The Election That Could Break America

"If the vote is close, Donald Trump could easily throw the election into chaos and subvert the result. Who will stop him?"

"If we are lucky, this fraught and dysfunctional election cycle will reach a conventional stopping point in time to meet crucial deadlines in December and January. The contest will be decided with sufficient authority that the losing candidate will be forced to yield. Collectively we will have made our choice—a messy one, no doubt, but clear enough to arm the president-elect with a mandate to govern.

As a nation, we have never failed to clear that bar. But in this election year of plague and recession and catastrophized politics, the mechanisms of decision are at meaningful risk of breaking down. Close students of election law and procedure are warning that conditions are ripe for a constitutional crisis that would leave the nation without an authoritative result. We have no fail-safe against that calamity. "

"The political system may no longer be strong enough to preserve its integrity. It’s a mistake to take for granted that election boards and state legislatures and Congress are capable of drawing lines that ensure a legitimate vote and an orderly transfer of power. We may have to find a way to draw those lines ourselves."

"Right now, the best we can do is an ad hoc defense of democracy. Begin by rejecting the temptation to think that this election will carry on as elections usually do. Something far out of the norm is likely to happen. Probably more than one thing. Expecting otherwise will dull our reflexes. It will lull us into spurious hope that Trump is tractable to forces that constrain normal incumbents."

This The Atlantic article is a long read, but it is extremely alarming. It is a wake-up call. We are likely about to enter unknown territory. Only a landslide with indisputable results, pretty much on election night, will forestall the messiest post-election fight in our history:

The Election That Could Break America:__If the vote is close, Donald Trump could easily throw the election into chaos and subvert the result. Who will stop him?

you idiots are trying to break it before the election even starts.......
A billion bucks buys a lot of lawyers. Not to mention locking up a former President. Trump will never see the inside of a jail unless he's visiting one of the kids. At best, it's house arrest in his golden penthouse.


Sounds like you didn't read the article.

Clinton was wise in her advice.

Gore gave up too soon.

He conceded with unspent ammo in his legal clip.

???....the SC caught him with his hand in the cookie jar.......what ammo do you think he had?......packing the court?......did he have the same arrows in his quiver that Nancy has?......
Hello Darth,

They project and their projections always telegraph what they’re up to.

It’s actually sort of amusing. The left says the right will take to the streets in the event Biden wins. Who is that in the streets now, Trump supporters lol? Moreover, Harris has already telegraphed future violence by saying “the protests aren’t going to stop and shouldn’t stop”.

The left says Trump won’t accept the results. Many on the left STILL haven’t accepted the results of 2016. And if Trump wins in November they will do it again: they will have some conspiracy theory about how Trump ‘stole’ the election from Biden.

In fact, the CIA has already given them something to work with: they reported da Russians are helping Trump, again. Oddly, they had no word about what influence China was having on social media or whatever. Funny, how that works.

But if Trump wins the left WILL claim it was with Russian help. And/or they’ll have some story about the mail in ballots.

The left is nothing, if not predictable.

Protests, one thing. Violence, another.

Different words.

Different meanings.

People rightly upset about wrongdoing - protest.

Provocateurs bent on turning things violent - will infiltrate.

Not the same people.

The right likes to keep repeating a meme until they believe it - doesn't make it true.

Just makes them hooked on propaganda.

Lost in loopy land.
Hello Darth,

Protests, one thing. Violence, another.

Different words.

Different meanings.

People rightly upset about wrongdoing - protest.

Provocateurs bent on turning things violent - will infiltrate.

Not the same people.

The eight likes to keep repeating a meme until they believe it - doesn't make it true.

Just makes them hooked on propaganda.

Lost in loopy land.
ANTIFA, BLM..terror groups endorsed by the radical Democrats.

The Democrats in cities controlled by Democrats own violence in America.
Hello Darth,

Protests, one thing. Violence, another.

Different words.

Different meanings.

People rightly upset about wrongdoing - protest.

Provocateurs bent on turning things violent - will infiltrate.

Not the same people.

The right likes to keep repeating a meme until they believe it - doesn't make it true.

Just makes them hooked on propaganda.

Lost in loopy land.

There was a time when gas lighting worked on me lol.

Those days are long gone.
Hello Darth,

Protests, one thing. Violence, another.

Different words.

Different meanings.

People rightly upset about wrongdoing - protest.

Provocateurs bent on turning things violent - will infiltrate.

Not the same people.

The right likes to keep repeating a meme until they believe it - doesn't make it true.

Just makes them hooked on propaganda.

Lost in loopy land.

Agreed. Arrest the assholes, but allow Americans their First Amendment rights. Labeling lawful protesters seditionists is just an excuse used by petty dictators to crush dissent.

Trump has already proved he'll attack and gas lawful protesters for a photo op. I expect that order may come back to haunt him after he's out of office. › politics › 2020/08/18
Aug 17, 2020 - The Democratic Party fully embraced the imagery and themes of the Black Lives Matter movement on its convention's first night Monday, ...

BLM...what do we want...dead ....when do we want
If Trump loses he will fight to the bitter end but eventually the SCOTUS will determine the winner. Just like 2000.
If Trump loses he will fight to the bitter end but eventually the SCOTUS will determine the winner. Just like 2000.

Unless it's a landslide. Trump has to have a valid reason to go to court. In 2000 the entire election hinged on Florida and, IIRC, one county. Even if the same thing happened again with Florida or some other state, it wouldn't matter if Biden has 270 electoral votes without Florida.

IMO, the fact Texas is even considered a swing state in this election is bad news for Trump. As it is, I think Texas will go to Trump, but Biden could take all of those northern tier states Trump took in 2016. There's also the matter of the Senate elections which could turn out badly for the Republicans and Trump alike.
Unless it's a landslide. Trump has to have a valid reason to go to court. In 2000 the entire election hinged on Florida and, IIRC, one county. Even if the same thing happened again with Florida or some other state, it wouldn't matter if Biden has 270 electoral votes without Florida.

IMO, the fact Texas is even considered a swing state in this election is bad news for Trump. As it is, I think Texas will go to Trump, but Biden could take all of those northern tier states Trump took in 2016. There's also the matter of the Senate elections which could turn out badly for the Republicans and Trump alike.
I wonder if Trump’s latest statements will worry Cubans in FL? Will they see shades of Castro?
Unless it's a landslide. Trump has to have a valid reason to go to court. In 2000 the entire election hinged on Florida and, IIRC, one county. Even if the same thing happened again with Florida or some other state, it wouldn't matter if Biden has 270 electoral votes without Florida.

IMO, the fact Texas is even considered a swing state in this election is bad news for Trump. As it is, I think Texas will go to Trump, but Biden could take all of those northern tier states Trump took in 2016. There's also the matter of the Senate elections which could turn out badly for the Republicans and Trump alike.

We will see which of us is correct.
The article explores some of the ways Trump could try to upset the gameboard during the election and post-election if it's not going his way.

The number of ways things could go off the skids are infinite.

His armies of lawyers will be looking for every possible chink in the armor of our election system to exploit.

Everything points to this getting very messy.

So there's no evidence just suspicion because the Atlantic wouldn't be trying to influence the election would it?