so your dem candidate is a man of action on china? lol.
He has not been president, so I, like you, do not know how he would deal with China. I am sure he would not be stupid enough to do tariffs and endless childish threats. giggle giggle
so your dem candidate is a man of action on china? lol.
He has not been president, so I, like you, do not know how he would deal with China. I am sure he would not be stupid enough to do tariffs and endless childish threats. giggle giggle
Trump loves China, so we need Biden.
There is no vaccine, so intermingling will spread it. Even rightys can see the danger, unless they get Trump in their eyes. The CDC says opening might be tried after 14 days of sinking Corona rates. No state has achieved that. But they will open anyway.
Make sense. the dem policies are far more enlightened that the Repubs pro-corporate, pro- wealthy beliefs. The Dems can deal with China. Trump is a bully putting tariffs on. Those tariffs are taxes on American consumers. Trump is a simple little man who reacts quickly and emotionally. He does not think things through.
Make sense. the dem policies are far more enlightened that the Repubs pro-corporate, pro- wealthy beliefs. The Dems can deal with China. Trump is a bully putting tariffs on. Those tariffs are taxes on American consumers. Trump is a simple little man who reacts quickly and emotionally. He does not think things through.
There is no vaccine, so intermingling will spread it. Even rightys can see the danger, unless they get Trump in their eyes. The CDC says opening might be tried after 14 days of sinking Corona rates. No state has achieved that. But they will open anyway.
That's right! Possibly staving off a depression worse than the one that began in 1929. I bet you know nothing of that, huh?
That's why it's good to know history.
I still have things from the last depression. I know.
Do you like to eat?
The ignorance of the Modern Morons is astounding.
They're about to get a wakeup call. It's about to get real.
It's exactly like waking the sleep walking....the almost dead.
This is going to be very traumatic for everyone.
I dont need any more trauma in this life.
I have had my fill!
Eh, you've made it this far..Me? I'm tough. I can feed many around me, even.
I am tough and not a dim wit....this is what is required to rise far above the Modern Morons.
Not being dim = seeking and speaking the truth.
the truth is a hard mistress.
Truth is pursued by the better, of whom we now have far too few.
Yes it is something that takes training and intestinal fortitude, and a lot of years of practice to master.
and it's a hard look at yourself, and everything you hold dear.
It is, especially to come to know ones shadow (Jung), to know that we too are capable of evil, to know of the tricks the Ego plays.
Very very few people this deep into this Next Dark Age know who they are.
Nor do they seem to want to.
oh yeah. everyone should go through alcoholics anonymous. even if they never drank.
do you remember this kids in the hall skit where two guys kept changing places, one the executive, one the janitor, and they kept switching places? after several iterations everything starts stabilizing.
cant find it on youtube.
love michael tsarion.