"The Disgusting Furor Over Biden's Age"

It's the torture of modern air travel that keeps me home.

One, I'm too old to endure the indignity.
Two, I'm old enough to remember it being so much better.

Those who don't remember that
don't really know that it could be so much better than it is.
Fly first class. Problem solved!
I just buy a better ticket when I want comfort.

I much prefer the smoke free.

Translation; I need welfare. I will "vote" for anyone who keeps my dope smokning, lazy ass supported ass with welfare monies. Try and prove me wrong Phantasmal. You welfare collecting democrat cunt,
Listen up witch! That film clip was edited to make it look like Biden was confused. Look!

You need to stop being so deceptive.

Biden has no problem with his memory.

I bet his memory is a lot better than yours.

That is why he is the president and you are not- FOR MANY REASONS.

I would sure love to see you conduct a press conference.
You do know that they never asked Joe the question about his son's death? He brought up the subject himself...He does indeed have a memory problem.
Let's see the transcript and see exactly what transpired...https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-not-special-counsel-hur-brought-sons-death-questioning
You are insane! You are a liar! Your opinions of Joe Biden are based on Hatred- NOT MEDICAL FACTS!



I think he's just a dick.
You are insane! You are a liar! Your opinions of Joe Biden are based on Hatred- NOT MEDICAL FACTS!


Biden has such a failing memory that the Special Prosecutor would not indict him. Why don't you actually do something for America and try to dissuade him from running . Almost anyone would be better for America. A weak President like Biden will get us in a war and cost American lives. Be an American before being a Democrat.
You are insane! You are a liar! Your opinions of Joe Biden are based on Hatred- NOT MEDICAL FACTS!

I understand that older people scream and shout when they get upset....relax... and accept the fact that Joe has problems... he goes off the rails when he gets angry too...hmmmm
You've been a miserable lizard lately.
Out in the cold too much? Jock itch?
Sadly, memory is not a factor in elections.

its cognitive dissonance

the fact is Biden brought up his sons death in private to try to cover for his illegal possession of intelligence.

in public he is trying to win support acting like they brought it up.

the same guy that stole speeches and continued to lie even when caught is not an honest person and never has been