APP - The death spiral has begun: The US can no longer sustain itself.

and non of it matter to neotoos until Obama got in. The SORE LOSERS are comical and I hope to God they keep it up. Wait until about Sept 2010 to actually decide on a real strategy. Then it's to late.
If none of it mattered then all those "neotools" would have got out and voted for McCain. It mattered. No R stood a shot because people were sick of it.
the neotools did vote for Mcfossil. It was the youth vote and the independents that won it for Obama.
Obama is a radical socialist and Obamacare will be found to be unconstitutional and thrown out. America is on the verge of bankruptcy and we are about to enter in a period of inflation that will make the Carter years look tame. The American people aren't stupid, and in November we'll see a lame-duck Democrat congress desperately try to pass still more socialist legislation before they get replaced by Republicans who kicked their asses in the elections. Obama will be a one-term President, and history will see him as a failure.

There is a bigger danger of deflation than inflation.
the neotools did vote for Mcfossil. It was the youth vote and the independents that won it for Obama.
Inane, ignoring the fact that many of those independents voted Bush, some twice (some of them four times) may make you feel better, but what swung the vote to Obama wasn't the kids, it was independents who were pissed at the status quo in DC and who were promised open government, unhidden agendas, lobbyists kicked out of one branch of the government... None of which has happened, in fact it has been quite opposite.
Inane, ignoring the fact that many of those independents voted Bush, some twice (some of them four times) may make you feel better, but what swung the vote to Obama wasn't the kids, it was independents who were pissed at the status quo in DC and who were promised open government, unhidden agendas, lobbyists kicked out of one branch of the government... None of which has happened, in fact it has been quite opposite.

oh yeah, I very scared independents are going to turn into racist overnight, I was born at night just not last night!
Only if we grew in the double digits for about 70 years would we be able to make it "minuscule", did you read the article that Annie posted?

We have, for the past 60 years, never paid even one dime towards any of our debt. Zero, nada, not one iota. We pay the interest and borrow more each and every year.

No doubt all the right wingnuts will never stop bleating but the defence budget will have to cut, there are too many bases and too many useless programmes.
No doubt all the right wingnuts will never stop bleating but the defence budget will have to cut, there are too many bases and too many useless programmes.
Works for me. Let Europe start depending less on our troops, our anti-missile technology, willingness to help out in Europe and elsewhere... and more on their own.
You do not know what Iran's true intentions are and the threats to wipe out Israel are just sabre rattling, as it doesn't have the capacity to do so. Anyway what makes Israel so special that they can ignore the world and go their own way. Everyone knows that they have at least 100-150 warheads so what exactly are they gaining by denying what is in the public domain already. Isn't it amazing that North Korea, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons and have not signed the NPT yet you are more concerned about Iran.

People like A Q Khan pose the biggest threat.
Works for me. Let Europe start depending less on our troops, our anti-missile technology, willingness to help out in Europe and elsewhere... and more on their own.

First off, I would agree that Germany, Holland and the Scandinavian countries need to spend more on defence. France and the UK spend around 2.5% of GDP as against the 4% spent by the US.

As to the missile shield, it is not wanted by Europe, it is just another incredibly expensive white elephant dreamed up by the military industrial complex and Bush. The article below details the reasons why it will not work, it only needs updating to say that Romania is now hosting the missiles instead of the Czech Republic and Poland.
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