The Debate that Matermark lost

Watermarks bitching and moaning

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Errr I have to differ with you. The sperm and ovum cells are haploid cells of the parent human. When they fertilize each other a brand new cell in a diploid state with a completely unique set of chromosomes (DNA) is formed. This is the beginning of a new life and one that is genetically unique from the gamete cells it is derived from.

Don't fall into the trap of them trying to get you to continue this.
It's obvious they had been hoping that Watermark would win, hands down, and now that he's failed to live up their expectations; they're just trying to play a "gotcha" moment, so they can say that the Judges were in error.

Apple just wants to denigrate life, so he can justify his stance.
Don't fall into the trap of them trying to get you to continue this.
It's obvious they had been hoping that Watermark would win, hands down, and now that he's failed to live up their expectations; they're just trying to play a "gotcha" moment, so they can say that the Judges were in error.

Apple just wants to denigrate life, so he can justify his stance.

you do realize that apple was one of the judges, right?
Please stop.
You already lost and now your comments appear to a pathetic attempt to save yourself. :palm:


Hey Folks!!

I have reduced USF from his station of being an idiot, to being a whimpering idiot.

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Don't fall into the trap of them trying to get you to continue this.
It's obvious they had been hoping that Watermark would win, hands down, and now that he's failed to live up their expectations; they're just trying to play a "gotcha" moment, so they can say that the Judges were in error.

Apple just wants to denigrate life, so he can justify his stance.

Like an evil sadistic anti human piece of shit like you has anything to stand on regarding "denigrating life".

And Mott is pro-choice, you idiot.
asshat is just dicking around, i don't even know if he is going to debate, he hasn't said anything about it. damo says he can't do his opening until tonight
he's a bit clueless. he thought he was going to get to choose his own topic or something, he wanted to debate globalization.
Actually she's spot on. If you think about it, it really doesn't make sense to call the splitting of an organism "the beginning of life". As Carl Sagan said in his essay on abortion, "Despite many claims to the contrary, life does not begin at conception: It is an unbroken chain that stretches back nearly to the origin of the Earth, 4.6 billion years ago. Nor does human life begin at conception: It is an unbroken chain dating back to the origin of our species, hundreds of thousands of years ago. Every human sperm and egg is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, alive. They are not human beings, of course."

Errr I have to differ with you. The sperm and ovum cells are haploid cells of the parent human. When they fertilize each other a brand new cell in a diploid state with a completely unique set of chromosomes (DNA) is formed. This is the beginning of a new life and one that is genetically unique from the gamete cells it is derived from.

Human life, a unique genetic human life, in the state of presence and in the state of being, only BEGINS at one point. It is logically, biologically, and inherently impossible for human life to begin at another point. The process of growth and functioning as an organism begins at the moment of conception. Not three seconds before or two seconds after, but at that precise moment, a human life begins. Any further debate, is over the significance of the human life, whether it is viable or has obtained sufficient development, but it became a human life at one point only, conception.
Watermark has some decent humor, it's too bad that emotard humor is lost in text communications...