The [-] Disease.

Are negroes a disease? Well how about we go right to the experts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here are some statistics they put out.

2007 Murders by race - age.jpg

Having said that, how about we look at negroes and disease. Negroes are:

60% more likely to develop Diabetes than Whites.
3 times more likely to die from Asthma.
16 times more likely to die from Sarcoidosis.
Twice as likely to die from smoking related Lung Cancer.
20 times more likely to die before the age of 50 from Heart Failure.
At a higher risk of Kidney Failure than any other species of human.
About twice as likely to develop Alzheimers or other Dementia.
15 times more likely to carry Chlamydia.
8 times more likely to get HIV.
3 times more likely to carry Herpes.
Responsible for spreading both HIV and Ebola.
Susceptible to Sickle Cell Anemia.
Probably the first group to create a drug resistant form of Tuberculosis.

Also, White women are at a very slightly higher risk of developing Breast Cancer. But negro women are more than twice as likely to develop the deadliest form of the disease.

Here is something else. There are some drugs that work on Whites that don't work on Negroes. What of the skuzzy skank white women traitors who have committed the abomination of producing mulatto children with a negro. For the drugs that work on Whites that don't work on negroes, what does that mean for mulattoes. That they might only work a little? Well after all that I've shown you, they have bigger problems than that.
THIS! Is why I wonder if this forum has the gonads to call out their own and ban these racist incendiary threads and forum members!

Where are the moderators?

We can't allow a platform for these hateful racists to use to incite others to go and kill innocent people for their self-rightious causes.

Facebook is cleaning up their act- Youtube is cleaning up their act- and many other media outlets are cleaning up their act!

What does JPP intend to do about this dangerous blatant racism?
THIS! Is why I wonder if this forum has the gonads to call out their own and ban these racist incendiary threads and forum members!

Where are the moderators?

We can't allow a platform for these hateful racists to use to incite others to go and kill innocent people for their self-rightious causes.

Facebook is cleaning up their act- Youtube is cleaning up their act- and many other media outlets are cleaning up their act!

What does JPP intend to do about this dangerous blatant racism?

It's a previously banned troll called Coolzone that is just flaming with these things. Report him if you want him to go away.
Are negroes a disease? Well how about we go right to the experts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here are some statistics they put out.

View attachment 11500

Having said that, how about we look at negroes and disease. Negroes are:

60% more likely to develop Diabetes than Whites.
3 times more likely to die from Asthma.
16 times more likely to die from Sarcoidosis.
Twice as likely to die from smoking related Lung Cancer.
20 times more likely to die before the age of 50 from Heart Failure.
At a higher risk of Kidney Failure than any other species of human.
About twice as likely to develop Alzheimers or other Dementia.
15 times more likely to carry Chlamydia.
8 times more likely to get HIV.
3 times more likely to carry Herpes.
Responsible for spreading both HIV and Ebola.
Susceptible to Sickle Cell Anemia.
Probably the first group to create a drug resistant form of Tuberculosis.

Also, White women are at a very slightly higher risk of developing Breast Cancer. But negro women are more than twice as likely to develop the deadliest form of the disease.

Here is something else. There are some drugs that work on Whites that don't work on Negroes. What of the skuzzy skank white women traitors who have committed the abomination of producing mulatto children with a negro. For the drugs that work on Whites that don't work on negroes, what does that mean for mulattoes. That they might only work a little? Well after all that I've shown you, they have bigger problems than that.

Damo! You left the good damned door open again and another stray dog shit on the floor.
THIS! Is why I wonder if this forum has the gonads to call out their own and ban these racist incendiary threads and forum members!

Where are the moderators?

We can't allow a platform for these hateful racists to use to incite others to go and kill innocent people for their self-rightious causes.

Facebook is cleaning up their act- Youtube is cleaning up their act- and many other media outlets are cleaning up their act!

What does JPP intend to do about this dangerous blatant racism?

Nothing! This will probably follow the same old pattern.

Dog Shit will troll with his racist rants. Some people will argue Dog Shit that he’s Dog Shit. Many will just ignore Dog Shit even though he stinks like hell. Most of us will just point at Dog Shit and say “Hey look at Dog Shit. Isn’t he retarded and smelly?”.

So after a while these retards, like Dog Shit here, get tired of getting ignored and laughed at and go back to Retard Land whence they came.
Nothing! This will probably follow the same old pattern.

Dog Shit will troll with his racist rants. Some people will argue Dog Shit that he’s Dog Shit. Many will just ignore Dog Shit even though he stinks like hell. Most of us will just point at Dog Shit and say “Hey look at Dog Shit. Isn’t he retarded and smelly?”.

So after a while these retards, like Dog Shit here, get tired of getting ignored and laughed at and go back to Retard Land whence they came.

