APP - The Electoral College is ripe for reform

you, again, are being an idiot as Damocles said. you seem to be intentionally ignoring how the USA works.

Your ignorance shines through with stunning clarity, not only in your failure to grasp the simple premise of my original post, but in the fact that you missed its entire purpose. I wasn’t discussing how the USA works—I was illustrating how it must change. That you can’t tell the difference speaks volumes about your ability to engage with anything more complex than your own misguided assumptions.
Your ignorance shines through with stunning clarity, not only in your failure to grasp the simple premise of my original post, but in the fact that you missed its entire purpose. I wasn’t discussing how the USA works—I was illustrating how it must change. That you can’t tell the difference speaks volumes about your ability to engage with anything more complex than your own misguided assumptions.
The problem is still on your end. You need to be explicit. Point to the specific language in the Constitution that must be changed, and then present the wording you believe it should be.
I think we should get rid of winner take all, and a nominee only takes earned electors, and that would help. I think taking unearned electors is undemocratic. We could do that with legislation, banning the practice, though it would be challenged on constitutional grounds. I think a liberal court would uphold the ban, but a conservative court wouldn't.
Not a lawyer, but if it's unconstitutional, why waste the time and money? Again, a Constitutional amendment would be near-impossible to ratify. Ergo, the States themselves have to make an internal change.
Not a lawyer, but if it's unconstitutional, why waste the time and money? Again, a Constitutional amendment would be near-impossible to ratify. Ergo, the States themselves have to make an internal change.

It's a grey area, subject to interpretation, which varies according to judicial philosophy.
It's a grey area, subject to interpretation, which varies according to judicial philosophy.
What's gray about it? The Constitution spells out the EC procedure along with the procedure on how to change the Constitution. It's there in black and white, not gray.