Cypress told me he doubts Jesus was the Messiah the son of God.
That tells me all I need to know.
Cool. I don't believe anything Cypress says.
Cypress told me he doubts Jesus was the Messiah the son of God.
That tells me all I need to know.
Yeah. Does the Bible appoint a Main Dude to represent the Church? Or is that just some made-up stuff.
Cool. I don't believe anything Cypress says.
The fact that there is even an intellectual debate about Hegel's Absolute Spirit and spirituality means you cannot divorce philosophy from religion.It is not clear Hegel was religious--at least in the conventional sense-- and many read him as an atheist.
For example, in the Phenomenology of Spirit he says there is nothing in revelation that cannot be had from using reason.
That happened AFTER the Bible was written!
Timeline Jack.
I think Cypress truly does not understand the difference between saying "here is what Kant said" and "here is what another author said about Kant."
I know Jesus was exactly who he said he was!
Everybody on the planet, including you, have learned about science, intellectual history, political history, anthropology etc. by reading books, articles, summaries, synopses, reviews, videos.
It is not possible to acquire information about the sum total of human knowledge by reading all the original source material.
That is exactly why the premminent philosopher Denis Diederot invented the Encyclopedia.
The way you readily dismiss subject matter experts and and scholars is deeply anti-intellectual
Cool. I don't believe anything Cypress says.
Put up a public poll asking long standing members of the board who comes across with more integrity and forthrightness -- you, or me.
So your back to insinuating that the only way to have knowledge of human intellectual history is to read the thousands of years of original source publications of all of history's important thinkers.You refuse to distinguish reading Kant and commenting on it and reading a commentary on Kant.
So your back to insinuating that the only way to have knowledge of human intellectual history is to read the original source publications of all of history's important thinkers.
You actually lie on purpose.
Ding! Ding! Ding! I think we have a Winner.
You keep saying if I don't read the original source material of Aristotle, I can't know anything about him.You actually lie on purpose.
You keep saying if I don't read the original source material of Aristotle, I can't know anything about him.
No. I said don't present the words of others as your own. Seriously, every college freshman is expected to know this.
I think you are either incapable of understanding this or you deliberately lie. Either way, something is wrong with you.
So you dodge again and cannot answer a simple question.
Since you have never actually read the original text of the ACA or if the SCOTUS Roe v Wade opinion, is there any other ways for you to aquire knowledge of them and opine on them, or not?
Something is wrong with that boy.