Yes, he was, I remember double digit unemployment.
They used to combine that with the Inflation rate to get the Misery rate
Yes, he was, I remember double digit unemployment.
I see less than zero chance of that happening. I don't see any upside for DeSantis. If they run and lose that's a big blow. A big part of his appeal to many on the right is he supports Trump like policies without the personal baggage of Trump. As VP he would spend his time defending Trump. Again, no upside. Instead he stays Governor of Florida and doesn't get tainted by Trump, like he would if he ran with him, until he's ready to run for President.
But for the sake of discussion, if Trump runs again why would he pick DeSantis? Trump lost in '20 largely because he lost (white) suburban women. Is DeSantis going to bring those voters back? It doesn't make sense to me bring someone deemed Trump Lite to make up for Trump's deficiencies.
I see less than zero chance of that happening. I don't see any upside for DeSantis. If they run and lose that's a big blow. A big part of his appeal to many on the right is he supports Trump like policies without the personal baggage of Trump. As VP he would spend his time defending Trump. Again, no upside. Instead he stays Governor of Florida and doesn't get tainted by Trump, like he would if he ran with him, until he's ready to run for President.
But for the sake of discussion, if Trump runs again why would he pick DeSantis? Trump lost in '20 largely because he lost (white) suburban women. Is DeSantis going to bring those voters back? It doesn't make sense to me bring someone deemed Trump Lite to make up for Trump's deficiencies.
I am flat telling you that many sane folks will flat leave that party if they put Trump back up there. The same folks that were angry when the national party changed the rules making whatever Trump wanted "the platform" to be into the the platform of the party. No one person should be the center of any party, there should be a core of beliefs that the standard bearer is expected to uphold, not a set of "rules" that the most popular person gets to dictate.
Trump should not be the nominee. Not only has he proven that even Brandon can beat him, the republicans that remained would have to sell their frickin' soul to pretend that the party had anything to do with their core values anymore.
If I remember correctly, pretty much the same reason we heard back in the 2015 GOP primary why Trump would never be the nominee
And the irony is that the parties voicing them were often one of the first to support him as soon as he showed headwind
I see less than zero chance of that happening. I don't see any upside for DeSantis. If they run and lose that's a big blow. A big part of his appeal to many on the right is he supports Trump like policies without the personal baggage of Trump. As VP he would spend his time defending Trump. Again, no upside. Instead he stays Governor of Florida and doesn't get tainted by Trump, like he would if he ran with him, until he's ready to run for President.
But for the sake of discussion, if Trump runs again why would he pick DeSantis? Trump lost in '20 largely because he lost (white) suburban women. Is DeSantis going to bring those voters back? It doesn't make sense to me bring someone deemed Trump Lite to make up for Trump's deficiencies.
First I believe either one would beat Biden or any other dim after this train wreck of an administration.
Both would like to run in 2024 and they’d have to be considered the front runners at this point.
Would DeSantis acquiesce to Trump and be the VP running mate with the express intent of running for president after 4 years since Trump would be ineligible then?
would love Desantis - no way am I voting for Trump.
the enemy of my enemy does not get a second shot. if he doesn't have the sense to stand down - fuck him!
You know you would vote for a Trump/DeSantis ticket!
Great analysis!
Another one!I am flat telling you that many sane folks will flat leave that party if they put Trump back up there. The same folks that were angry when the national party changed the rules making whatever Trump wanted "the platform" to be into the the platform of the party. No one person should be the center of any party, there should be a core of beliefs that the standard bearer is expected to uphold, not a set of "rules" that the most popular person gets to dictate.
Trump should not be the nominee. Not only has he proven that even Brandon can beat him, the republicans that remained would have to sell their frickin' soul to pretend that the party had anything to do with their core values anymore.
I will tell you now that I will not vote for him. Before he was the nominee I thought he was a joke and wasn't much of a republican, I only voted for him then because I believed that he was BARELY better than Hillary.
Right now we know that he lost to a basement dwelling dementia patient who can't stop himself from going off script and screwing up the one thing the presidency is supposed to be for (foreign relations). The man that beat Trump:
I'll throw another one out there for you. How do you see a Trump vs. DeSantis campaign for the nom?
So, you "will not vote for him," meaning you will then vote for, or throw away your vote helping, the guy who you think is a "basement dwelling dementia patient?"
takes a real retard to choose to debate from a position of ignorance
might as well argue about what state I claim is my home.
just shit stain jackass behavior -
I honestly can’t call that one. You have a certain element of Republicans that are ride or die Trump. You have another contingent that voted for Trump twice and support him but are now over him and have moved on to DeSantis. DeSantis seems to be gaining momentum and Trump losing his but no idea how to handicap that right now.
It's obvious that The State you live in a stubborn State of ignorance and Delusion.
I hope not!First I believe either one would beat Biden or any other dim after this train wreck of an administration.
Both would like to run in 2024 and they’d have to be considered the front runners at this point.
Would DeSantis acquiesce to Trump and be the VP running mate with the express intent of running for president after 4 years since Trump would be ineligible then?