"The Disgusting Furor Over Biden's Age"

what does 'every tax paying American' think about a guy who created a Charity, that targeted and ripped off veterans and who had his charity plead guilty to fraud before shutting it down?

What does 'every tax paying American' think about a guy who created a fake University to target and rip off his biggest book and tv show supporters and who pleads has it plead guilty to fraud, leaving many students stuck with up $30k+ in debt and nothing in return?

What does 'every tax paying American' think about a guy who ran businesses in NYS that are now being shut down for fraud?

What does 'every tax paying American' think about a guy who was found by a jury to have raped a women by grabbing her by the pussy?

By the Jesus you magats worshipping this pathetic man are even more pathetic than him.

This mindless drivel could only be posted by someone who does not pay taxes. A democrat welfare colllecting idiot of course. And the only people that would "thank you" for this limp wristed crap??????????????????????????? Other welfare collecting Democrats. QP..PM me your address. Seriously. Now would be great.
"When the news broke about the special counsel’s hit job — his snide, unwarranted, obviously politically motivated slurs about President Biden’s memory — I found myself thinking about my mother. What year did she die? It turned out that I didn’t know offhand; I knew that it was after I moved from Princeton to CUNY, because I was regularly commuting out to New Jersey to see her, but before the pandemic. I actually had to look into my records to confirm that she died in 2017.

I’ll bet that many readers are similarly vague about the dates of major life events. You remember the circumstances, but not necessarily the precise year. And whatever you think of me, I’m pretty sure I don’t write or sound like an old man. The idea that Biden’s difficulty in pinning down the year of his son’s death shows his incapacity — in the middle of the Gaza crisis! — is disgusting.

As it happens, I had an hour-long off-the-record meeting with Biden in August. I can’t talk about the content, but I can assure you that he’s perfectly lucid, with a good grasp of events. And outside that personal experience, on several occasions when I thought he was making a serious misjudgment — like his handling of the debt ceiling crisis — he was right and I was wrong.

And my God, consider his opponent. When I listen to Donald Trump’s speeches, I find myself thinking about my father, who died in 2013 (something else I had to look up). During his last year my father suffered from sundowning: he was lucid during the day, but would sometimes become incoherent and aggressive after dark. If we’re going to be doing amateur psychological diagnoses of elderly politicians, shouldn’t we be talking about a candidate who has confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and whose ranting and raving sometimes reminds me of my late father on a bad evening?

So to everyone who’s piling on Biden right now, stop and look in the mirror. And ask yourself what you are doing."


It’s not his age. I know a guy in his 90’s that swims laps continuously at my local pool for an hour without stopping and he’s mentally sharp as a tack.
I know another guy in his 90’s that still cross country skis most days in winter, still owns a couple of businesses, reads the WSJ daily and has a great memory. You’d think he was a fit , smart guy in his 70’s to meet him.
It’s… something else about Biden and the entire world is talking about it.
Not saying Trump is any better. He’s lost it too in addition to being deranged.
We can do better. A lot better. But we don’t.
Best scenario now is for Trump to be disqualified due to a conviction , then Biden does the right thing and steps aside knowing Trump can’t run.
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