"The Disgusting Furor Over Biden's Age"

It’s not his age that is the problem it’s is his cognitive ability that is the problem . He is an idiot

You have FINALLY read the transcript and agree. Wow.

yes because if you listen to how Trump answers, even in the most softball interviews, he is just so coherent and intelligent. :laugh:




And even as Kilmeade realizes Trump is completely incoherent and is struggling to even comprehend the question he tries to throw him a life line and save him.






(^^^complete transcript, no edits or cuts)
I would agree that if he's capable of running the country, which is demonstrably true, then he is capable of appearing at a trial. So that brings us to the REAL reason why the special counsel declined to prosecute -- lack of evidence. No prosecutor wants to bring a case that he/she is likely to lose. This hack just used Biden's age as an excuse when the reality is that there is no there, there. Yes, he had classified materials. Yes, he turned them over when discovered. No, he did not instruct various lackeys to move them from one location to another when the feds came to find them. Nor did he lie repeatedly, and instruct his attorneys (if any), to lie about their existence. He did not flaunt them to various non-cleared individuals to show how awesome he was to have them.

From the SC's report:
No Nurse 007 the Special Prosecutor said he had evidence of willful retention of classified document. The Hur has classified documents that Biden smuggled out of SCIF from when Biden was still a Senator. And he has testimony from Biden's Ghost writer where Biden gave him classified information for Biden's books and Biden said he had "classified documents in boxes in his basement". The issue was could he convince a jury that he willfully took the documents because Biden now presents as a sympathetic old man with a seriously failing memory. Of course they were looking for any kind of an excuse to let Biden off the hook. The issue was what was the condition of Biden's mind when he stole the documents when he was a Senator not what is his brain currently like. The SP just saw what the right has been seeing for months and what the left is turning a blind eye to. Biden is losing his marbles it is 25th amendment time.
yes because if you listen to how Trump answers, even in the most softball interviews, he is just so coherent and intelligent. :laugh:




And even as Kilmeade realizes Trump is completely incoherent and is struggling to even comprehend the question he tries to throw him a life line and save him.






(^^^complete transcript, no edits or cuts)

OMG. How could anybody read this and still think trump is mentally equipped to run the country?

This is his anthem.

Trump is hiding out because he knows he cannot debate or speak as an adult. He would not be running if he did not desperately need the powers of the presidency to keep from paying for his lifetime crimewave.
Its worse for Trump.

He is Biden's best chance to win by far, so we know Biden wants him to run.

We already know what happens to Magats heads. They lose it, go into insurrection mode, end up jailed and shot dead.

After the second beating maybe we get Trump leading a Jim Jones Koolaide session as his way to avoid jail and reward his most loyal followers with death. lets hope.

So you want to see Americans killed, but...


...and you don't have the balls to kill anyone yourself. Go join the pussy posse.
Trump is hiding out because he knows he cannot debate or speak as an adult. He would not be running if he did not desperately need the powers of the presidency to keep from paying for his lifetime crimewave.

Biden chickened out from debating Trump. Keep up! Duh!
give me a citation to you posting about it?

I bet you cannot. I bet you ignored it and talked about other things, and by 'other things' i mean, Biden.

There are lots of things I 'ignore', as you call it. I don't need to talk about it. y'all are already talking about it.

here's y'alls problem mentally and emotionally. You look at people and call them trumpers if they are not 24/7 slamming trump........nothing else matters to you. I don't have to dance to your tune. My silence is not support just like a womens silence is not consent.
There are lots of things I 'ignore', as you call it. I don't need to talk about it. y'all are already talking about it.

here's y'alls problem mentally and emotionally. You look at people and call them trumpers if they are not 24/7 slamming trump........nothing else matters to you. I don't have to dance to your tune. My silence is not support just like a womens silence is not consent.

Right so you now admit you ignore it after saying you did not just a few posts prior.

