The difference between philosophy and religion.

consider this.....I would describe my own religion primarily as a postmodern, emergent Christianity...(yes that's a thing, you can even google it) its practice, or its religious methodology it probably has more in common with Zen Buddhism than it does Greek Orthodoxy........however, in its theology it has nothing in common with Buddhism and everything in common with the Greek Orthodox......

Do you believe there is a Main Dude that is in charge?
is there anything to be gained by studying any philosopher other than the author of Ecclesiastes?.......

"Is Solomon the author of Ecclesiastes?
According to rabbinic tradition, Ecclesiastes was written by King Solomon in his old age (an alternative tradition that "Hezekiah and his colleagues wrote Isaiah, Proverbs, the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes" probably means simply that the book was edited under Hezekiah), but critical scholars have long rejected the ..."

Ecclesiastes - Wikipedia › wiki › Ecclesiastes
"The 5th-century BCE Greek philosopher Diagoras is known as the "first atheist", and strongly criticized religion and mysticism. Epicurus was an early philosopher to dispute many religious beliefs, including the existence of an afterlife or a personal deity." › wiki › Diagoras_of_Melos

There were many Greek and Roman philosophers before the 5th century.
Some where, some weren't.
"Religion. Epicureanism does not deny the existence of the gods; rather it denies their involvement in the world. According to Epicureanism, the gods do not interfere with human lives or the rest of the universe in any way – thus, it shuns the idea that frightening weather events are divine retribution."
Epicureanism - Wikipedia › wiki › Epicureanism

Some times the Locals get pissed off if you aren't a 'Believer' ... and want to kill you. :(

I don't believe we have many Christians around here- They certainly didn't learn anything from the teachings of Jesus!
I don't believe we have many Christians around here- They certainly didn't learn anything from the teachings of Jesus!

It seems everyone has a different 'interpretation' of what a 'Christian' is. I view the whole thing as 'religious people'. Some people are drawn towards Religion and some aren't. The Religious-types have a bad habit of wanting to "Kill The Infidels" if you don't adopt/accept their particular Belief System.
What preeminent philosophers are you claiming I have not read?

Okay, so in the course of one thread, you've gone from denying you ever insinuated you have read all of western civilization's prominent philosophers, to pulling a 180 and insinuating you have read all of western civilization's prominent philosophers.

I always assumed honesty and truthfulness was a key concern in moral philosophy, but I guess you skipped over that part
Okay, so in the course of one thread, you've gone from denying you ever insinuated you have read all of western civilization's prominent philosophers, to pulling a 180 and insinuating you have read all of western civilization's prominent philosophers.

I only claim to have read what I have read. You're off the rails, little of what you say makes sense.