The Coming George Zimmerman Verdict And The Radically Changed American Justice System

As a good neighborhood watch guy, the dispatcher instructed him, we don't need you to do that, police were on their way, he had done his civic duty.
No. And your belief that TM threw the first punch isn't based on any evidence either.

It is based on the fact that Martin did not have any bruises or indications of being hit. Now, I grant that he could have been shoved or something, but the injuries to Zimmerman, the evidence that Martin was on top, the lack of injuries to Martin would indicate he was the aggressor. Much has been made of the fact that Zimmerman was training MMA. That also would suggest that Martin surprised him with the initial attack. Not conclusive by any means, but the indications are there to support my position, whereas there is nothing that supports your position that I have seen.
As a good neighborhood watch guy, the dispatcher instructed him, we don't need you to do that, police were on their way, he had done his civic duty.

At which point he said 'ok' and indications are he was walking back to his vehicle when Martin confronted him (which again Martin had the right to question him).
It is based on the fact that Martin did not have any bruises or indications of being hit. Now, I grant that he could have been shoved or something, but the injuries to Zimmerman, the evidence that Martin was on top, the lack of injuries to Martin would indicate he was the aggressor. Much has been made of the fact that Zimmerman was training MMA. That also would suggest that Martin surprised him with the initial attack. Not conclusive by any means, but the indications are there to support my position, whereas there is nothing that supports your position that I have seen.

He's young, he avoided Zimmerman trying to detain him, he avoided the punch. Remember, Zimmerman sucks at punching.
He's young, he avoided Zimmerman trying to detain him, he avoided the punch. Remember, Zimmerman sucks at punching.

As I stated, the above could have happened. However, nothing suggests that is the case, whereas the evidence does suggest the contrary. and if you believe Zimmerman sucks that bad, then it adds to his position that he feared for his life while Martin was on top of him.
Watch does mean watch. Which is precisely what Zimmerman was doing until Martin started beating the shit out of him. He did not take the law into his own hands. He was abiding by it. You try to paint him as a vigilante, but if that were the case... why would he call 911 to begin with?

As to your other post... there is no way Zimmerman could have known whether Martin was just lost and looking around or casing a house. His intent was to watch. There is no indication he would have done anything else had Martin not initiated physical confrontation.

You must have not received the memo.

1. He didn't call in any white, Asians or Hispanics, so how would you describe his actions? You know there were strangers in his neighborhood other than just black male youths.

Do you have knowledge that there any "white, Asians or Hispanics" acting suspicious in the neighborhood, or is this just yet another strawman accusation?
It is based on the fact that Martin did not have any bruises or indications of being hit. Now, I grant that he could have been shoved or something, but the injuries to Zimmerman, the evidence that Martin was on top, the lack of injuries to Martin would indicate he was the aggressor.

Disagree. GZ's injuries could just mean that Martin was the stronger fighter. It shows nothing about who threw the first punch, that's supposition.

Much has been made of the fact that Zimmerman was training MMA. That also would suggest that Martin surprised him with the initial attack. Not conclusive by any means, but the indications are there to support my position, whereas there is nothing that supports your position that I have seen.

Disagree. I'm not even considering MMA in my comments because it neither proves nor disproves anything. The problem you and I have is that you're prepared to take GZ's word for what happened and I'm not. Nothing I've learned about him makes him trustworthy in my eyes, either before or after the incident. I believe he's a liar and a perjurer. I also believe he's going to win the case because the prosecution sucks.
Does he have to be told ?....The cop wanted to know where the guy went and Z tried to find out...on foot.

Martin running ?....why didn't he keep running all the way to his residence, he was certainly close enough.

I wouldn't lead him home to my 12 year old brother, not knowing who he was, would you?
Disagree. GZ's injuries could just mean that Martin was the stronger fighter. It shows nothing about who threw the first punch, that's supposition.

Martin didn't have a mark on him from a fight, nada, nothing....not even rumpled or dirty clothes, he didn't even lose his candy and ice tea....
Physical evidence has to carry the burden of proving the testimony, without using far fetched why didn't's or maybe's or how come's....

The tape of the on-going attack is powerful proof.....witness testimony is next in support of Z...

The evidence is so one sided, its unthinkable that Z could be found guilty of anything.
I wouldn't lead him home to my 12 year old brother, not knowing who he was, would you?

Zimmerman already did not know where he was...he was in the clear...he had a phone and didn't call 911 to report he was being followed or threatened....

you need to get a clue....
So instead you confront the guy? yeah, that makes sense.

I can see Bravo, Dumb yankee, ILA, and a host of other conservatards having this conversation.

I can't see you having it though. I am embarrassed for you. Sure you don't want to think this through a little?
Martin didn't have a mark on him from a fight, nada, nothing....not even rumpled or dirty clothes, he didn't even lose his candy and ice tea....
Physical evidence has to carry the burden of proving the testimony, without using far fetched why didn't's or maybe's or how come's....

The tape of the on-going attack is powerful proof.....witness testimony is next in support of Z...

The evidence is so one sided, its unthinkable that Z could be found guilty of anything.

George just shot him, that is why Trayvon didn't have any marks on him. Trayvon was trying to protect himself. Zimmerman didn't do anything but shoot.
Zimmerman already did not know where he was...he was in the clear...he had a phone and didn't call 911 to report he was being followed or threatened....

you need to get a clue....

He told his girlfriend, he was on the phone with her, he didn't have time to call police once Zimmerman approached him.
George just shot him, that is why Trayvon didn't have any marks on him. Trayvon was trying to protect himself. Zimmerman didn't do anything but shoot.
so all those witnesses that said someone was on top of the other person just wailing away were all seeing things when what they actually saw was zimmerman tell martin to stop as he walked up and shot him in the chest?
Martin didn't have a mark on him from a fight, nada, nothing....not even rumpled or dirty clothes, he didn't even lose his candy and ice tea....
Physical evidence has to carry the burden of proving the testimony, without using far fetched why didn't's or maybe's or how come's....

The tape of the on-going attack is powerful proof.....witness testimony is next in support of Z...

The evidence is so one sided, its unthinkable that Z could be found guilty of anything.

I can tell you didn't listen to Zimmerman's testimony, did you. He lies, he slips up, he fabricates, he changes his story.