Let's go back further for more boogeymen, most long forgotten.
2015 - Mexicans are rapists...and LOCK HER UP.
Some are, and the quote, like most things the Left uses as an argument, was poorly constructed and taken out of context.
Huh? Dar al Islam at the time was pretty much THE source of terrorism worldwide.
2017 - Deep State, Russia, Russia, Russia
Okay, the Democrats kept--and keep--yelling that to little effect and even less truth...
2018 - CARAVANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Caravans of illegals moving from Central America were and are real, and they are largely organized by groups like the radical Leftist - Communist Pueblos sin Fronteras (look them up)
Both exist, both are extremely violent, and at least one, if not both, are out and out domestic terrorists.
It happens but it isn't on a scale (yet) where it is widespread, but not for want of trying on the Democrat's part (see for example their For the Voter's Act).
It's clear that Bagman is a drug addled loser who feloniously purchased a firearm, was involved in lots of very questionable and shady business deals, has as his whole family has, lied his ass off about all of that. Or, do you really think it's all untrue?
2022 - Black History makes little white children ashamed
No, radical Leftist teachers using CRT and fictional history--Like the 1619 Project--are doing that in the name of bigotry and racism.
2023 - Gays and Trannies, WOKE
Why should we be so focused on a tiny minority of the population at all? As for woke, that's only the latest idiocy from the radical Left. If there were a place that generated and sold idiot ideas, it's the radical Left.