"The Disgusting Furor Over Biden's Age"

The difference is Biden cares about the country and wants it to continue. Trump will wipe his gold sneakers on the Constitution to get power. Biden has been governing in the way other presidents did. He is no threat to America. Trump is. I am sure if Biden thought some other Dem could whip Daffy, he would step aside. He is running to save America, NATO, and our allies from a crazy man. Biden is not paving the way to the plutocracy. Trump did.
"When the news broke about the special counsel’s hit job — his snide, unwarranted, obviously politically motivated slurs about President Biden’s memory — I found myself thinking about my mother. What year did she die? It turned out that I didn’t know offhand; I knew that it was after I moved from Princeton to CUNY, because I was regularly commuting out to New Jersey to see her, but before the pandemic. I actually had to look into my records to confirm that she died in 2017.

I’ll bet that many readers are similarly vague about the dates of major life events. You remember the circumstances, but not necessarily the precise year. And whatever you think of me, I’m pretty sure I don’t write or sound like an old man. The idea that Biden’s difficulty in pinning down the year of his son’s death shows his incapacity — in the middle of the Gaza crisis! — is disgusting.

As it happens, I had an hour-long off-the-record meeting with Biden in August. I can’t talk about the content, but I can assure you that he’s perfectly lucid, with a good grasp of events. And outside that personal experience, on several occasions when I thought he was making a serious misjudgment — like his handling of the debt ceiling crisis — he was right and I was wrong.

And my God, consider his opponent. When I listen to Donald Trump’s speeches, I find myself thinking about my father, who died in 2013 (something else I had to look up). During his last year my father suffered from sundowning: he was lucid during the day, but would sometimes become incoherent and aggressive after dark. If we’re going to be doing amateur psychological diagnoses of elderly politicians, shouldn’t we be talking about a candidate who has confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and whose ranting and raving sometimes reminds me of my late father on a bad evening?

So to everyone who’s piling on Biden right now, stop and look in the mirror. And ask yourself what you are doing."


Why is it disgusting to point out the REALITY and FACTS. You dishonest uneducated little snowflakes never seem to have any qualms about the disgusting false claims about Trump.

November is going to be harsh on lying, uneducated progressive snowflakes. Maybe all your heads will explode simultaneously and we won't have to deal with your whiny, hypocritical, lying stupidity anymore.
Why is it disgusting to point out the REALITY and FACTS. You dishonest uneducated little snowflakes never seem to have any qualms about the disgusting false claims about Trump.

November is going to be harsh on lying, uneducated progressive snowflakes. Maybe all your heads will explode simultaneously and we won't have to deal with your whiny, hypocritical, lying stupidity anymore.

His argument is the furor is disgusting. Seems to be a hard one for you.
"When the news broke about the special counsel’s hit job — his snide, unwarranted, obviously politically motivated slurs about President Biden’s memory — I found myself thinking about my mother. What year did she die? It turned out that I didn’t know offhand; I knew that it was after I moved from Princeton to CUNY, because I was regularly commuting out to New Jersey to see her, but before the pandemic. I actually had to look into my records to confirm that she died in 2017.

I’ll bet that many readers are similarly vague about the dates of major life events. You remember the circumstances, but not necessarily the precise year. And whatever you think of me, I’m pretty sure I don’t write or sound like an old man. The idea that Biden’s difficulty in pinning down the year of his son’s death shows his incapacity — in the middle of the Gaza crisis! — is disgusting.

As it happens, I had an hour-long off-the-record meeting with Biden in August. I can’t talk about the content, but I can assure you that he’s perfectly lucid, with a good grasp of events. And outside that personal experience, on several occasions when I thought he was making a serious misjudgment — like his handling of the debt ceiling crisis — he was right and I was wrong.

