The Dixie Challenge....

my public statements show that I DON'T "fully" believe in evolution. Clearly, I lied.

HAHA, no I am afraid you are wrong Prissy, I didn't say that I fully believed the pinhead version of evolution theory, where we all evolved from a single cell. I clearly stated that I had argued against evolution as an explanation for origin of the species. Your charge was, that I didn't believe in evolution, and you've not proven that I ever said anything of the sort. You have proven that after extensive research and countless hours searching, you were unable to prove your charge. Of course, I already knew you would be unable to, so this is no real surprise to me.

Now, run along and see if you can find Ornut and Jarhead, they'll help you out here! Alls you need is 3-4 pinheads agreeing with you, and you can claim 'victory' over me. It's not that hard to do, most of them will gladly take pot shots at me, and don't mind lying for you. And after all, honesty doesn't really matter at this point, right? I mean, you've already lied your ass off, why not just keep lying at this point, a few more won't hurt!
Prissy: Its no wonder you think evolution is an evil liberal theory.

For the record, this was the original LIE by Prissy. I think anyone who wants to look at this objectively, can clearly see that Prissy has failed to demonstrate this with what he has posted. Of course, looking for 'objectivity' here, is like looking for quail with Dick Cheney!
Prissy: Its no wonder you think evolution is an evil liberal theory.

For the record, this was the original LIE by Prissy. I think anyone who wants to look at this objectively, can clearly see that Prissy has failed to demonstrate this with what he has posted. Of course, looking for 'objectivity' here, is like looking for quail with Dick Cheney!

It's been shown beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you defend Creationism and Intelligent desinge, and are dismissive of Evolutionary theory as a whole (though you are willing to cherry pick parts of it, that you can make yourself comfortable with)

Furthermore, you've been dismissive of evolutionary theory and the pinheads and liberals that defend it. Remember our liberal poster AC? You refered to evoltution as "AC's beloved theory" - clearly denigrating evolution and liberalsim in the same breath. :

-DIXIE: Proof of "Evolution Theory" ??? I noticed Assholicus Shitheaderus was Online, and I thought he may want to present us with the evidence he has compiled to prove his beloved theory of evolution. What about it AC? Got Game?
It's been shown beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you defend Creationism and Intelligent desinge.

You didn't have to "show" this, I have never denied this! I freely admit that I have been a staunch advocate of ID, and have never claimed otherwise. The claim you made was not about ID, or my position on ID, my statement refuting you was not about ID, or my position on ID. It was about evolution theory, and I stated correctly, that I believe in evolution, and have never claimed it to be an evil liberal theory.

Now, when you post parsed out statements, like me challenging AC to defend HIS evolution theory, that is a different story. AC's theory is much like your pinhead theory, that we all evolved from apes who subsequently evolved from single cells at one time. I don't believe THAT theory at all. Evolution is not an explanation for origin, and I stated this is what I believed in the very thread you referenced, I haven't denied that.

You are supposed to provide proof that I stated evolution was an evil liberal theory, and you've not done that, so you lose the challenge, sorry! The good news is, your liberal pinhead brethren will flock to this thread and proclaim you victorious anyway! w00t! w00t!
DIXIE: "You didn't have to "show" this, I have never denied this! I freely admit that I have been a staunch advocate of ID, and have never claimed otherwise."

Thanks for proving my point.

ID has been proven to be incompatible with scientific education in general, and evolution in particular. By definition, if you are a "stauch supporter of ID", then you are in opposition to the scientific theory of evolution.

Every court in the land has ruled that ID is a theology, not a science. Most recently in the Dover Pennsylvania case, where a conservative judge appointed by President Bush himself ruled that ID was a theology that was incompatible with scientific education
By definition, if you are a "stauch supporter of ID", then you are in opposition to the scientific theory of evolution.

Nope... this is inaccurate. Evolution is a theory dealing with speciation, Intelligent Design deals with origin. They are two completely different things. I believe in ID as well as ET, I don't believe ET explains origin, and I don't think this has been proven by you or anyone else.
Thanks for proving my point.

If your point was to prove I believe in Intelligent Design, you are very welcome! I never denied this, though, so you didn't really accomplish much here. I thought you were going to make the point that I stated evolution was an evil liberal theory, and I haven't seen anything remotely close to that presented.

I'm sorry you went to all this trouble, I know you put a lot of effort into it and all, but I tried to save you the time yesterday, you just wouldn't accept what I had to say. So, how does it feel to be proven a complete and total liar? ...Ahh, you're probably used to that feeling, huh?
Uhhh, darwinian evolution explains the origin of species. That was the title of his book, numbskull. Not the ultimate originination of organic life in the universe.

Darwinian evolution explains the origin of species through natural selection

Intelligent desing explains the origin of species by the invisible hand of a creator

You can't believe in both, as scientific principles AT THE SAME TIME. Which one do you believe in? Please stop lying that you believe in both natural selection, and the invisible guiding hand of a creator.

You can believe in one as theology, and one as science at the same time. Butt, you can't believe in BOTH as scientific principles at the same time.
You can't believe in both, as scientific principles AT THE SAME TIME.

