"The Disgusting Furor Over Biden's Age"

As a senior myself, I have to go along with the premise
that people my age shouldn't be working at all,
much less running for POTUS.

The world has gone batshit crazy.
Melania does not speak 5 languages. She used translators when she was forced to meet foreign leaders' families. The right made that claim to protect her from being called a nude model. Jill is a college graduate and a teacher.
Didn’t she also lie on her Genius VISA application, too, claiming she had a degree?
As a senior myself, I have to go along with the premise
that people my age shouldn't be working at all,
much less running for POTUS.

The world has gone batshit crazy.

You sound like you are in very bad health, Biden isn’t, everyone doesn’t age in the same way or at the same rate. There have been people in their 90’s climb Everest.



I hate when people claim, you’re too old, you’re too young, you’re too short, you’re a girl.
You sound like you are in very bad health, Biden isn’t, everyone doesn’t age in the same way or at the same rate. There have been people in their 90’s climb Everest.

It has nothing to do with health, at least in my case.
It has everything to do with attitude.

At what point does a person say, "Leave me the fuck alone.
I'm not doing anything on anybody's imposed schedule anymore.
I don't have to do another fucking thing to justify my life."

I reached a point where I found it EASY to say that,
and I got there early.

I instinctively find it hard to trust people with too much Calvinist Work Ethic.
They're just not cool.
It has nothing to do with health, at least in my case.
It has everything to do with attitude.

At what point does a person say, "Leave me the fuck alone.
I'm not doing anything on anybody's imposed schedule anymore.
I don't have to do another fucking thing to justify my life."

I reached a point where I found it EASY to say that,
and I got there early.

I instinctively find it hard to trust people with too much Calvinist Work Ethic.
They're just not cool.
So, your attitude keeps you from flying on a plane to go to Vegas to enjoy yourself, or is it your attitude that limits your travel?
So, your attitude keeps you from flying on a plane to go to Vegas to enjoy yourself, or is it your attitude that limits your travel?

It's the torture of modern air travel that keeps me home.

One, I'm too old to endure the indignity.
Two, I'm old enough to remember it being so much better.

Those who don't remember that
don't really know that it could be so much better than it is.
It's the torture of modern air travel that keeps me home.

One, I'm too old to endure the indignity.
Two, I'm old enough to remember it being so much better.

Those who don't remember that
don't really know that it could be so much better than it is.
I absolutely hated the cigarette smoke it was gawd awful. You smelled like an astray when you got off the plane.

Listen up witch! That film clip was edited to make it look like Biden was confused. Look!

You need to stop being so deceptive.

Biden has no problem with his memory.

I bet his memory is a lot better than yours.

That is why he is the president and you are not- FOR MANY REASONS.

I would sure love to see you conduct a press conference.
Listen up witch!

Biden has no problem with his memory.

I bet his memory is a lot better than yours.

That is why he is the president and you are not!

You've been a miserable lizard lately.
Out in the cold too much? Jock itch?
Sadly, memory is not a factor in elections.