And my God, consider his opponent. When I listen to Donald Trump’s speeches, I find myself thinking about my father, who died in 2013 (something else I had to look up). During his last year my father suffered from sundowning: he was lucid during the day, but would sometimes become incoherent and aggressive after dark. If we’re going to be doing amateur psychological diagnoses of elderly politicians, shouldn’t we be talking about a candidate who has confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and whose ranting and raving sometimes reminds me of my late father on a bad evening?

So to everyone who’s piling on Biden right now, stop and look in the mirror. And ask yourself what you are doing."


It's not his age that is the problem, it's his clear and obvious mental decline that is the problem.
Trump, I agree, Biden, you exaggerate his decline.

LOL. The "they do it too" confession of a true bathwater sipper. Though from what I've seen if you think that Trump is bad you must believe that Brandon isn't even there anymore at all let alone declining. You are just unwilling to admit out loud that you have made such a terrible choice. You have a chance to set this right, Phantasmal, just get your party to follow Ken Buck's advice.
LOL. The "they do it too" confession of a true bathwater sipper. Though from what I've seen if you think that Trump is bad you must believe that Brandon isn't even there anymore at all let alone declining. You are just unwilling to admit out loud that you have made such a terrible choice. You have a chance to set this right, Phantasmal, just get your party to follow Ken Buck's advice.
You always assign thoughts to me that aren’t mine. Biden has declined, we all do as we age. It is natural decline in Biden’s case. You exaggerate his decline.

My party, Damo, what is my party? Hint: I’m not a Democrat, although, I do vote for the Dems more often than any other party because I haven’t seen any third party or Republican candidates worth voting for, lately.

I have not made a terrible choice. Biden is getting things done. I’m feeling good about our progress. I feel good about our future with Biden.

I’ve missed Buck’s advice, but maybe, he should be advising his own party that he’s bailing on because they are so dysfunctional.

Now, back to drinking bath water…
You always assign thoughts to me that aren’t mine. Biden has declined, we all do as we age. It is natural decline in Biden’s case. You exaggerate his decline.

It's because I believe you are a sane and intelligent human, therefore fully having an understanding of what you see. This makes me believe that you can lie to yourself and fail to admit it, but you do see the terrifying reality. The comparison of Trump's supposed "decline" in comparison to Biden's is monumentally in Trump's favor. While his speech is childlike, it is not full of gaping holes during brain resets. The only time Joe makes it through any of these without it becoming impossible to avoid his decline is when he's had downtime, he calls it 'vacation', where he prepares (forever) and then only if he does not go off script.

My party, Damo, what is my party? Hint: I’m not a Democrat, although, I do vote for the Dems more often than any other party because I haven’t seen any third party or Republican candidates worth voting for, lately.
You make it clear which way you vote, pretending otherwise is laughable.

I have not made a terrible choice. Biden is getting things done. I’m feeling good about our progress. I feel good about our future with Biden.
I believe that if you think Trump is "declining" then you feel horrified watching Biden's brain go through a reset before your eyes and you know, down in your bones, that your choice is not just bad, it is horrifying.

I’ve missed Buck’s advice, but maybe, he should be advising his own party that he’s bailing on because they are so dysfunctional.

Now, back to drinking bath water…

Maybe you have missed Ken Buck's advice...

So here it is:

He's created a resolution calling on the cabinet to use Amendment 25 to remove Dementia Joe from office due to his obvious mental decline. I get that you like the flavor of the bathwater, but I'm certain that though you all never want to admit it you see it.
It's because I believe you are a sane and intelligent human, therefore fully having an understanding of what you see. This makes me believe that you can lie to yourself and fail to admit it, but you do see the terrifying reality. The comparison of Trump's supposed "decline" in comparison to Biden's is monumentally in Trump's favor. While his speech is childlike, it is not full of gaping holes during brain resets. The only time Joe makes it through any of these without it becoming impossible to avoid his decline is when he's had downtime, he calls it 'vacation', where he prepares (forever) and then only if he does not go off script.

