read about it a bit.

With that said, it does not look to me like the prosecution has met its burden. That does not mean that GZ will be acquitted. I just don't believe most juries think that way, though they should.

As far as the best message to send out regarding this case...

If GZ is convicted and sent away for a short time (6 months) and placed on probation for a long time... people will be reluctant, as they should be, to use deadly force. If GZ gets off scot free, the message will be that if you get in a fight or even just an argument with someone, its okay to kill them.
A good neighbor is ALWAYS on neighborhood watch....always.

A good neighbor doesn't stalk an innocent kid who just turned 17 with a bag of Skittles in one hand and an Arizona Iced Tea in another and shoot him in the heart.
I am referring to what he said on the 911 call... prior to Martin being killed. So your consideration is unwarranted. We are talking about Zimmermans actual words to the cops prior to the confrontation.

OIC. Non-specific speculating from GZ.

"...there's a real suspicious guy, uh, [near] Retreat View Circle, um, the best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle.

This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he white, black, or Hispanic? Zimmerman: He looks black. Dispatcher: Did you see what he was wearing?

Zimmerman: Yeah. A dark hoodie, like a grey hoodie, and either jeans or sweatpants and white tennis shoes. He's [unintelligible],
he was just staring... Dispatcher: OK, he's just walking around the area...

TM's returning to a place he's not totally familiar with, in a development where all the buildings look alike, and on a dark and rainy night, so he's looking around. Why is that a problem?


Wouldn't it have served GZ better to just sit tight, and wait and see if anything actually happened? Even the dispatcher said "ok, he's just walking around the area..."

Then GZ says "now he's just staring at me." What did he expect from a person he's following for no reason other than some nebulous suspicion? If someone were following me, I'd be looking and worrying too. Who wouldn't?
So neighborhood watches are not authorized in your world? Neighbors should not look out for one another?

You say he was 'minding his own business'... based on what? You don't have a clue what he was doing. or do you have proof Martin wasn't wandering around looking at houses?

Watch means watch. Watch doesn't mean taking the law into your own hands.
Watch means watch. Watch doesn't mean taking the law into your own hands.

Watch does mean watch. Which is precisely what Zimmerman was doing until Martin started beating the shit out of him. He did not take the law into his own hands. He was abiding by it. You try to paint him as a vigilante, but if that were the case... why would he call 911 to begin with?

As to your other post... there is no way Zimmerman could have known whether Martin was just lost and looking around or casing a house. His intent was to watch. There is no indication he would have done anything else had Martin not initiated physical confrontation.
When GZ got out of the truck he prompted the confrontation. And I think we already agreed that TM had the right to ask why he was being followed.

I disagree with that prompting the confrontation. Martin did not HAVE to, though we do agree he had the right to ask Zimmerman why he was following him. What Martin did NOT have the right to do was assault Zimmerman. There is nothing to suggest that was warranted.
I feel like the only person on this board without a passionate feeling for one side or the other. From my limited following of the case I don't find either person overly sympathetic and each played a role in causing this tragedy to occur. A sad situation all around.
Watch does mean watch. Which is precisely what Zimmerman was doing until Martin started beating the shit out of him. He did not take the law into his own hands. He was abiding by it. You try to paint him as a vigilante, but if that were the case... why would he call 911 to begin with?

As to your other post... there is no way Zimmerman could have known whether Martin was just lost and looking around or casing a house. His intent was to watch. There is no indication he would have done anything else had Martin not initiated physical confrontation.

I already said that when GZ set foot outside his truck he stopped just watching and started to act. He had no business getting out of the truck. He did what watchers were supposed to do and that's call the cops. Then he took it a step further, and for what reason? Why didn't he just stay put and wait for the police?

GZ went beyond the parameters of the neighborhood watch. He was supposed to observe only. Why don't people get it?

Police volunteer program coordinator Wendy Dorival said she met Zimmerman in September at a community neighborhood watch presentation.

“I said, ‘If it’s someone you don’t recognize, call us. We’ll figure it out,’ ” Dorival said. “‘Observe from a safe location.’ There’s even a slide about not being vigilante police. I don’t know how many more times I can repeat it.”

It boggles my mind that so many people think TM had no right to turn and talk to GB, but that GZ had every right to get out of his truck and follow TM. It's a ridiculous argument that should be dropped already.
