The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. 7 Ways the Ruling Elite Are Making Us Dumber

Greed is a disease and the addiction to power and wealth makes some folks blind to anything but the here and now and their insatiable hunger for more and more and more. There I also rampant sociopathy and must have noticed that.

Power hungry leftist Fascists are much worse. The inhumanity of Government welfare has been evident ever since that Fascist Roosevelt started instituting it. ;)
people with anxiety problems are NOT sociopaths

they are often just the opposite idiot

Sociopaths like you are the evil ones who seek to harm others so they can feel "special"

just like you

it's a deep anxiety, more like a terror that only bubbles out when they feel imminent loss of control. if they're succesful at control, it may not come out often.

or it only comes out around "underlings". like Hillary blowing up at donna brazilian wax.
They don't care about legacy. They just want as much money and power as possible while alive. Many of them probably don't know why this hasn't made them happy, so they're just trying to get more and more, thinking that'll help.

Who is they? Leftist billionaires and media moguls?
Many avid "trump lovers" cling to this notion that THEY TOO could be wealthy just like tRump if only the government hadn't held them back. And others are simply former "closet" racists" that use tRump a a segway to finally feel brave enough to come out.

There is ZERO truth in your posts. Do you ever get tired of lying and looking dumb?
to them they are proving their status as the BEST HUMANS ON THE PLANET
they are sociopaths and believe life is a fucking game to prove how great and powerful they are

You really need to check yourself back into that asylum and be kept under watch. ;)
you HATE everyone asshole
you have no love or compassion for anyone
you are a sociopath
you are either nit a real human
you are a broken human
that is why no one cares fior you either
people don't love evil people
That is why you are SOOOOOO alone

^So much love in this post. :laugh:
I think it’s hilarious you are such a Trump ass kisser. Never thought I’d see you support a rich oligarch. It makes me smile. You’ve lost your way.

he's not perfect. I look at policy. pushing back on china is my main reason for support.

what are your ISSUES?
I think it’s hilarious you are such a Trump ass kisser. Never thought I’d see you support a rich oligarch. It makes me smile. You’ve lost your way.

I am amused that whenever someone engages a sociopath lying leftist, they come back with lame meme's like this. Yep, in the Fascistic world of the leftist, defending the facts makes you a Trump ass kisser.

November it going to be a bad month for leftist losers like you. ;)
you HATE everyone asshole

you have no love or compassion for anyone

you are a sociopath

you are either nit a real human


you are a broken human

that is why no one cares fior you either

people don't love evil people

That is why you are SOOOOOO alone

Lol ! Nit wit !
of course they're dumbing us down. "there are 31 genders" is part of the dumb, and so is "monopolies are fine because they're efficient."

(you mbas know better, "single point of failure" anyone?)
of course they're dumbing us down. "there are 31 genders" is part of the dumb, and so is "monopolies are fine because they're efficient."

(you mbas know better, "single point of failure" anyone?)

russo bot holes find Human diversity confusing

Only real non sociopathic humans find it easy to accept humans individually as they are

thanks for showing your sociopathy to all you waste of human flesh

that is if you are human
russo bot holes find Human diversity confusing

Only real non sociopathic humans find it easy to accept humans individually as they are

thanks for showing your sociopathy to all you waste of human flesh

that is if you are human

so believing in 31 genders is accepting people as they are?

ok, insane person.

see? dumbed down.
Hello Casual Leftist,

What I can't wrap my head around is what the ruling elite stand to gain. Even they will die one day - then what will their legacy be?

They are in a race with each other to see who can accumulate the most wealth before they die. If they perceive someone else is surpassing them, they feel like a failure. They have made the mistake of equating wealth with happiness.

The world is chock-full of geniuses who have not used their intelligence in the pursuit of excess wealth. Truly smart and happy people understand there is far more to life than accumulating wealth. You need enough wealth to have your needs met and a little extra to enjoy some splurging, but too much wealth can be a burden, causing great stress. Being trapped in the wealth race is a sad trap.

I know a fellow who made a killing in the stock market young and was independently wealthy by age 35. He was free to live a life of ease without ever working. He ended up being a yacht captain for some very wealthy people, and eventually just got his own yacht and began wandering whereever he felt like going. He sends me emails with good jokes and stories of his adventures. I'm glad my friend is enjoying life the way he wants to.

I look at IMPOTUS and I see a very sad man. He could have stopped being so controversial and just begun enjoying his own life a long time ago, being independently wealthy at age 30. He chose to chase after more of what he already had plenty of, the fool. And it is a crying shame to see that if he had simply invested his money wisely in market-based funds, he would be far richer today than after all the conniving and bankruptcies. But it was never about the money for him. He already had far more than he would ever have needed. He has spent his life trying to prove something to himself and his father, and he has failed. He has been trying to prove a lie. The lie is that the family wealth came on the up and up. His father ripped off the government program to house America after WWII. That is where the wealth came from.

IMPOTUS has lived a wasted life marred by bankruptcies, court cases and divorce. He loudly proclaims to any willing ear that he has been a victim, that everyone is out to get him. What a shallow fool. He had it made and he didn't even know it. He should have taken a fraction of his fortune and gotten himself some really good mental counseling, but his ego wouldn't let him do it. So many people in this world could use that help to sort out their personal mysteries but can't afford it. He could and never availed himself of it. He is a fool on top of a fool. One thing he is not is the great leader America needs. Anybody who thinks he is - is a fool.

True happiness can't be bought. It has to be earned. And that means getting your head in the right place.