You make it clear which way you vote, pretending otherwise is laughable.

I believe that if you think Trump is "declining" then you feel horrified watching Biden's brain go through a reset before your eyes and you know, down in your bones, that your choice is not just bad, it is horrifying.

Maybe you have missed Ken Buck's advice...

So here it is:

He's created a resolution calling on the cabinet to use Amendment 25 to remove Dementia Joe from office due to his obvious mental decline. I get that you like the flavor of the bathwater, but I'm certain that though you all never want to admit it you see it.
“You make it clear which way you vote, pretending otherwise is laughable.”

So, turning the tables on you, and using your reasoning, your constant support of Trump confirms you are a Trumpublican.

See how that works.

“You make it clear which way you vote, pretending otherwise is laughable.”

So, turning the tables on you, and using your reasoning, your constant support of Trump confirms you are a Trumpublican.

See how that works.

Well, considering you literally said you are voting for Biden and I have said I will not vote for Trump, this only works when you are trying to play the "they do it too" game.

You have never suggested voting for anyone other than a Democrat. I have never seen it. I, though, have told folks to vote for Libertarians over republicans very often, and you know I have.

Your "you do it too" has failed here. You swung and missed again.

Though I will tell you, I still believe you are sane and intelligent and therefore, though you never will want to admit it, you know that Biden's brain is broken. They (as in the committee that runs the current Avatar of a pResident) can hide it sometimes, but the more often he's doing it the more it becomes apparent that they won't even be able to continue that for long.
We now have a turnip for president.

The right knows it, the left knows it.

To continue to deny this is useless.
“You make it clear which way you vote, pretending otherwise is laughable.”

So, turning the tables on you, and using your reasoning, your constant support of Trump confirms you are a Trumpublican.

See how that works.

THE defining characteristic of the extreme, far left. Criticize Brandon (policy, his obvious dementia or anything else) you must be a MAGA , even though we always also criticize Trump… no matter.
Well, considering you literally said you are voting for Biden and I have said I will not vote for Trump, this only works when you are trying to play the "they do it too" game.

You have never suggested voting for anyone other than a Democrat. I have never seen it. I, though, have told folks to vote for Libertarians over republicans very often, and you know I have.

Your "you do it too" has failed here. You swung and missed again.

Though I will tell you, I still believe you are sane and intelligent and therefore, though you never will want to admit it, you know that Biden's brain is broken. They (as in the committee that runs the current Avatar of a pResident) can hide it sometimes, but the more often he's doing it the more it becomes apparent that they won't even be able to continue that for long.
You can have whatever opinion of me you wish, it doesn’t make it so. I have stated often over the many years I have posted here that I vote people, not party. I have voted Republican many times when I lived in Alaska and Kansas. I worked for both the Lisa Murkowski and Bill Walker campaigns. I even admitted to voting for Sarah Palin before realizing what type of person she is. So, I’m sure you’ve missed quite a few of my posts over the years.

You can do your victory lap if you wish, but, opinions are opinions and unless you have a diagnoses from a Dr. stating Biden is senile, then it’s just your opinion that Biden is senile, just as it’s my opinion Trump is in decline.
You can have whatever opinion of me you wish, it doesn’t make it so. I have stated often over the many years I have posted here that I vote people, not party. I have voted Republican many times when I lived in Alaska and Kansas. I worked for both the Lisa Murkowski and Bill Walker campaigns. I even admitted to voting for Sarah Palin before realizing what type of person she is. So, I’m sure you’ve missed quite a few of my posts over the years.

You can do your victory lap if you wish, but, opinions are opinions and unless you have a diagnoses from a Dr. stating Biden is senile, then it’s just your opinion that Biden is senile, just as it’s my opinion Trump is in decline.
Biden won't take a cognitive exam which would prove his cognitive decline. BTW:Trump took a cognitive exam and a doctor did say he had no cognitive decline. So your OPINION is wrong.