I believe in both, but I don't believe either theory refutes the other, because one deals with speciation and the other with origin. Darwin did not prove we originated through evolution, if you think he did, you are sadly mistaken. Darwin's book was entitled "Origin of the Species" and it deals with how humans evolved, not the origin of life as we know it. That has not been proven, and can't be, really.

You are welcome to believe that ET explains origin of life, if that's what you want to believe, but that is not a fact at all. You are welcome to refute ID, even though people as smart as Einstein agreed with the concept of creationism. You can even believe that ET refutes ID if you like, but this has not been established. From my perspective, I believe in both. I have never disputed evolution, except as an explanation for origin, which it doesn't address. I also believe in ID, and I have never argued that ID refutes ET.
-DIXIE: LIE. I've never claimed any such thing, and have in fact gone on record numerous times stating I fully believe in evolution.

DIXIE: Tell you what asshole, post the fucking quote from me that argues againt evolution, or you are fucking liar


-CYPRESS: Challenge accepted. Here you go. You DO have a record of saying that lower form of human life- hominids - can evolve into modern homosapiens, the way that lower forms of fish can evolve into higher forms of fish. But you absolutely reject evolutionary theory that simple life forms, can evolve into complex, multi-cellular animals. In short, you reject evolutionary theory as a whole; you don't accept the concept of evolution as defined by all modern scientists – you just acknowedlge the parts that you, as a non-scientist, are comfortable with :

-DIXIE: Hey Agnosticus Stupidus, let me tell you what my problem is wih your pinheaded opinion of what a "Scientific Theory" is, you don't fucking know what you're talking about for one, but beyond that, you seem to want to arbitrarilly decide when things fit a definition and when they don't. It all depends on your angle and perspective, and you get so convoluted with your definitions it confuses even YOU! If you presented your "Scientific Theory" of evolution based on the 4 points you gave, I could take it all apart piece by piece and show where you had no basis for theory and how Evolution shouldn't be taught as such, and all I would need to do is use your own logic and convoluted definitions.

-DIXIE: Well... We have billions of life forms on Earth. How could billions of life forms have emerged from a single-cell, without some evolution from a lower life form? Magic?

-DIXIE: Proof of "Evolution Theory" ??? I noticed Assholicus Shitheaderus was Online, and I thought he may want to present us with the evidence he has compiled to prove his beloved theory of evolution. What about it AC? Got Game?

More Examples.

In one breath, Dixie claims he "fully believes in evolution".

Yet, Minutes later, he's being dismissive of the evolutionary principle that we and the great apes are related on the evolutionary tree and descened from common ancestors:

1) -DIXIE: "LIE. I've never claimed any such thing, and have in fact gone on record numerous times stating I fully believe in evolution."

2) -DIXIE: "LMAO... So Arnold thinks we came from apes? Is this what we are to conclude? Well... clearly an argument can be made for this, some of the pinheads on this very board, seem to be so mentally deficient, it would certainly lend credence to this theory."
Intelligent desing explains the origin of species by the invisible hand of a creator

No, ID explains the origin of life, not the species. Perhaps that is why you have such a problem with it, you don't fully understand it? ID deals with origin and ET deals with speciation, and both can be valid and true, OR, neither could be valid or true... we don't know, as they are both theories.
Yeah, that's right Prissy, run back to spreading your lies again! Keep repeating it over and over again, maybe you can convince someone else if you repeat the lie enough? As I said, I fully believe in the theory of evolution as well as intelligent design, and you've not shown otherwise. You can't! So, keep lying your ass off and repeating it over and over, that's the ticket! Otherwise, I own your ass on this one, and you know it! HAHAHA!
But you absolutely reject evolutionary theory that simple life forms, can evolve into complex, multi-cellular animals.

I don't reject this theory, I do view it as theory and not fact. Believing this, doesn't mean I think we came from apes, sorry! ...although, after reading your posts, I am a little more convinced that some of us might have actually evolved from apes, it would explain the vast difference in our intelligence levels, wouldn't it?
Intelligent desing explains the origin of species by the invisible hand of a creator

No, ID explains the origin of life, not the species. Perhaps that is why you have such a problem with it, you don't fully understand it? ID deals with origin and ET deals with speciation, and both can be valid and true, OR, neither could be valid or true... we don't know, as they are both theories.

This is directly from the premeir Intelligent Design Website:

"The theory of intelligent design (ID) holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID is thus a scientific disagreement with the core claim of evolutionary theory"

Which is it Dixie? Do you "fully" believe in natural selection, which is the CORE principle of evolutionary theory?

Or do you believe that "intelligent design" is the better explanation? Your own ID website says "intelligent design" is the BETTER theory, RATHER than natural selection.

Which is it then: Do you "fully" belive in natural selection? Or do you belive in intelligent design.

You can't believe in BOTH as scientific principles at the same time

Pick one. Choose.
I believe in both.

Your charge was, and I quote...

"Its no wonder you think evolution is an evil liberal theory."

Are you ever going to support your allegation, or are you just going to keep spinning and twisting in the wind, trying to divert the subject because you can't back you claims?

We're on page 2 already, and still, you have not proven the charge you made! How long is it going to take, Prissy? What's the matter? Can't find where I ever stated any such thing? Can't support your LIES? Gotta twist and spin your way into a different debate now, because you've completely been proven wrong? I understand! It seems like you pinheads would figure it out, but for some reason, you just keep opening the door into your nose!