The Election That Could Break America

At this point, I hope Trump and the Republicans do win the election by a significant margin. The Democrat / Leftist response would be worth every penny of the price of admission. Can you imagine the hair-on-fire clusterfuck of lunacy and rage that would follow that happening? I could see some of the commentators at CNN and MSNBC keeling over with strokes or heart attacks at the news their side lost the election.

Oh, four days to the next sideshow event-- The first Presidential debate. Pelosi is urging Biden to pass on it...

In other words another fuck you trumptard.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Taking pleasure at the misfortune of others is a shallow pleasure.

This isn't why I would want it. Pleasure? No. It's going to be awful (actually either way). My interest is that it's the best of a lousy set of outcomes. The Democrats get in charge, stand by heavy rolls. They are going to screw your life up royally using government. If they don't they are going to try and screw everything up out of a tantrum they weren't put in charge.

If Trump wins I will mourn for the nation. It would be a blow to freedom and Democracy.

Trump isn't going to confiscate your wealth. He isn't going to force you on a government run health care plan. He isn't going to regulate your business out of business. The Democrats are. Democracy? The Democrats are talking court packing, fixing Congress so they are a permanent majority. They're the ones talking about an end to Democracy because when you have no choice in who runs the country, you no longer have a Democracy of any sort.

I mourned for a week after the 2016 election. I considered it the most tragic thing that had ever happened to the USA in my life.

I was right. It has been.

Whereas for me Trump's choices on the economy have seen my wealth grow and worries about more idiot regulation on various things disappear.

Hopefully we will fix that this time.

Biden For President!

More government is not the answer.
Hello Phantasmal,

How ironic, right! She loses the election, but the Governor appoints her to the other Senate seat when John McCain died.

Oh! That's right.

Now it all comes back.

The Republican governor appointed a loser.

I hope the good people of Arizona will remember that in the next gubernatorial election.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

You two make a nice pair of boobs. ;)

Despite Trump's fucked up news briefs, both his staff and the Republicans assure that the election will be fair and that they will honor the results. Anyone pissing their pants differently need to get a grip on reality before they are committed by their loved ones.

The president's handlers don't stop him from calling his army of lawyers. He says one thing, they soften it, that doesn't change what he said nor how he feels or acts. They are just trying to do damage control in the moment.
Hello Dachshund,

He won't need to... The Biden-Harris ticket is the worst that America has ever been offered: a walking corpse and a prostitute with a nasty mouth. On 3rd November the Democrats are going to receive an absolute THRASHING. Mark my words.


If the goodness of America prevails, sensible Biden and sharp Harris will be victorious in a landslide which will be called on election night, and the nation will rejoice!

Hello T. A. Gardner,

This isn't why I would want it. Pleasure? No. It's going to be awful (actually either way). My interest is that it's the best of a lousy set of outcomes. The Democrats get in charge, stand by heavy rolls. They are going to screw your life up royally using government. If they don't they are going to try and screw everything up out of a tantrum they weren't put in charge.

I would expect them to stand up for the American people, including having compassion for those in need, take appropriate steps to deal with the pandemic crisis, and to work toward balancing the budget which will mean taxing the rich more.

Basically, they will be responsible in every way that Republicans have been irrresponsible.

Trump isn't going to confiscate your wealth. He isn't going to force you on a government run health care plan. He isn't going to regulate your business out of business. The Democrats are. Democracy? The Democrats are talking court packing, fixing Congress so they are a permanent majority. They're the ones talking about an end to Democracy because when you have no choice in who runs the country, you no longer have a Democracy of any sort.

There will always be choices. The Democrats are going to work toward making the right choices.

Whereas for me Trump's choices on the economy have seen my wealth grow and worries about more idiot regulation on various things disappear.

As the wealth of the richest Americans has grown, so has the debt of the federal government, because we have not been collecting enough taxes to pay for our country. I expect Democrats to do the responsible thing and fix that. People who are only concerned about their own greed will strongly object. That is to be expected.

More government is not the answer.

More government is inevitable. As the nation grows, so must it's government. As a matter of fact, even though Republicans thought Trump would honor his promises to make government smaller, it is actually now larger than it was when he took office. There are more government workers now than when he took office, and the federal budget is larger, with more spending. If Trump couldn't stop government from growing then nobody can. And that is exactly the case. Nobody can. Making government smaller is a ridiculous unrealistic pipe dream. It is only logical. As the nation grows, so must it's government. Today's America in today's world simply * could * not * function * with the government of 1776 and no income tax.

The 'smaller government' meme is nothing but conservative propaganda. Not realistic. If you wanted smaller government, the fact is: Trump let you down.
My expectations if the vote is close in November:

1. The Democrats will cheat and try to steal the election via fraud. (the Republicans might too but they're amateurs)
2. Both parties will massively lawyer up trying to change results in close states.
3. Whatever the result, nobody will like it.

