The Coming George Zimmerman Verdict And The Radically Changed American Justice System

Its a free country.....did Z have the right to defend himself from the obvious beating he was getting, yes or no ?

He wasn't getting a beating, and he didnt try to defend himself to the same degree, he shot the kid, no bucking, kicking, scratching, biting, he just shot him in the heart.
Nope. But the prosecution took his words in depositions to the police and elsewhere and ripped each and every one of them apart.

Zimmy is nothing but a murdering liar.

hope you didn't break a leg on that wild assed jumping to conclusions. the fact that zimmerman didn't testify at trial tells me that the witnesses made his case for him.
It does appear Zimmerman lied in his deposition testamony or in his statements to the police, one of the two.
He told his girlfriend, he was on the phone with her, he didn't have time to call police once Zimmerman approached him.

He could have been on the phone with the police instead of his girlfriend if he was concerned.....he was about 100 yards from his front door....he was home free

Z didn't approach him, he approached Z....maybe doing a little macho stuff to impress his girlfriend.....we can speculate all we want, that won't mean a thing

coulda, woulda, shoulda ain't gonna cut it....
He could have been on the phone with the police instead of his girlfriend if he was concerned.....he was about 100 yards from his front door....he was home free

Z didn't approach him, he approached Z....maybe doing a little macho stuff to impress his girlfriend.....we can speculate all we want, that won't mean a thing

coulda, woulda, shoulda ain't gonna cut it....

How do you know he approached Zimmerman, Zimmerman is a liar,proven by his own words.
It does appear Zimmerman lied in his deposition testamony or in his statements to the police, one of the two.

Minor details changing from statements 2 minutes after this experience is expected to change when interviewed hours, weeks or months later after
you've calmed down and the event is past history....I'd be more suspicious if it didn't change.
guess you've never seen that, huh counselor ?...
He could have been on the phone with the police instead of his girlfriend if he was concerned.....he was about 100 yards from his front door....he was home free

Z didn't approach him, he approached Z....maybe doing a little macho stuff to impress his girlfriend.....we can speculate all we want, that won't mean a thing

coulda, woulda, shoulda ain't gonna cut it....

Would you lead a guy you thought was creepy home to your family? I wouldn't.
Its a free country.....did Z have the right to defend himself from the obvious beating he was getting, yes or no ?

It seems you're really uncomfortable answering that question so let me rephrase.

If someone starts to follow you on your way home from the bar, do you have the right to ask why?
then it should be easy to show what the prosecution presented as a lie?

I listened to the pros. closing was a good a could be expected with such bogus evidence....the so called lies were nothing but
prosecution spin of minor inconsistency of Zimmermans statements....he attempted to make mountains out of molehills....
I'd suggest you listen to the defense closing argument tomorrow for some real insight.

The obvious lies told by Martins 'girlfriend' about what she heard on phone were much more damning and proof of lying....that testimony changed on
major claims of what she heard.
Would you lead a guy you thought was creepy home to your family? I wouldn't.

I'd be calling the police, not a girlfriend if I was worried about a "creepy ass cracker".....
I'd feel safer in my own residence with 2 phones to call for help and surrounded by neighbors that could help...
I'm not a lawyer but if you think you've won the case (as a defense attorney) why would you put your client on the stand?

I'd like Jarod or Soc to tell the reasons why a lawyer wouldn't want his client to testify. As far as I know, GZ could have taken the stand earlier in the trial before the lawyers heard all the other testimony.