Liberal Douche: "Dixie said he likes peanut butter!"
Dixie: "Bullshit, I never said I liked Peanut Butter!"
Liberal Douche: "See: [insert quote]. He likes Peanut Butter! I win!"
Dixie: "I never said I liked Peanut Butter in that quote"
Liberal Douche: "Yes you did!"
Dixie: "No I didn't"
Liberal Douche #2: "Yes Dixie, it says you like peanut butter"
Dixie: "No it doesn't"
*********** 4 hours later ********************
Liberal Douche: "It says you like Peanut Butter damnit!"
Liberal Douche #2: "Yeah, that's right!"
Liberal Douche #3: "Majorly Owned Dixie! You like peanut Butter!"
Dixie: "No, I'm pretty sure I don't like peanut butter."
Liberal Douche: "It says right there [insert quote]. Game over!"
Dixie: "I like Jelly and I like Ketchup, but I do NOT like Peanut Butter! I'm pretty sure you like it when you rub it all over yourself and your dog licks it off."
Liberal Douche: "I can't believe you just said that! I hope you die! Oh... and you like Peanut Butter"
****************** Next Day ***************************
Liberal Douche: "Dixie is an evil bastard! Do you believe what he said about me? That I rape puppies!"
Dixie: "No I didn't!"