The Dog we are adopting...

Yea and it will give Ms Dog magic something to think about when she has to put down a good dog she could have placed into a good home because she didn't see any dog magic. Also, I'd find out who operates the shelter and file a complaint about her. I could see if she had objective criteria about not placing her in your home but "dog magic"? That's out of line.
She runs the rescue.
She runs the rescue.

This sounds so weird, all I can glimmer is PETA, which is unrelated other than being nutty.

I don't know that I'd want to support such a shelter, though I understand you are now hooked on the dog.
When she brings Nyla back, make sure everyone has a piece of bacon in their pocket. Bet she sees the magic then.
Yup. Not because we weren't good dog owners, but because there is no "magic" no "wow"...

I mean, who is she? Simon Cowell?

wow, that is friggen cold...I'd go some where else..try the humane shelters, that is where I get most of my adoptions and save a life to boot..

sorry for your family..
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Well, it really won't matter now.

The woman who runs the rescue said, I kid you not, that she didn't see any "Wow Factor, any dog magic" and prefers to bring us some more dogs to find the right "fit"...

The dog was awesome, just as I figured she would be. And she was already trained not to jump up on the kids or anybody. She and my eldest got along swimmingly, then suddenly the rescue lady announces that there was no "magic" no "wow"....

Freaking nut...

But heck, maybe she'll bring us one that actually does have magic and stuff... Ugh. Where's the face palm smilie when you need it?

The rescue I work has some people like that. I don't get it. Its not as mundane as "wow" factor, but I've seen them turn down applications for what I think to be trivial.

At the moment I'm fostering a pitbull mix and we had to turn a family down b/c the dad thought he was "too friendly" with people. IMO that's a valid reason. If the person who's trying to adopt the pet seems like they want to train a dog to be aggressive then I can understand. No "wow" factor is ridiculous.
I'm so sorry, Damo! Unfortunately some of the people who get involved in running these organizations are a bit off the charts. I have to wonder how many dogs she places if this is how she conducts adoptions. People like this, and their peers in other respects, are the reason I finally gave up on volunteering in a couple of organizations after about three years each.

This leaves me scratching my head too! I feel worst for your kids because I'll bet they had their hearts set on her once they met her.

Yeah. I've run into a few of those. I think that deep down inside they just get attached to the dog and don't want to let them go just yet.
Yeah. I've run into a few of those. I think that deep down inside they just get attached to the dog and don't want to let them go just yet.

That's certainly true of some of the fosterers, and I can see it's very understandable. I really was talking about some of those people who actually run (or try to run) the organization. It seems to me that somehow they lose sight of the real goals and make this too much a source of personal identity and gratification, too often to the detriment of both the animals and the organization. For those certain people, the organization becomes their entire life, but not necessarily in a good way.
Hey! I'd negative rep you, but Damo the enforcer has put the smackdown on spreading more rep around.
That's ok, I'm not overly concerned about winning or losing brownie points. Considering my nature, I'm surprized I have as many rep points as I do. I really am! LOL
I think they sell in the $500 range. Not sure. I can check if you want. They are AKC registered pups.
Sure, check. I've seen some that are extremely expensive, and some that are not quite so expensive. I'd like to go through a rescue, but heck there may be no "magic"... :rolleyes: