The Dixie Challenge....

I don't understand why people spend so much time on you Dixie. It's like thier entire goal for hours on end is to just discredit you. I don't know whose mind they are trying to change. Honestly man, I think you've done a pretty damn good job irritating the shit out of liberals. lol
This is directly from the premeir Intelligent Design Website:

"The theory of intelligent design (ID) holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID is thus a scientific disagreement with the core claim of evolutionary theory"

Which is it Dixie? Do you "fully" believe in natural selection, which is the CORE principle of evolutionary theory?

Or do you believe that "intelligent design" is the better explanation? Your own ID website says "intelligent design" is the BETTER theory, RATHER than natural selection.

Which is it then: Do you "fully" belive in natural selection? Or do you belive in intelligent design.

You can't believe in BOTH as scientific principles at the same time

Pick one. Choose.

DIXIE responds: "I believe in both."

Well, game over then. This proves you lied when you said that you "fully" believed in evolution.

You CAN'T "fully" believe in natural selection, the CORE principle of evolutionary theory, while simultaneously believeing in Intelligent Design, which states that they are in direct conflict with natural selection:

This is directly from the premeir Intelligent Design Website:

"The theory of intelligent design (ID) holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID is thus a scientific disagreement with the core claim of evolutionary theory"

Thanks for playing dixie. GAME OVER. You lied about "fully" believing in evolution.
I don't understand why people spend so much time on you Dixie. It's like thier entire goal for hours on end is to just discredit you. I don't know whose mind they are trying to change. Honestly man, I think you've done a pretty damn good job irritating the shit out of liberals. lol

LOL... yeah, I don't get it either Dave, it's like they have no life! I think it bothers them to hear someone speak the truth and challenge their idiocy, and the fact that I am supposedly some hick from the sticks, just burns their ass up. It's one thing to be bested by someone you perceive as being smarter, but when a redneck from Alabama owns your ass, it's quite disturbing!
LOL... yeah, I don't get it either Dave, it's like they have no life! I think it bothers them to hear someone speak the truth and challenge their idiocy, and the fact that I am supposedly some hick from the sticks, just burns their ass up. It's one thing to be bested by someone you perceive as being smarter, but when a redneck from Alabama owns your ass, it's quite disturbing!

Dixie speaking the truth never bothers me in the least. It is his slanderous lies that bother me.... and always will.

Nambla flag? uncalled for.... but not unanswered.
No, you lied Prissy, just like you lie about everything. Nothing new!

You can't "fully" believe in evolution (like you lied), AND believe in Intelligent Design simultaneously. They contradict each other

This is directly from the premeir Intelligent Design Website:

"The theory of intelligent design (ID) holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause RATHER than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID is thus a scientific disagreement with the core claim of evolutionary theory"

Thanks for playing dixie. GAME OVER. You lied about "fully" believing in evolution.
You can't "fully" believe in evolution (like you lied), AND believe in Intelligent Design simultaneously. They contradict each other

This is directly from the premeir Intelligent Design Website:

"The theory of intelligent design (ID) holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause RATHER than an undirected process such as natural selection. ID is thus a scientific disagreement with the core claim of evolutionary theory"

Thanks for playing dixie. GAME OVER. You lied about "fully" believing in evolution.

Note: here was Dixie's quote about "fully" believing in evolution:

-DIXIE: LIE. I've never claimed any such thing, and have in fact gone on record numerous times stating I fully believe in evolution.
Liberal Douche: "Dixie said he likes peanut butter!"

Dixie: "Bullshit, I never said I liked Peanut Butter!"

Liberal Douche: "See: [insert quote]. He likes Peanut Butter! I win!"

Dixie: "I never said I liked Peanut Butter in that quote"

Liberal Douche: "Yes you did!"

Dixie: "No I didn't"

Liberal Douche #2: "Yes Dixie, it says you like peanut butter"

Dixie: "No it doesn't"

*********** 4 hours later ********************

Liberal Douche: "It says you like Peanut Butter damnit!"
Liberal Douche #2: "Yeah, that's right!"
Liberal Douche #3: "Majorly Owned Dixie! You like peanut Butter!"

