The Conservative Tradition

I have a this video class on my watch list, partly because I decided I need to learn how it is possible that conservatives could have turned into fan boys of a shockingly dim witted and incompetent Reality TV host. What is it about Trumpf that inspires them to spend countless hours of their lived defending him, and providing cover for him?

I'm not very familiar with Schaeffer, but, Mills and Rand were both rejected by Kirk and Buckley (Buckley even debated Rand). They are mostly just recommended reading for those interested in libertarian and objectivist thought.

It would be a nice project for someone to pick-up The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot, and extend it to Kirk and Buckley, adding the Postwar era to the anthology.
I'm not very familiar with Schaeffer, but, Mills and Rand were both rejected by Kirk and Buckley (Buckley even debated Rand). They are mostly just recommended reading for those interested in libertarian and objectivist thought.

It would be a nice project for someone to pick-up The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot, and extend it to Kirk and Buckley, adding the Postwar era to the anthology.
I am willing to consider engaging you again if I assume your days of gossip and innuendo under the Anonymous handle is water under the bridge.
I understand everyone has their own personal definition of what a “true conservative” is, and that includes the opinions of William Buckley, Phyllis Schlafly, as well as obscure message board posters.

I have learned more about the conservative tradition from Professor Allitt in ten lectures, than I have in ten years from message board conservatives. The only philosophy most self-proclaimed message board conservatives have is a nihilistic hatred of anything perceived as liberal, and an unfounded slavish devotion to the Iraq War. The Iraq War is actually the only tangible policy I ever noticed message board conservatives passionately supporting and defending nearly in unison.

As a matter of philosophical tradition, being conservative does not mean supporting NAFTA, supporting Bush’s Tax Cuts for the Rich, or supporting Trump’s Muslim ban. Being conservative in the Anglo-American convention means being a traditionalist, believing in the accumulated wisdom of the past, believing in the traditional social order, believing in incremental change at best, and having an overt suspicion if not outright hostility towards democratic institutions.

And that broad contextual backdrop of the conservative tradition has plenty of room for William Buckely, Ayn Rand, Edmund Burke, John Adams, bible thumping social conservatives, war mongering neoconservatives, white Christian nationalists, among others. No one actually has a claim on what a "true conservative" is.
I am willing to consider engaging you again if I assume your days of gossip and innuendo under the Anonymous handle is water under the bridge.
I understand everyone has their own personal definition of what a “true conservative” is, and that includes the opinions of William Buckley, Phyllis Schlafly, as well as obscure message board posters.

I have learned more about the conservative tradition from Professor Allitt in ten lectures, than I have in ten years from message board conservatives. The only philosophy most self-proclaimed message board conservatives have is a nihilistic hatred of anything perceived as liberal, and an unfounded slavish devotion to the Iraq War. The Iraq War is actually the only tangible policy I ever noticed message board conservatives passionately supporting and defending nearly in unison.

As a matter of philosophical tradition, being conservative does not mean supporting NAFTA, supporting Bush’s Tax Cuts for the Rich, or supporting Trump’s Muslim ban. Being conservative in the Anglo-American convention means being a traditionalist, believing in the accumulated wisdom of the past, believing in the traditional social order, believing in incremental change at best, and having an overt suspicion if not outright hostility towards democratic institutions.

And that broad contextual backdrop of the conservative tradition has plenty of room for William Buckely, Ayn Rand, Edmund Burke, John Adams, bible thumping social conservatives, war mongering neoconservatives, white Christian nationalists, among others. No one actually has a claim on what a "true conservative" is.

An American conservative holds the political philosophy of Western liberalism, and rejects all illiberal thought, to include progressivism. Burke, Adams, Kirk, and Buckley would all get along. They would not get along with Rand. Frank Meyer argued for fusionism in the postwar era, as a means of unifying all anticommunists against Marxism. It has continued to allow conservatives, libertarians, neocons, and right-leaning populists to organize against the left, to an extent.

Feel free to live in denial about your past all you want. I can't make you confront your demons, but I can laugh about them. The Anonymous is just a silly feature that Damo inserted into the Off Topic Forum. It can't be used anywhere else, so, banning it from forums like CE is a waste of time.
An American conservative holds the political philosophy of Western liberalism, and rejects all illiberal thought, to include progressivism. Burke, Adams, Kirk, and Buckley would all get along. They would not get along with Rand. Frank Meyer argued for fusionism in the postwar era, as a means of unifying all anticommunists against Marxism. It has continued to allow conservatives, libertarians, neocons, and right-leaning populists to organize against the left, to an extent.

Feel free to live in denial about your past all you want. I can't make you confront your demons, but I can laugh about them. The Anonymous is just a silly feature that Damo inserted into the Off Topic Forum. It can't be used anywhere else, so, banning it from forums like CE is a waste of time.

You do not know jack shit about me, you obviously have spent a significant part of the last decade thinking about me and gossiping about me - which is obsessively creepy in itself, and the fact that you posted as anonymous tells me you are a coward.

I do not think about you at all, and you are not on my radar in the slightest way. I always responded to you in a measured way and with appropriate levels of decorum. If you willfully choose to not reciprocate, you and I are done permenantly
I am willing to consider engaging you again if I assume your days of gossip and innuendo under the Anonymous handle is water under the bridge.
I understand everyone has their own personal definition of what a “true conservative” is, and that includes the opinions of William Buckley, Phyllis Schlafly, as well as obscure message board posters.

I have learned more about the conservative tradition from Professor Allitt in ten lectures, than I have in ten years from message board conservatives. The only philosophy most self-proclaimed message board conservatives have is a nihilistic hatred of anything perceived as liberal, and an unfounded slavish devotion to the Iraq War. The Iraq War is actually the only tangible policy I ever noticed message board conservatives passionately supporting and defending nearly in unison.

As a matter of philosophical tradition, being conservative does not mean supporting NAFTA, supporting Bush’s Tax Cuts for the Rich, or supporting Trump’s Muslim ban. Being conservative in the Anglo-American convention means being a traditionalist, believing in the accumulated wisdom of the past, believing in the traditional social order, believing in incremental change at best, and having an overt suspicion if not outright hostility towards democratic institutions.

And that broad contextual backdrop of the conservative tradition has plenty of room for William Buckely, Ayn Rand, Edmund Burke, John Adams, bible thumping social conservatives, war mongering neoconservatives, white Christian nationalists, among others. No one actually has a claim on what a "true conservative" is.

Many believe it wasn't any of those, but Goldwater that defined the conservative status quo.. He wasn't in favor of many of those..

What did Allitt have to say about Goldwater??