"The Disgusting Furor Over Biden's Age"

Suuuure he is, Super-P, suuuure he is. Now don' you worry about a thing; young Marty is just as "fine as frog's hair."

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
He is, thanks for noticing. I enjoy his contribution to this forum.
Biden says the Special Council interviewed him for 5 hours on October 8th. :laugh: So either Biden is well enough to stand trial for WILLFULLY retaining Classified documents since he was a Senator and for sharing Classified documents with his Ghost writer or his isn't. Which is it , nurse 007?

I would agree that if he's capable of running the country, which is demonstrably true, then he is capable of appearing at a trial. So that brings us to the REAL reason why the special counsel declined to prosecute -- lack of evidence. No prosecutor wants to bring a case that he/she is likely to lose. This hack just used Biden's age as an excuse when the reality is that there is no there, there. Yes, he had classified materials. Yes, he turned them over when discovered. No, he did not instruct various lackeys to move them from one location to another when the feds came to find them. Nor did he lie repeatedly, and instruct his attorneys (if any), to lie about their existence. He did not flaunt them to various non-cleared individuals to show how awesome he was to have them.

From the SC's report:

However, for the reasons summarized below, we conclude that the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecution of Mr. Biden is also unwarranted based on our consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors set forth in the Department of Justice's Principles of Federal Prosecution. For these reasons, we decline prosecution of Mr. Biden.
I hope Biden grows a pair and debates Trump. And if Trump (miraculously) just sticks to facts and remains civil, Biden's gonna blow a fuse. It'd be fun to watch :thisisgettinggood:

"Sticks to facts," are you kidding? trump won't debate anybody because he doesn't have a grasp of the issues. His way of hiding his intellectual deficits is to lie and bluster about the facts.
"Sticks to facts," are you kidding? trump won't debate anybody because he doesn't have a grasp of the issues. His way of hiding his intellectual deficits is to lie and bluster about the facts.
Or, he talks off topic, constantly repeating the few tired subject. He’s stuck in 2016 and his “glory days”, still fighting his same demons.
"Sticks to facts," are you kidding? trump won't debate anybody because he doesn't have a grasp of the issues. His way of hiding his intellectual deficits is to lie and bluster about the facts.

Must I consult a dictionary for you to grasp the meaning of miraculously?
I found myself thinking about my mother. What year did she die? It turned out that I didn’t know offhand

Parents don't forget when their children died.


Biden used his son's death in 2015, barely 9 years ago, as his reason not to run for pres.. He couldn't remember that.
Moderator, PLEASE, when you merge all the dozen or so threads that are explaining to the lefties in denial just how deep Brandon's brain is rotted, leave Marty's thread as a stand-alone, or better yet, make it a sticky.
The far left loons on this forum voted for this vegetable knowing he has been a loon for decades.

“No, you are not forgiven.” Lt. Joe Kenda’s new book.

Well, Biden never suggested Americans could inject disinfectants to cure COVID.

Trump's Own Cabinet Members - People He Hired - Have Repeatedly Warned the American Public That Trump is POISON to Our Nation

"He is more dangerous than anyone can imagine." Gen. James Mattis, Trump's former Defense Sec.

Trump "has no idea what America stands for" and "has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the Rule of Law." Gen. John Kelly, Trump's former WH Chief of Staff.

"He is a consummate narcissist... He will always put his own interests... ahead of everything else, including the country's interests." Bill Barr, Trump's former Attorney General.

"Trump and other officials have repeatedly compromised our principles in pursuit of partisan advantage and personal gain." Gen. HR McMaster, Trump's former National Security Advisor.

"He is not fit to be President." John Bolton, Trump's former National Security Advisor.

"He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country." Mark Esper, Trump's former Defense Secretary.
Well, Biden never suggested Americans could inject disinfectants to cure COVID.

Trump's Own Cabinet Members - People He Hired - Have Repeatedly Warned the American Public That Trump is POISON to Our Nation

"He is more dangerous than anyone can imagine." Gen. James Mattis, Trump's former Defense Sec.

Trump "has no idea what America stands for" and "has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the Rule of Law." Gen. John Kelly, Trump's former WH Chief of Staff.

"He is a consummate narcissist... He will always put his own interests... ahead of everything else, including the country's interests." Bill Barr, Trump's former Attorney General.

"Trump and other officials have repeatedly compromised our principles in pursuit of partisan advantage and personal gain." Gen. HR McMaster, Trump's former National Security Advisor.

"He is not fit to be President." John Bolton, Trump's former National Security Advisor.

"He puts himself before country. His actions are all about him and not about the country." Mark Esper, Trump's former Defense Secretary.

Moderator, PLEASE, when you merge all the dozen or so threads that are explaining to the lefties in denial just how deep Brandon's brain is rotted, leave Marty's thread as a stand-alone, or better yet, make it a sticky.

Oh, indeed.

Poor Marty will never live down this thread,
The far left loons on this forum voted for this vegetable knowing he has been a loon for decades.

“No, you are not forgiven.” Lt. Joe Kenda’s new book.

I don't think most of the far-left "loons" are going to listen to lectures from supporters of a deranged, pathologically lying narcissist.

And Biden hasn't been a "loon" for decades. He has been a good public servant. And in case you haven't noticed - he has been a much better President than ANYONE on the right would have predicted 3+ years ago. He inherited a mess, and the economy is doing incredibly well. He deserves credit for bringing America out of the depths.

But, at this point, he should step aside and let someone else run.
Has anyone noticed that JPP has its own "SQUAD." Just like the real "SQUAD", they are a coterie of crazy, far-Left, Democrat wimmen, namely: (1) PHANTASMAL; (2) FOULWOMAN; (3) CHRISTIEFAN915 and (4) BATENDER ELITE.

Moderaters...would it be possible to "deport" this anti-American gaggle of Marxist maniacs OFF the forum ?

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
FANTASTIC! I absolutely am 110% in favor of the D party running Joe Biden as their Presidential candidate in the 24 general election. This is GREAT news! :cool:

And no matter the election results Harris can just say Biden won

That’s the Republican party’s declaration