"The Disgusting Furor Over Biden's Age"

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So the person with our nuke codes is the same person who is mentally unfit to stand trial?

Let that sink in for a minute.

Biden declares that his cognitive powers are greater than his opponent, JFK.
Warn us? What do you think we could have done? Why didn't you warn the authorities instead, if you had inside info?

there was no inside info......it was all over social media. anyone who couldn't see that either was too ignorant and dumb to see it, or wanted it to happen. law enforcement was told from multiple sources, why did they ignore it?
That is usually determined by a doctor, not a Republican special prosecutor.

It doesn't take a doctor to see that someone is not functioning. Stop defending the vegetable. You have no leg to stand on here.

"When the news broke about the special counsel’s hit job — his snide, unwarranted, obviously politically motivated slurs about President Biden’s memory — I found myself thinking about my mother. What year did she die? It turned out that I didn’t know offhand; I knew that it was after I moved from Princeton to CUNY, because I was regularly commuting out to New Jersey to see her, but before the pandemic. I actually had to look into my records to confirm that she died in 2017.

I’ll bet that many readers are similarly vague about the dates of major life events. You remember the circumstances, but not necessarily the precise year. And whatever you think of me, I’m pretty sure I don’t write or sound like an old man. The idea that Biden’s difficulty in pinning down the year of his son’s death shows his incapacity — in the middle of the Gaza crisis! — is disgusting.

As it happens, I had an hour-long off-the-record meeting with Biden in August. I can’t talk about the content, but I can assure you that he’s perfectly lucid, with a good grasp of events. And outside that personal experience, on several occasions when I thought he was making a serious misjudgment — like his handling of the debt ceiling crisis — he was right and I was wrong.

And my God, consider his opponent. When I listen to Donald Trump’s speeches, I find myself thinking about my father, who died in 2013 (something else I had to look up). During his last year my father suffered from sundowning: he was lucid during the day, but would sometimes become incoherent and aggressive after dark. If we’re going to be doing amateur psychological diagnoses of elderly politicians, shouldn’t we be talking about a candidate who has confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and whose ranting and raving sometimes reminds me of my late father on a bad evening?

So to everyone who’s piling on Biden right now, stop and look in the mirror. And ask yourself what you are doing."


This is not the only reason he's a clusterfuck, but on this particular issue maybe you communazis should stop and look in the mirror, and ask yourself what you are doing. Remember how you guys wanted to burn Trump at the 25th amendment stake? I remember, and I'm pretty old. Maybe you should take one of Nikki Haley's cognitive tests!
there was no inside info......it was all over social media. anyone who couldn't see that either was too ignorant and dumb to see it, or wanted it to happen. law enforcement was told from multiple sources, why did they ignore it?

You mean the private social media chat rooms set up and run by the likes of Enrique Tarrio or Stew Rhodes? Those pages weren't accessible to everybody and I'm sure you know that.

And I'll see your Jesus and raise you bullets, you fucking Commie turd.

You never had what those that came before you did that has given you the ability and freedom to be such the shithead that you are.

You need plunged into the wilderness out in the west and the given the choice of having a gun or not. And I'll tell you something, you're stupid if you don't take the option of having a gun.

And that's only a fighting chance if you have one. Real life is not Hollywood.

Just a tip you bat shit trump cult member

This time the police in DC will shoot you traitors

So when Joe wins I advise you to repatriate your self instead of attacking this nation

Get all your gun nut heathen racists together and go to some South American nation and build your dreamed of society

You are not welcome in America because of your VIOLENT tendencies
This is not the only reason he's a clusterfuck, but on this particular issue maybe you communazis should stop and look in the mirror, and ask yourself what you are doing. Remember how you guys wanted to burn Trump at the 25th amendment stake? I remember, and I'm pretty old. Maybe you should take one of Nikki Haley's cognitive tests!

It was Pense you fucks were willing to hang for trump

You like stupid shits to lead you by the nose

You love guns and violence

You have no workable ideas for this nation

You are real good at sucking Putins cock I hear though
It doesn't take a doctor to see that someone is not functioning. Stop defending the vegetable. You have no leg to stand on here.


The only leg you stand on is putins right leg when he boosts you off the ground with a good kick in the ass (foot fully implanted )