IMO there are two sort of voters:

1] Those that pay real estate & school & water taxes & mortgages and those that file taxes quarterly this includes a network of tertiary vendors and their families.
2] Others.

IMO ergo, land slide victory for TRUMPIAN AMERICA.

What's Break-America have to do with the price of pizza in Philly?
IMO there are two sort of voters:

1] Those that pay real estate & school & water taxes & mortgages and those that file taxes quarterly this includes a network of tertiary vendors and their families.
2] Others.

IMO ergo, land slide victory for TRUMPIAN AMERICA.

What's Break-America have to do with the price of pizza in Philly?

Well, you know what they say... The man who owns the boat rarely has time to rock it.
That's how all cold, heartless terrorist organizations start. You left off the rest of the story. Those people who were pretending to only want food were merely spouting propaganda to get obedient crows to attack law enforcement and to drive them away. Once that happens, they turn to the obedient masses and announce their "new" mission in order to continue the "revolution" ... and it always involves violence and blood and destruction and ultimately tyranny.

Terrorism is a mug's game. Effective collective action is what works, particularly if you ignore the 'rules' that allow the fat buggers to murder people without having to pay for it. There's tyranny NOW mate - and I won't get into your ignorance about the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries here - take too long. Get this: they'll kill you unless you take away their bang-bangs, murderous nazi buggers.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

The president's handlers don't stop him from calling his army of lawyers. He says one thing, they soften it, that doesn't change what he said nor how he feels or acts. They are just trying to do damage control in the moment.

So? What does that have to do with it? Of course he's going to call his fucking lawyers. He always calls his fucking lawyers. He has a right to call his fucking lawyers. That's a given. I don't give a shit about the fucking lawyers much less Trump's staff constantly saying "What the President meant to say was...."

So what? We all see and hear what Trump says. People make mistakes. Look at the "57 states" quote bandied about for 8 fucking years. Look at the minor gaffs being replayed by the RWNJs about Biden. What matters is what people think and I think most people are smart enough to figure out when a person can be trusted and when they cannot be trusted. The validation is in Trump's polls for the past 4 years. Honest is not a Trump strength and most Trump voters know it.
According to the Suffolk poll, of the 31 percent of Americans who believe Trump is honest and trustworthy, nearly two-thirds of them say Fox is their favorite news source. Among Fox-first viewers — who comprise about 25 percent of Americans in the survey — 78 percent say Trump is honest and trustworthy, while just 15 percent disagree.

The imbalance is even more striking when you look at people who don’t trust Fox News the most. Among the three-fourths of the population who don’t list Fox as their No. 1 news source, just 15 percent say Trump is honest and trustworthy, while nearly 80 percent say he is not.


Hello Phantasmal,

Oh! That's right.

Now it all comes back.

The Republican governor appointed a loser.

I hope the good people of Arizona will remember that in the next gubernatorial election.

Agreed as all state citizens should about their elected representatives.

A good question to ask when deciding whether to vote for a person is "Do they act in the best interests of the State as a whole or their party?" If the latter, then my advice is to vote against them even if the next person will do the same thing. The only weapon citizens have in this case is the power of the vote. If they keep rotating these politicians out of office then neither party can gain a substantial edge over time. Only by remaining in power can a party consolidate their power. Best to just vote the assholes out until someone who is honest and supported by an honest party can be voted in.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

What matters is what people think and I think most people are smart enough to figure out when a person can be trusted and when they cannot be trusted. The validation is in Trump's polls for the past 4 years. Honest is not a Trump strength and most Trump voters know it.
According to the Suffolk poll, of the 31 percent of Americans who believe Trump is honest and trustworthy, nearly two-thirds of them say Fox is their favorite news source. Among Fox-first viewers — who comprise about 25 percent of Americans in the survey — 78 percent say Trump is honest and trustworthy, while just 15 percent disagree.

The imbalance is even more striking when you look at people who don’t trust Fox News the most. Among the three-fourths of the population who don’t list Fox as their No. 1 news source, just 15 percent say Trump is honest and trustworthy, while nearly 80 percent say he is not.



They watch what tells them what they want to hear.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Agreed but not all. It works the same on the Left; they watch MSNBC or CNN for a comfort zone. Most, but not all.

I like PBS and BBC.

No marketing hype.

Just a dedication to the purpose at hand.

Publishing the news as a public service.
Trump has destroyed the trust in important organizations and institutions. He has made people distrust the military, the CDC, the FBI, the CIA, the FDA, WHO and now is wrecking the Supreme Court. Trump has wrecked American international respect. He has wrecked our respect from long, long time allies. In 4 years he has been a wrecker of America. Another 4 and we will have the United States of Trump.Rightys want that. They obviously have no respect for the American experiment. They are willing to let all we have created, die .