"The Disgusting Furor Over Biden's Age"

THE defining characteristic of the extreme, far left. Criticize Brandon (policy, his obvious dementia or anything else) you must be a MAGA , even though we always also criticize Trump… no matter.
You are obviously MAGA because people that don't support Dementia Joe are all MAGA.
The cognition tests are very simple. They are not looking for intelligence but possible signs of age-related mental problems. The fact that Trump said he was proud of passing, assuming he did, and saying it was tough is very revealing. It is basic. The questions are simple. The fact that Trump saw them as tough is an area of concern. Trump is not very bright and simple concepts are problematic to him. When he was bragging about acing it, I was shocked. They are annoying when you have mental function. They are a waste of time. You feel a bit insulted that such stupid test was given to you. Trump found it challenging. That told me even a lot about his mental abilities and it was not positive.
LOL. The "they do it too" confession of a true bathwater sipper. Though from what I've seen if you think that Trump is bad you must believe that Brandon isn't even there anymore at all let alone declining. You are just unwilling to admit out loud that you have made such a terrible choice. You have a chance to set this right, Phantasmal, just get your party to follow Ken Buck's advice.

Even if you're not voting for trump, you're still a right-wing "news" bathwater sipper. And you've fallen into the toxic TOP style of response: "you're just unwilling to admit ...that you made a terrible choice."

Here you're giving your opinion of Biden and claiming that lefties secretly agree with you, based on no evidence. It's dishonest.
It's because I believe you are a sane and intelligent human, therefore fully having an understanding of what you see. This makes me believe that you can lie to yourself and fail to admit it, but you do see the terrifying reality. The comparison of Trump's supposed "decline" in comparison to Biden's is monumentally in Trump's favor. While his speech is childlike, it is not full of gaping holes during brain resets. The only time Joe makes it through any of these without it becoming impossible to avoid his decline is when he's had downtime, he calls it 'vacation', where he prepares (forever) and then only if he does not go off script.

You make it clear which way you vote, pretending otherwise is laughable.

I believe that if you think Trump is "declining" then you feel horrified watching Biden's brain go through a reset before your eyes and you know, down in your bones, that your choice is not just bad, it is horrifying.

Maybe you have missed Ken Buck's advice...

So here it is:

He's created a resolution calling on the cabinet to use Amendment 25 to remove Dementia Joe from office due to his obvious mental decline. I get that you like the flavor of the bathwater, but I'm certain that though you all never want to admit it you see it.

This entire post is based on RW opinion and gossip. Reading your words below is like reading a supermarket rag's advice columnist, coupled with the same rag's psychic. It's not your place to tell people what they're thinking, why it's wrong, and how they should fix it.

"This makes me believe that you can lie to yourself and fail to admit it, but you do see the terrifying reality. "
"The comparison of Trump's supposed "decline" in comparison to Biden's is monumentally in Trump's favor. "
"The only time Joe makes it through any of these without it becoming impossible to avoid his decline is when he's had downtime..."
"You make it clear which way you vote, pretending otherwise is laughable."
".... if you think Trump is "declining" then you feel horrified watching Biden's brain go through a reset before your eyes and you know, down in your bones, that your choice is not just bad, it is horrifying."
"I get that you like the flavor of the bathwater, but I'm certain that though you all never want to admit it you see it."

You've said that you're a registered repub with a libertarian outlook but your posts, IMO, show that you are more aligned with trump than you'll admit to. The only thing you say about trump is that you don't like him and won't vote for him. However, you don't call out the people who do and will, rather than suggesting that they support Nikki Haley who is more qualified than trump by any standard. Your party has a chance to get rid of trump but instead you all fall in line behind him like lemmings. And it's laughable that you have never commented on the clear deterioration of trump's mental faculties, when every day the media shows new examples of his decline. The man can't speak a simple declarative sentence without devolving into a whiny, garbled rant on why he's a poor, misunderstood victim.

First, you repubs need to clean up your own party which has disintegrated into a splintered, fighting mess, because you have nothing to offer.
The cognition tests are very simple. They are not looking for intelligence but possible signs of age-related mental problems. The fact that Trump said he was proud of passing, assuming he did, and saying it was tough is very revealing. It is basic. The questions are simple. The fact that Trump saw them as tough is an area of concern. Trump is not very bright and simple concepts are problematic to him. When he was bragging about acing it, I was shocked. They are annoying when you have mental function. They are a waste of time. You feel a bit insulted that such stupid test was given to you. Trump found it challenging. That told me even a lot about his mental abilities and it was not positive.

I wonder why the WH doctor suggested trump take the MoCA in the first place. AFAIK, no other president ever talked about taking the test and it didn't come up with the release of their medical exams.
Biden won't take a cognitive exam which would prove his cognitive decline. BTW:Trump took a cognitive exam and a doctor did say he had no cognitive decline. So your OPINION is wrong.

Why did trump's doctor suggest he take the test in the first place? He must have seen something in trump's behaviour and speech that concerned him.
Biden won't take a cognitive exam which would prove his cognitive decline. BTW:Trump took a cognitive exam and a doctor did say he had no cognitive decline. So your OPINION is wrong.

Being able to tell a giraffe from a monkey tells us nothing about Trump's mental capabilities of carrying out the duties of the president of the United States.

Numerous Republicans who served in Trump's cabinet or on his staff say Trump is a moron with the intelligence of a third grader.
Why did trump's doctor suggest he take the test in the first place? He must have seen something in trump's behaviour and speech that concerned him.

Nope, it is just part of the yearly checkup for old people. They establish baselines and compare the results year after year. I have taken it many times. It is an annoying waste of time and insultingly simple. Trump called it difficult. That says volumes about him. You do not get a score.
Nope, it is just part of the yearly checkup for old people. They establish baselines and compare the results year after year. I have taken it many times. It is an annoying waste of time and insultingly simple. Trump called it difficult. That says volumes about him. You do not get a score.

Your statement confirms what I thought.