The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. 7 Ways the Ruling Elite Are Making Us Dumber

It is very difficult to watch and observe this happening for those who have not succumbed to the sad dumbing-down of America.

You mean like you? You're one of the biggest dummies I've ever encountered. You could write the book, dummies for dummies.

Hahahaha! Noam Chomsky, I rest my case. Fred G. Sanford says, "you big dummy". Is your name Lamont?

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so if you're playing pictionary or charades and you get "nostradamus", "nostril dead mouse" is good to keep in mind as a more concrete starting point.

all of my posts are focused on solving human problems.
What I can't wrap my head around is what the ruling elite stand to gain. Even they will die one day - then what will their legacy be?

Money. Short term money as much as they can get. The genius comes in when they got the supremes to say corporations are people. Then followed up with Citizen United. The America the wealthy are creating will resemble European royalty power over peasants when they are done. The Roberts court is the most pro-corporate of all time. The rich have all the balls moving in the same direction. The people don't stand a chance. Trump feels now is the time to slash SS, welfare, food stamps , Medicare and Medicaid. That is how far down the line they are.
Who is they? Leftist billionaires and media moguls?

If they were Leftists, they'd be trying to redistribute their wealth. The 1% is made up of Conservatives who support Republicans, and Centrists who support Democrats. Maybe some of them are true Leftists, but there clearly isn't enough of them to change the system.
If they were Leftists, they'd be trying to redistribute their wealth. The 1% is made up of Conservatives who support Republicans, and Centrists who support Democrats. Maybe some of them are true Leftists, but there clearly isn't enough of them to change the system.

Your moronic post makes ZERO sense and doesn't address my comments. Run along. It's obvious you are uneducated and lack the historic knowledge to do anything but cry an flail.
Is that some kind of Gaelic war cry?

Are you some kind of whiny retard?

Btw, the writer of this article tells us: "the mainstream media is there to help maintain the status quo" (that would be the fake news media).

That is a lie given the Trump Presidency and all the lie filled narratives we are seeing from the PHONY media. Stop! We get! You're a phony lying leftist hypocrite hack. ;)

I suspect him of being a Trump fan. :mad:

Well; you never seem to get much of anything right so there is that. ;)
It is very difficult to watch and observe this happening for those who have not succumbed to the sad dumbing-down of America.

Are you an anti-vaxxer? The first thing they listed mentions toxins in "vaccines." This site has some strong woo vibes.