Dixie: "No, I'm pretty sure I don't like peanut butter."

Liberal Douche: "It says right there [insert quote]. Game over!"

Dixie: "I like Jelly and I like Ketchup, but I do NOT like Peanut Butter! I'm pretty sure you like it when you rub it all over yourself and your dog licks it off."

Liberal Douche: "I can't believe you just said that! I hope you die! Oh... and you like Peanut Butter"

****************** Next Day ***************************

Liberal Douche: "Dixie is an evil bastard! Do you believe what he said about me? That I rape puppies!"

Dixie: "No I didn't!"

They contradict each other

You are the pinhead making this claim, no one else. Most rational people understand ET deals with species and ID deals with origin of life. They are two completely different concepts and arguments, and neither refutes the other. I never claimed to believe what you believe, I never claimed that I believed some cockamamie notion that we all evolved from a single cell, that is YOUR belief, and you are entitled to it! Because I am not a loony tune like you, doesn't mean that I have stated what you claimed I stated. You lied about that, and you've demonstrated it here. If you want to keep arguing about it and lying, you go right ahead, the facts speak for themselves.
Liberal Douche: "Dixie said he likes peanut butter!"

Dixie: "Bullshit, I never said I liked Peanut Butter!"

Liberal Douche: "See: [insert quote]. He likes Peanut Butter! I win!"

Dixie: "I never said I liked Peanut Butter in that quote"

Liberal Douche: "Yes you did!"

Dixie: "No I didn't"

Liberal Douche #2: "Yes Dixie, it says you like peanut butter"

Dixie: "No it doesn't"

*********** 4 hours later ********************

Liberal Douche: "It says you like Peanut Butter damnit!"
Liberal Douche #2: "Yeah, that's right!"
Liberal Douche #3: "Majorly Owned Dixie! You like peanut Butter!"

Dixie: "No, I'm pretty sure I don't like peanut butter."

Liberal Douche: "It says right there [insert quote]. Game over!"

Dixie: "I like Jelly and I like Ketchup, but I do NOT like Peanut Butter! I'm pretty sure you like it when you rub it all over yourself and your dog licks it off."

Liberal Douche: "I can't believe you just said that! I hope you die! Oh... and you like Peanut Butter"

****************** Next Day ***************************

Liberal Douche: "Dixie is an evil bastard! Do you believe what he said about me? That I rape puppies!"

Dixie: "No I didn't!"


Yet oddly, some magical force compelled you to read through this thread, and evidently return to it all over again. I wonder why? If you don't like it, don't read it.
Liberal Douche: "Dixie said he likes peanut butter!"

Dixie: "Bullshit, I never said I liked Peanut Butter!"

Liberal Douche: "See: [insert quote]. He likes Peanut Butter! I win!"

Dixie: "I never said I liked Peanut Butter in that quote"

Liberal Douche: "Yes you did!"

Dixie: "No I didn't"

Liberal Douche #2: "Yes Dixie, it says you like peanut butter"

Dixie: "No it doesn't"

*********** 4 hours later ********************

Liberal Douche: "It says you like Peanut Butter damnit!"
Liberal Douche #2: "Yeah, that's right!"
Liberal Douche #3: "Majorly Owned Dixie! You like peanut Butter!"

Dixie: "No, I'm pretty sure I don't like peanut butter."

Liberal Douche: "It says right there [insert quote]. Game over!"

Dixie: "I like Jelly and I like Ketchup, but I do NOT like Peanut Butter! I'm pretty sure you like it when you rub it all over yourself and your dog licks it off."

Liberal Douche: "I can't believe you just said that! I hope you die! Oh... and you like Peanut Butter"

****************** Next Day ***************************

Liberal Douche: "Dixie is an evil bastard! Do you believe what he said about me? That I rape puppies!"

Dixie: "No I didn't!"


