The Division of Territory Amongst the TRINITY

Sweet, its nice that I got Florida so cheap, because acquiring Maine cost me a fucking bundle!!

I can't afford to throw away Nevada on Nebraska, though, so Billy's going to have to ask for something less expensive, like Utah, Arizona, or NM.
Well, the Demarcation Line proved to be a bust, and I'm the only member of the Trinity who respect's the Pope's authority, so its kind of a moot point.
you know the Queen of England may just be a figurehead, but at least the English accept it.....which is why it must suck to one of these Trinity dudes right now.....
Might makes right, asshole. Besides, the Brits keep talking about abolishing the monarch, as well as the House of Lords.

it will never happen.....their royal wedding fetish is too compelling.....

and if might makes right, all the more reason to suspect the unholy Trinity are wrong.......not a mite of might amongst them......
Might makes right, asshole. Besides, the Brits keep talking about abolishing the monarch, as well as the House of Lords.

A good majority of the British support keeping the monarchy, and only a small minority actively support becoming a republic. Mostly people just don't care.

As to the house of lords, there's some talk of abolishing it, and some talk of making it into a democratic chamber elected by proportional representation. Some Tories want to rename it the "Senate", apparently because they're unable decide whether or not they want to blow the monarchy or America the most.
I suspect the "not caring" part leads the day. As for the Tories, they are awesome, and the Senate idea is intriguing.

The idea for renaming a democratically elected chamber the senate instead of the house of lords? That really doesn't effect things one way or the other.
The idea for renaming a democratically elected chamber the senate instead of the house of lords? That really doesn't effect things one way or the other.

Yes it does, because I highly doubt that:

1) The elected will serve for life
2) The qualifications will include having a title

Hence, an English Senate will differ greatly from an English House of Lords
Yes it does, because I highly doubt that:

1) The elected will serve for life
2) The qualifications will include having a title

Hence, an English Senate will differ greatly from an English House of Lords

A democratic house of lords will not serve for life and they won't have titles. Just like the American senate isn't a copy of the Roman one.