APP - The death spiral has begun: The US can no longer sustain itself.

Except it isn't. There is no way possible, even if we took 100% of all earnings from the top 10% (and you know that will never happen) that we could pay this debt. It's just stupid to think that we can raise taxes into prosperity. The most you can do with that is just make sure we all suffer the same amount.


There's "no way possible"?

Well then game over man, why the hell hasn't the rioting started yet if there's no way to stop this?

Or is this just the latest example of standard issue Rightie doomsday Hyperbole?

There's "no way possible"?

Well then game over man, why the hell hasn't the rioting started yet if there's no way to stop this?

Or is this just the latest example of standard issue Rightie doomsday Hyperbole?

Sooner or later the US will have to face up to spending cuts and higher taxes, there is just no other way around it. We are having to face up to the same thing here as have the Irish and Greeks already.
Sooner or later the US will have to face up to spending cuts and higher taxes, there is just no other way around it. We are having to face up to the same thing here as have the Irish and Greeks already.

So then there IS a way out, and all I've been hearing is the same old dire Rightie hyperbole...just as I thought.
They will have The Bomb?!?


Iran has ONE nuke...however will we defend ourselves since we only have 2,000-3,000 NUKES OF OUR OWN!

He bombs us, we lose some citizens and immediately turn his country into fused glass...eos!

I, unlike gutless Rightie Chickenhawks, am not afraid of other countries having nukes. They will NEVER have as many as the USA and we will wipe out anyone who detonates one on US soil.

We don't even know if they have one nuke, actually from their perspective it makes good sense to keep the west guessing as it is less likely to be attacked that way. The example of Iraq weighs heavy on the minds of the Iranians.
You do not know what Iran's true intentions are and the threats to wipe out Israel are just sabre rattling, as it doesn't have the capacity to do so. Anyway what makes Israel so special that they can ignore the world and go their own way. Everyone knows that they have at least 100-150 warheads so what exactly are they gaining by denying what is in the public domain already. Isn't it amazing that North Korea, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons and have not signed the NPT yet you are more concerned about Iran.

"The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".
Israel "must be wiped out from the map of the world."

I tend to take either translation at face value.

There's "no way possible"?

Well then game over man, why the hell hasn't the rioting started yet if there's no way to stop this?

Or is this just the latest example of standard issue Rightie doomsday Hyperbole?
Dude, the math itself shows that it just isn't there. We can't continue to add spending and think "Just Raise Taxes" will fix it. We need to cut spending.

In order to "grow" into our deficit, we'd have to have at or above 10% growth per year for 75 years. Not kidding. I'll see if I can find the article...
Obama's plan appears to be the creation of catastrophic crises that only the Democrats can resolve. It matters not what is good for the country as long as Democrats are in power.
Dude, the math itself shows that it just isn't there. We can't continue to add spending and think "Just Raise Taxes" will fix it. We need to cut spending.

In order to "grow" into our deficit, we'd have to have at or above 10% growth per year for 75 years. Not kidding. I'll see if I can find the article...

I'll take your word for it, we can't just raise taxes. Nor do I think we should do that alone. We are going to have to cut spending somewhere, create new incoming revenue streams and target loopholes that allow so many to avoid paying.
Dude, the math itself shows that it just isn't there. We can't continue to add spending and think "Just Raise Taxes" will fix it. We need to cut spending.

In order to "grow" into our deficit, we'd have to have at or above 10% growth per year for 75 years. Not kidding. I'll see if I can find the article...

Damo, is it this one?

The 20 Percent Solution
MAR 3, 2010 10:11 EST
House Republicans Jeb Hensarling and Mike Pence want a constitutional amendment to limit government spending to 20 percent of GDP, its rough historical average. In their Wall Street Journal op-ed, H&P admit, significantly, that America cannot grow its way out of its debt problem:

Can we tax our way out of this problem? No. In order to pay for what we are on track to spend under current law, taxes would have to double. This would crush our economy and condemn future generations to a far lower standard of living. That is not an option. Can we grow our way out? Unfortunately, no. Although pro-growth policies like simplifying the tax code and lowering rates are critical components of any solution, they alone are insufficient. Mr. Walker estimated it would take double-digit economic growth every year for the next 75 years in order to close the fiscal gap.​

Me: They don’t say how the government should hit that 20 percent goal, given the expected rise in entitlement spending. But it does provide a marker. They aren’t arguing for small government as much as typical government, at least overall. But hitting that 20 percent would require a radical transformation of US domestic economic policies. Both Social Security and Medicare would be transformed, particularly the latter. Nothing typical about that.
Dude, the math itself shows that it just isn't there. We can't continue to add spending and think "Just Raise Taxes" will fix it. We need to cut spending.

In order to "grow" into our deficit, we'd have to have at or above 10% growth per year for 75 years. Not kidding. I'll see if I can find the article...

So as I've already said it is going to require a combination of cuts and higher taxes. The party's over, so get used to the new austerity.
You don't know why Netanyahu canceled his visit. An equally valid reason is that he doesn't want to be dissed like last time Obama met with him.

Israel would be foolish to sign such a treaty. They are a small country surrounded on three sides by enemies sworn to destroy them, and the fourth side by the sea. Nukes give them great capacity to defend themselves. Iran, on the other hand, is smart to sign it for the very reason that you demonstrate: so pacifists can say that Iran signed the treaty. What you fail to understand however, is that Iran, unlike Israel, has no intention of keeping their promises.

Iran has stated that they intend to destroy Israel, is actively working on a bomb, and there should be doubt in a sane mind that they will use it as soon as they have it.

Israel is the only real friend we have in the ME. I don't blame Netanyahu canceling his trip with the arrogant bastard we have for a president.

Iran has been lying to us for years and they can't be believed now under any circumstances.
Israel is the only real friend we have in the ME. I don't blame Netanyahu canceling his trip with the arrogant bastard we have for a president.

Iran has been lying to us for years and they can't be believed now under any circumstances.

Little Mahmoud is a liar just like Saddam was a liar. Only a fool would trust either one.
I don't take them at their word but then again why do you believe that they are intent on building nuclear weapons when there is no incontrovertible evidence?
To require such a high standard of evidence when so many people are at risk is rather irresponsible, isn't it?