Jump ahead 3-weeks... in a completely different argument:

Liberal Douche #4: "Well what do you expect from a guy who professes his love for peanut butter?"
Wow, I don't see a single refutation of the theory of evolution there!

Mmmmnn, I can point to you refuting that humans and apes share a common descendent.

I can point to a million occasions of you misunderstanding evolution, such as asking people to demonstrate how humans came from apes etc...

Yet oddly, some magical force compelled you to read through this thread, and evidently return to it all over again. I wonder why? If you don't like it, don't read it.

Cause its funny to watch everyone argue with Dixie over and over and over again. Its funny though that you assumed I read the whole post because I posted an arguement about peanut butter. I didn't have to read every post, all i had to do was read the last few and see your still argueing over something Dixie said. It's hilarious!
Wow, I don't see a single refutation of the theory of evolution there!

Mmmmnn, I can point to you refuting that humans and apes share a common descendent.

I can point to a million occasions of you misunderstanding evolution, such as asking people to demonstrate how humans came from apes etc...

1. I don't recall ever saying humans and apes didn't share a common descendant, although there are some 'missing links' there, and you haven't 'proven' anything until you discover those.

2. Asking questions is part of science, not assuming.

3. The claim was that I said Evolution was an evil liberal theory.
1. I don't recall ever saying humans and apes didn't share a common descendant, although there are some 'missing links' there, and you haven't 'proven' anything until you discover those.

2. Asking questions is part of science, not assuming.

3. The claim was that I said Evolution was an evil liberal theory.

The claim was that I said Evolution was an evil liberal theory

Wrong again Einstein.

Let's head back to the very first post of the thread to verify what the acutal challenge and assertion was, shall we?:

-DIXIE: LIE. I've never claimed any such thing, and have in fact gone on record numerous times stating I fully believe in evolution.

DIXIE: Tell you what asshole, post the fucking quote from me that argues againt evolution, or you are fucking liar

As AOI and I both pointed out, and from the numerous links and quotes I've posted, both assertions you made above are debunked, and it was shown that in fact you HAVE argued against evolution, and that you DON"T "fully" believe in evolutionary theory and darwinism.
Most rational people understand ET deals with species and ID deals with origin of life.

Errrm, no it doesn't. ID deals with speciation, 'irreducible complexity' claims that speciation through evolutionary processes is impossible because each individual part of an organism requires the others to function.

Origins of life is biogenesis.

You are such a plonker Rodney.....
Wrong again Einstein.

Let's head back to the very first post of the thread to verify what the acutal challenge and assertion was, shall we?:

LMAO... let's go back to the claim you made, which this was a response to! IDIOT!

"Its no wonder you think evolution is an evil liberal theory."

I never stated this, you never proved it. You are a LIAR!
1. I don't recall ever saying humans and apes didn't share a common descendant, although there are some 'missing links' there, and you haven't 'proven' anything until you discover those.

On another thread today you were chortling about humans and apes not being evolutionary relations.

2. Asking questions is part of science, not assuming.

Wait one minute, don't you advocate ID? Which states 'because life appears amazingly complex, we can only ASSUME that it is the work of a deity'?

A little consistency would be nice...

3. The claim was that I said Evolution was an evil liberal theory.

Sounds like something you'd say....
So, Dixie, is ET an attempt by crooked and evil atheists to drag people from the church-given, god approved religious 'explanation' of speciation?
Wrong again Einstein.

Let's head back to the very first post of the thread to verify what the acutal challenge and assertion was, shall we?:

LMAO... let's go back to the claim you made, which this was a response to! IDIOT!

"Its no wonder you think evolution is an evil liberal theory."

I never stated this, you never proved it. You are a LIAR!

Well, that wasn't part of the challenge. And it wasn't part of this thread. I

I freely admit you probably never said the exact words "evolution in an evil liberal theory". that was hyperbole on my part. I plead guilty to hyperbole.

Now, as for the assertions and challegnes made in this thread (from post number one), you've been owned. And badly, I might add.