The Dog we are adopting...


Staff member

She's a 1 year old German Shepherd.

Her name is Nyla.

So far we don't know too much about her, she's sweet and energetic, not aggressive and not shy. She likes other dogs, but she has yet to meet our cat.

I don't know when we'll be able to take her home, but the family is very excited..

She's lovely, Damo, congratulations! Will you take her for basic Household training? I've found that it really helps to establish a bond between dog and human.
Do you already have a female (canine) at home? You might run into some dominance situations that will have to be resolved. Patience and kindness (and the right approach) nearly always work.
Do you already have a female (canine) at home? You might run into some dominance situations that will have to be resolved. Patience and kindness (and the right approach) nearly always work.
We have two, but they are both passive dogs who roll over when introduced to any other dog. I don't foresee much issue with them, but if there is we'll work our way through them. We have much patience or we'd have given up on the Mouth...
Excellent pointy ears. :D

However, i can't help noticing that the little lady is missing a rather important item.

I hope you will be remedying that situation with considerable haste.
Good on you adopting Damo..I love German Shepherds..she looks like she will be a great addition to your family..
Good luck with the cat relationship. I adopted my dog 7 years ago and we still have to keep them separated otherwise they'll fight like- well, you know.
Good on you adopting Damo..I love German Shepherds..she looks like she will be a great addition to your family..
Yeah, we're really very excited. She's such a good-looking GSD and has the right temperament for our family.
Yeah, we're really very excited. She's such a good-looking GSD and has the right temperament for our family.

Just remember, Sheps tend to be very territorial. There great with immeadiate family but can be aggresive towards friends and other visitors. That's one thing I loved about my lab. He had outstanding judgement. If a strager showed up at my door and my Lab was cool with it inevitably they were ok but if he was aggresive towards them he was always in the right.
AWWWWWWW how cute!!!!!!!! I can't wait to get updates!!!!!

Tell your family congratulations!