It's kind of funny how lame they are. They keep getting banned places but they persist on trying again despite knowing damn well why they get banned.
Are negroes a disease? Well how about we go right to the experts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here are some statistics they put out.

View attachment 11500

Having said that, how about we look at negroes and disease. Negroes are:

60% more likely to develop Diabetes than Whites.
3 times more likely to die from Asthma.
16 times more likely to die from Sarcoidosis.
Twice as likely to die from smoking related Lung Cancer.
20 times more likely to die before the age of 50 from Heart Failure.
At a higher risk of Kidney Failure than any other species of human.
About twice as likely to develop Alzheimers or other Dementia.
15 times more likely to carry Chlamydia.
8 times more likely to get HIV.
3 times more likely to carry Herpes.
Responsible for spreading both HIV and Ebola.
Susceptible to Sickle Cell Anemia.
Probably the first group to create a drug resistant form of Tuberculosis.

Also, White women are at a very slightly higher risk of developing Breast Cancer. But negro women are more than twice as likely to develop the deadliest form of the disease.

Here is something else. There are some drugs that work on Whites that don't work on Negroes. What of the skuzzy skank white women traitors who have committed the abomination of producing mulatto children with a negro. For the drugs that work on Whites that don't work on negroes, what does that mean for mulattoes. That they might only work a little? Well after all that I've shown you, they have bigger problems than that.

the world doesn't hate black people



you are a racist loving

a dirt bag piece of shit racist brain cancer cell on the brain of mankind

you are evil and I hate you and all your brethren racists

the whole world hates you racists
the world doesn't hate black people




Calm down, he's a troll that's pulling out all sorts of sensitive topics to troll about. He's phony.
Are negroes a disease? Well how about we go right to the experts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here are some statistics they put out.

View attachment 11500

Having said that, how about we look at negroes and disease. Negroes are:

60% more likely to develop Diabetes than Whites.
3 times more likely to die from Asthma.
16 times more likely to die from Sarcoidosis.
Twice as likely to die from smoking related Lung Cancer.
20 times more likely to die before the age of 50 from Heart Failure.
At a higher risk of Kidney Failure than any other species of human.
About twice as likely to develop Alzheimers or other Dementia.
15 times more likely to carry Chlamydia.
8 times more likely to get HIV.
3 times more likely to carry Herpes.
Responsible for spreading both HIV and Ebola.
Susceptible to Sickle Cell Anemia.
Probably the first group to create a drug resistant form of Tuberculosis.

Also, White women are at a very slightly higher risk of developing Breast Cancer. But negro women are more than twice as likely to develop the deadliest form of the disease.

Here is something else. There are some drugs that work on Whites that don't work on Negroes. What of the skuzzy skank white women traitors who have committed the abomination of producing mulatto children with a negro. For the drugs that work on Whites that don't work on negroes, what does that mean for mulattoes. That they might only work a little? Well after all that I've shown you, they have bigger problems than that.

You're fooling yourself these are all explained away by environmental factors except sickle cell and keloids. Both of which can be beneficial. Whats not beneficial is whites increased downs syndrome risk and other genetically dominant diseases.

Diabetes = higher rates of alcoholism from higher rates of liquor stores. They feel more than whites do. More soul you could say, subsequently the get a bigger kick out of drugs. Result, higher rates. This disease comes from a superiority, not inferiority. Theyre capable of having better more meaningful lives however being easier to seduce.

Asthma, they have less filtration and moisturization capacity in their nasal cavities because their phenotype comes from places with better air quality and more tropical temperatures. They also currently inhabit more extensively polluted places like inner cities.

Sarcoidosis, idk what that is, ill get back to you.

Smoking related lung cancer, some jackass convinced them newports were the "black" thing. One thing i learned from Capone mafia is that they like to poison cigarettes. There are chemicals with a 100% chance of causing cancer. Its a chemical that makes up the mammalian epigene.

Heart failure, youre just finding ways to reiterate previous citations. Irish have the highest rates due to downs genes.

Clamydia when you got (big dick) it you got it(std's), lol.
Two more redundant points.

Breast cancer, this is due to a horrific medical disaster from dosing pregnant women with horse estrogens. It has multigenerational casualty. The higher rates in blacks might also be due to tricking them to play so much jump rope in the 80's. Hello kitty died in inner cities.

Btw, mulattos result from white men with black women, not visi versi.
Instead, why dont you center your racism on your phenotypical strengths. More nurturing child rearing that allows weaker offspring to survive environmental factors, more patients, and less need for food?

"Race" is a british equivocation fallacy to turn family into a competition to justify nepotism and slippery slope for aristocracy.

Dont be a british loyalist.