Got it. YOu lie from one post to the next.
FANTASTIC! I absolutely am 110% in favor of the D party running Joe Biden as their Presidential candidate in the 24 general election. This is GREAT news! :cool:

:thinking: And here we were all just sitting on the edge of wonder, worrying if you were in favor of the D Party to run Ole Joe! :laugh::bigthink::palm:
so sarcasm isn't your strong suit. got it just another typical leftist who prefers delusion to reality.

Calling your denial of 'ignoring it' a post written in sarcasm makes absolutely zero sense in the context of that post.

You are now just stacking one lie on the other after getting busted up.
Biden chickened out from debating Trump. Keep up! Duh!

Did you read what i just put in the spoiler below RB?

You need to actually read it and explain how any one can debate Trump when his brain is literal much.

Kilmeade is trying his very best to pull a single coherent answer out of Trump on a softball question and just ends up giving up in exasperation.




And even as Kilmeade realizes Trump is completely incoherent and is struggling to even comprehend the question he tries to throw him a life line and save him.






(^^^complete transcript, no edits or cuts)

I am quite certain you cannot admit to reading it as anyone who does has to admit Trump is a sad pathetic mess. So i expect you to pretend you did not read it, or wont read it.
"The Failed Elite Class fucking us over is not the crime, its our noticing and mentioning that we are being fucked over that is"
Hawkeye the Wise
I tried to warn all of you idiots that 1/6 was going to happen. you laughed it off. NOW, your claim is that they attacked with deadly weapons, which is laughable, because had they actually used deadly weapons, you'd have been demanding the military come in and kill them all.

As to your idiocy about Harris just choosing Biden, go fuck off. you're just being a pathetic whiny child.

Warn us? What do you think we could have done? Why didn't you warn the authorities instead, if you had inside info?
"When the news broke about the special counsel’s hit job — his snide, unwarranted, obviously politically motivated slurs about President Biden’s memory — I found myself thinking about my mother. What year did she die? It turned out that I didn’t know offhand; I knew that it was after I moved from Princeton to CUNY, because I was regularly commuting out to New Jersey to see her, but before the pandemic. I actually had to look into my records to confirm that she died in 2017.

I’ll bet that many readers are similarly vague about the dates of major life events. You remember the circumstances, but not necessarily the precise year. And whatever you think of me, I’m pretty sure I don’t write or sound like an old man. The idea that Biden’s difficulty in pinning down the year of his son’s death shows his incapacity — in the middle of the Gaza crisis! — is disgusting.

As it happens, I had an hour-long off-the-record meeting with Biden in August. I can’t talk about the content, but I can assure you that he’s perfectly lucid, with a good grasp of events. And outside that personal experience, on several occasions when I thought he was making a serious misjudgment — like his handling of the debt ceiling crisis — he was right and I was wrong.

And my God, consider his opponent. When I listen to Donald Trump’s speeches, I find myself thinking about my father, who died in 2013 (something else I had to look up). During his last year my father suffered from sundowning: he was lucid during the day, but would sometimes become incoherent and aggressive after dark. If we’re going to be doing amateur psychological diagnoses of elderly politicians, shouldn’t we be talking about a candidate who has confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, and whose ranting and raving sometimes reminds me of my late father on a bad evening?

So to everyone who’s piling on Biden right now, stop and look in the mirror. And ask yourself what you are doing."


You just show how stupid democrats are and how much you all need some sort of public assistance. Your time is coming thank God.
Did you read what i just put in the spoiler below RB?

You need to actually read it and explain how any one can debate Trump when his brain is literal much.

Kilmeade is trying his very best to pull a single coherent answer out of Trump on a softball question and just ends up giving up in exasperation.




And even as Kilmeade realizes Trump is completely incoherent and is struggling to even comprehend the question he tries to throw him a life line and save him.






(^^^complete transcript, no edits or cuts)

I am quite certain you cannot admit to reading it as anyone who does has to admit Trump is a sad pathetic mess. So i expect you to pretend you did not read it, or wont read it.

Not a single repug was willing to address trump's undecipherable blather. :rofl2: